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What did i say to you tradutor Francês

353 parallel translation
What did I say to you just now?
Qu'est-ce que j'ai dit à l'instant?
Alice, what did I say to you the day Mr. Huntley hung that painting?
Que t'ai-je dit, le jour où M. Huntley a accroché ce tableau?
What did I say to you?
Que vous ai-je dit?
Children, what did I say to you?
Les enfants, qu'est ce que je vous ai dit?
What did I say to you?
Mais qu'ai-je dit?
I came to say thank you. Well, I don't know what you've heard or where, but I just did what I could do for my drama.
Je suis venu vous remercier.
- What did you say? - I was going to say- -
- Qu'est-ce que tu as dit?
What did I tell you, Rico? Didn't I say to make it clean?
Qu'est-ce que j'avais dit?
- What did you say? I said you wasn't goin to the Bella Union.
 Tu n'iras pas
Esmeralda... What did I say to hurt you?
EsméraIda, en quoi t'ai-je blessée?
Molly McCorkle, will you never learn to keep your big mouth shut? What did I say?
Molly McCorkle, apprendras-tu un jour à te taire?
When they're gone, you can't tell where. Or what the devil you did with them. But I believe I'll say now while there isn't time left for either of us to get any more embarrassed...
Maintenant, je vais te dire, le temps nous est compté
- What did you have to say? I know you're anxious to go, so I'll be brief.
Il fait beau, aussi je serai brève.
And what did you say to the girl, before I came out?
Et qu'as-tu dit à la jeune femme?
What did I say to offend you?
Qu'ai-je dit de mal?
Now that I see you, Gladys. I can't say what I intended to. I'd be lying if I did.
À présent que je vous vois, Gladys, je ne puis dire ce que je voulais.
Say, I meant to ask you... What did the old lady say when I told you this was my last fight?
Elle a réagi quand tu lui as dit que c'est mon dernier match?
What did you say to him? - I only told him the truth.
Seulement la vérité.
I don't know that i did, but if i did invite him to your clambake tonight... and if you did invite him, what did he say?
J'ai dû l'inviter à votre sauterie... Qu'a - t-il répondu?
Did you talk to him? Did you say what I told ya?
Tu as dit ce qu'il fallait?
I'll sit down and listen to them say that I'm insane because of what I did in Gander. And perhaps I am. I-I'm not sure, you know.
Je vais me rasseoir et les écouter dire que je suis fou à cause de Gander... et peut-être que je le suis.
What do you want me to say? That I did it?
Vous voulez des aveux?
That isn't what you used to say. You used to call me "that clumsy little scarecrow." - I did?
Auparavant, vous aviez l'habitude de m'appeler "l'épouvantail".
I don't mind what you have said, Mr Dawes But I wonder why did you find it necessary to say
Je ne suis pas fâché, mais je me demande pourquoi vous m'avez dit cela.
What I wanted to say is, if anything did happen to you, I'd die.
Ce que je voulais dire, c'est que s'il vous arrivait quelque chose, j'en mourrais.
- What did you say? - I said, with real dice, Big Jule cannot make a pass to save his soul.
Avec de vrais dés, Jules le Costaud ne pourra pas sauver son âme.
- But what did I say to hurt you?
Qu'ai-je dit? Rien...
No! You got no right to say no after what I did.
Vous n'avez pas le droit de dire non.
What did you think I was about to say?
Que pensais-tu que j'allais dire?
What I'm trying to say is... you did feel something, there with me.
Ce que j'essaie de vous dire, c'est... Vous avez ressenti quelque chose pour moi.
Say, you never did tell me what happened to me after I was knocked out.
Tu ne m'as pas dit ce qui s'est passé quand j'étais K.O.
And it was like i said to my late husband, you can... what did you say you were, dear?
Comme je répétais toujours à feu mon mari...
He wanted to know how I felt if my daughter sits in the classroom with a bunch of negros. What did you say?
Et bien il voulait savoir si ça nous dérangeait pas que notre fille aille en classe avec une bande de négros?
I did understand what you wanted to say, you know.
j'ai bien compris ce que tu voulais...
What did he say to you when I was not present?
Que t'a-t-il dit pendant que j'étais sorti de la pièce?
I just wanted to say what a good job you did on the defence.
Je voulais juste vous dire que vous avez fait du bon travail pour la défense.
I want to hear what you say happened, then we'll check what did happen.
Je vérifierai tout ce que vous me direz.
You've probably heard this so often that it's boring but I had to say how much I enjoyed what you did.
À force de l'entendre, ça doit vous assommer. J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites.
Did you hear what I had to say?
Tu as entendu ce que je t'ai dit?
What did you say, boss? - I wanted to die.
Qu'est-ce que vous dites, patron?
I know, as factory director, you had to say what you did.
Je sais, qu'étant directeur vous n'aviez pas pu dire autrement.
My pitch to you out there in the street... what did I say say that caused you to join us?
Lors du discours que je t'ai fait, qu'est-ce que j'ai dit qui t'a poussé à te joindre à nous?
But I think it's more appropriate that you say it to yourself, for trying to blame me for what you did.
tu peux très bien te le dire toi-même. tu veux me rendre responsable de ton choix.
Now, what did you want to say, fuck-head, huh? I'm sorry about this morning, all right?
T'as quelque chose à dire?
You... What did you want to say? I thought Shaolin Monks were reasonable
Pour un moine, vous n'avez guère de jugeote.
What I Want to say to you, Claudia, is that if you brought steven some happiness, and I know that you did, even at a great sacrifice to yourself, then I'M very grateful to you.
Ce que je veux vous dire, c'est que si vous avez apporté un peu de bonheur à Steven, et je sais que ce fut le cas, au prix d'un grand sacrifice, alors je vous suis reconnaissante.
My Führer, did you hear what I had to say to you?
Mon Führer, avez-vous entendu ce que je viens de vous dire?
Dorothy I just want to say I loved what you did in our scene. Welcome aboard!
But when I asked my kids... Kids, remember when I asked you where you wanted to go on vacation? What did you say?
Mais les enfants... quand je vous ai demandé où vous vouliez aller... qu'avez-vous répondu?
I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but what exactly did you say about me in group therapy?
Sans vouloir me montrer ingrat, qu'as-tu dit sur moi lors des séances de thérapie?
- What did you think I was going to say?
- Tu t'attendais à ce que je dise quoi?

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