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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / What'd you do to him

What'd you do to him tradutor Francês

225 parallel translation
Well, I'd like to do him a favor if that's what you mean.
Je veux bien lui faire une faveur si c'est ce que vous voulez dire.
What do you think he'd say if I was to tell him where I found your guitar?
Et si je lui disais où j'ai trouvé ta guitare?
What'd you expect him to do, take it to the United Nations?
Tu voudrais peut-etre qu'il porte l'affaire devant l'ONU?
I'll take him to California where the sun shines 24 hours a day. I thought you'd get tired of England by now. What do you mean by that?
Je savais que tu te lasserais de l'Angleterre.
What'd you do to him back there in the dungeon?
Que lui avez-vous fait au donjon?
What would you expect him to do?
Que pouvait-il faire d'autre?
If you take care of his needs, and thus help Mr. Kusuda, I will ask him to forget all this and I shall continue to employ you, just as before. What do you say?
Si tu changes d'attitude à son égard pour mettre en valeur M. Kusuda, je lui demanderai de tout oublier et je continuerai de t'aider, comme avant.
What else do you want him to be doing?
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez qu'il fasse d'autres?
Or Sugar. What'd you do to him anyway?
Que lui avez-vous fait?
Frankly, I don't care what you do with Harry. Just as long as you don't bring him back to life.
Faites d'Harry ce qui vous plaît, mais ne le ramenez pas vivant.
What do you think, him walking in with Harry Worp's shoes in his hand and then that phone call to the police?
Qu'en penses-tu, qu'il entre avec les chaussures d'Harry Worp... en main et appelle la police?
What would you ask of me that I'd deny? Michael Cassio, that came a-wooing with you, and that so many a time hath ta'en your part - to have so much to do to bring him in! What!
Que pourriez-vous demander que je veuille vous refuser?
What do you think he'd do to you if we married this way... without me even meeting him?
Qu'est-ce qu'il te ferait si on se mariait comme ça, sans que je le connaisse?
- Celsa, what do you want him to do?
- Celsa, que peut-il faire d'autre?
What else do you want him to be?
Que veux-tu qu'il soit d'autre?
- If you were more educated and up-to-date, you would know that there are countries like Sweden and Finland where, if a woman can't take care of her child, you know what she can do? She can choose not to have him.
Si tu étais plus instruite et plus moderne, tu saurais que dans des pays civilisés, comme la Finlande, une femme qui ne peut subvenir aux frais d'un enfant... se débrouille pour ne pas l'avoir.
" What do you think he'd say if we were to tell him
"Mais que dirait-il si on lui apprenait..."
From what you know of him, you believe he'd have to be a little unhinged to do what he did?
Oui. Il fallait qu'il soit un peu détraqué pour faire pareille chose?
What'd you do to him?
Qu'est-ce que tu lui as fait?
Now look, the best thing for you to do is go straight to the Captain and tell him what happened.
Ecoutez, le mieux à faire... c'est d'aller droit chez le capitaine et de lui dire ce qui s'est passé.
You know, I used to tease Anacleto all the time about what I'd do to him if I got him in a battalion.
Tu sais, je taquinais tout le temps Anacleto sur ce que j'aurais fait s'il avait été dans l'armée.
What I want you to do, Miss Oryu, is take Fugushin and leave Dogo with him.
Écoutez, Oryu. Partez d'ici et emmenez Fugushin avec vous.
Now, you'd better start telling him what to do... or we're gonna be out of business.
Tu ferais mieux de commencer à lui dire ce qu'il doit faire ou nous nous retrouverons à la rue.
In your country, when a Negro dares to want a white woman, isn't this what you do to him?
D'où tu viens, quand un noir ose désirer une femme blanche, n'est-ce pas ce qu'on lui fait?
What'd you give him to do your chores?
Pourquoi il fait ta corvée?
I didn't want to sell him, but, I mean, what else could I do, you know?
Je ne voulais pas le vendre, mais que faire d'autre?
What were you planning to do about him, dear, besides just not telling me?
Quelles sont tes intentions? D'ailleurs tu ne me les dirais pas.
- What'd you do to him? - Kiss off. What do you care?
- Qu'est-ce que tu lui as fait?
- What'd you do to him? Nothing, nothing.
- Qu'est-ce que vous lui avez fait?
What Dave is trying to say, if you'd let him get a word through, - Is you could maybe do with some help.
Ce que David essaie de dire, si tu le laisses parler... c'est que tu pourrais peut-être avoir de l'aide.
You may join them and die with them, but first you will force him to do what he has to do.
Vous pouvez les rejoindre et mourir avec eux, mais d'abord forcez-le à faire ce qu'il doit faire.
He asked me what to do. I said maybe you'd cut a deal with him.
Il veut s'arranger avec vous.
What'd you do to him?
Qu'est-ce que vous lui faites?
- What the hell'd you do to him?
- Qu'est-ce que tu lui as fait?
If I asked them to kill him, you know what they'd do? Kill me.
Si je leur ordonnais de le tuer savez-vous ce qu'ils feraient?
Oh! What'd you do to him?
- Qu'est-ce que vous lui faites?
What are you gonna do? Bore him to death?
Pour le faire mourir d'ennui?
What do you think a.45 automatic would do to him from here?
Quels dégâts ferait un.45 d'ici?
What'd you do to him?
Que lui as-tu fait?
I think what I'd like to do is go over this with him on the phone in the morning and initial the changes and get the completed documents to you at that time.
Je préfère vérifier avec lui demain matin. On ajoutera les changements, et on vous fera parvenir les documents.
What do you want With him, sonny? I just have a very Important question I'd like to ask him.
Nous nous apprêtons à rendre l'âme de M. Jones... de M. Shoans, à Dieu.
"Tell you what, I'll pop down and do it to him for a bit, all right?"
"Tu sais quoi? je vais aller le voir, le faire avec lui, et je reviens, d'accord?"
I have to leave. What about him? What are you gonna do with him?
- Je dois partir d'ici.
Pay him a little something too. - What do you say to that?
On pourrait le garder tout l'été, si vous êtes d'accord.
Yeah, but what are you going to do with him in the meantime?
D'accord, mais que vas-tu en faire?
I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. - You did? What'd you do?
On a besoin de ce papier toilette.
So, what I'm gonna do is... ... I'm gonna go question this guy, even if it's just to rule him out. Meanwhile, I'd appreciate it if you'd take your attitude and shove it up your ass.
Que cela vous plaise ou non... je l'interrogerai, ne serait-ce que pour le disculper... et je vous saurais gré... de vous mettre votre attitude où je pense.
What'd you do to him? Hey, y'all, there's a dead man over here!
Qu'est-ce que vous lui avez fait?
Fuck, what'd you do to him?
- Putain, qu'est-ce que tu lui as fait?
What'd you do to him?
- Vous lui avez fait quoi?
What I'd like you to do is use that patented left hook on him.
Ce que je te demande, c'est de lui servir ton crochet du gauche breveté.

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