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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / What were you doing there

What were you doing there tradutor Francês

829 parallel translation
What were you doing there?
Que faisiez-vous là?
- But what were you doing there?
- Mais que faisiez-vous là-bas?
What were you doing there?
Que faisiez-vous dans cette classe?
- What were you doing there?
Que faisais-tu?
- What were you doing there?
Qu'y faisais-tu?
Bill Smollett, what were you doing there?
Bill Smollett, que fais-tu ici?
What were you doing there?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais là-bas?
What were you doing there?
Qu'alliez-vous faire là-bas?
- Thanks. - What were you doing there?
Merci madame Que faisais-tu dehors?
What were you doing there?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais là?
Well, what were you doing there?
- Que faisais-tu là?
- What were you doing there?
- Quelle était la raison de ce voyage?
What were you doing there in the first place?
Que faisais-tu là?
You went there before me. Why did you hide at her place? What were you doing there?
Pourquoi t'es-tu caché chez elle?
- What were you doing there, Professor?
Que faisiez-vous là-bas, Professeur?
And what were you doing there, at Old Fort Point?
Que faisiez-vous au Old Fort Point?
What were you doing there?
Que faisiez-vous dehors?
What were you doing there?
Que faisiez - vous là-bas?
What were you doing there?
- Que faisiez-vous là-bas?
Renfield, what were you doing out there?
Renfield, qu'est-ce que vous faisiez là?
What were you doing up there?
que faisiez vous en haut?
What the devil were you doing out there?
Que faisiez-vous là-haut?
What were you doing out there?
- Que faisiez-vous là dehors?
- What were you doing there?
Le Bronx?
I didn't know you, we were alone there and before I knew what I was doing, I stepped on the gas.
Je ne vous connaissais pas, nous étions seuls et avant de réaliser, j'ai appuyé sur l'accélérateur.
By the way, Rassendyll what were you doing with the princess in there all that time?
Au fait, Rassendyll... Qu'avez-vous donc bien pu faire avec la Princesse pendant tout ce temps?
Uh, what were you doing talking to the unholy two over there?
Que faisais-tu là à parler à ces deux impies?
- All right, what were you doing out there?
- Que faisiez-vous là?
- What were you doing up there?
- Que faisiez-vous?
And so what were you doing out there in the water?
Qu'est-ce que vous faisiez dans l'eau? De la baignade?
What were you doing over there, kneeling in the rocks?
Que faisais-tu à genoux dans les rochers?
What were you doing in there, pal? Picking up souvenirs?
T'étais venu prendre quelques souvenirs?
- What were you doing out there?
Que faisiez-vous perché?
What were you doing down there?
- Que faisais-tu en bas?
What were you doing out there?
Que faisiez-vous là?
Basement? And what were you doing down there?
Qu'est-ce que tu y faisais?
What were you doing up there?
Tu faisais quoi, la-bas?
What were you doing there?
Que faisiez-vous?
- What were you doing down there today?
Et aujourd'hui?
What were you doing down there?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais?
Edouard! What were you doing in there?
Edouard, qu'est-ce que tu faisais là?
What were you doing in there? Owens was an old friend of my family.
Owens était un vieil ami de ma famille.
- Tell me what you were doing there.
- Qu'etiez-vous venu faire ici?
- What were you doing in there?
- Que faisiez-vous là?
I do not ask you what you were doing there.
Et toi, qu'y faisais-tu?
What were you doing there?
Qu'y faisiez-vous?
What did you think you were doing out there?
Où comptais-tu aller comme ça?
What were you doing in there all alone?
Que fais-tu là toute seule?
What the devil were you doing out there?
Vous lambiniez ou quoi?
- What were you doing out there?
- Que faisiez-vous dehors?
What were you doing down there?
Que faisais-tu avec eux?

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