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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / What were you thinking of

What were you thinking of tradutor Francês

169 parallel translation
What were you thinking of?
A quoi pensiez-vous?
- You weren't thinking of taking him? - What were you thinking of?
- Tu penses pas à le ruiner, n'est-ce pas?
What were you thinking of doing for her?
- Si. À quoi pensais-tu?
What were you thinking of?
Qu'avais-tu en tête?
What were you thinking of as you stood there?
À quoi pensais-tu?
What were you thinking of at that moment?
A quoi pensiez-vous à ce moment précis?
But what were you thinking of doing?
Qu'aviez-vous prévu?
And what were you thinking of precisely?
Qu'aviez-vous en tête?
What were you thinking of?
Tu t'attendais à quoi?
As the girls were jumping the creek what were you thinking of?
Pendant que les jeunes filles traversaient le ruisseau, à quoi pensiez-vous?
What were you thinking of?
À quoi pensiez-vous?
- What were you thinking of?
- Qu'est-ce qui t'est passé par la tête?
- What were you thinking of?
- Qu'est-ce que vous pensiez?
What were you thinking of making such a stupid scene?
- Pourquoi cette scène? - Ce voyou...
What were you thinking of?
A quoi vous pensez?
What were you thinking of?
Qu'est-ce qui t'a pris?
What were you thinking of, going in for another one?
T'es pas bien d'en vouloir un autre!
What were you thinking of?
A quoi songeais-tu?
Luca, what were you thinking of?
Luca, qu'avais-tu en tête?
Ah, yes. If you were thinking of signing from the start, what was your reason for calling me?
What were you thinking of?
A quoi pensais-tu?
Was that what you were thinking of all afternoon when we were being so very reasonable?
C'est à ça que tu pensais cet après-midi - quand tu faisais le raisonnable?
Of what were you thinking?
À quoi pensiez-vous?
The chances of having the kid were 100-to-1. She kept thinking about what was happening to you.
Elle aurait dû être mère, mais elle s'inquiétait pour toi.
I was only thinking of myself, not what you were going through.
Je pensais à moi, pas à ce que tu subissais.
What sort of things were you thinking, Mary?
À quoi as-tu réfléchi?
What target were you thinking of for tomorrow?
A quelle cible pensiez-vous pour demain?
What were you thinking of?
Je pensais :
It was quite clear what it was about... and who you were thinking of.
On ne pouvait pas se tromper sur le sujet, .. ni à qui vous pensiez!
You were just thinking of what your mother and father would feel... If they saw one of those photographs of us.
Tu pensais juste à ce que tes parents ressentiraient s'ils voient une de ces photos de nous.
I mean, if you were thinking of discussing with the vicar what we've been discussing,
N'allez pas raconter au curé ce dont nous avons parlé. Croyez-moi.
I'm not really worried about my waistline if that's what you were thinking. You are like another young friend of mine, always worried about your waistline.
Si je vous montre où trouver cette plaque, pourra-t-on se mettre d'accord, pour les figurines et la plaque?
Of me? What were you thinking?
Et tu me voyais comment?
What were you thinking of?
That's what you were thinking of, wasn't it? A bed?
Vous pensiez à ça, avouez!
What the deuce were you thinking of?
Que diable aviez-vous en tête?
How much were you thinking of? What were you expecting to earn?
A votre avis, combien... devriez-vous gagner?
Ah, yes, and what price were you thinking of paying, sir?
Et quel prix pensez-vous mettre?
What the hell were you thinking of?
Tu as perdu la tête?
If one day, for some reason or another, I were to do what you were thinking of, you would never be the one.
Si un jour, pour une raison ou une autre je faisais ce que vous pensez si jamais vous étiez seul....
Goofed up? What the hell were you thinking of?
A quoi pensais-tu?
What sort of food were you thinking of?
Quelle sorte de nourriture? Des fruits...
- What were you thinking of?
- Non.
What the hell were you thinking of?
Mais à quoi tu pensais?
What were you thinking of?
- Mais à quoi tu pensais?
You said this morning you were thinking of sending him something... but didn't know what.
Vous m'avez dit ce matin que vous pensiez lui envoyer quelque chose, mais vous ne saviez pas quoi.
What size order were you thinking of, as of here and now, Hildebrand?
Quel ordre de taille pensiez-vous, en tant que l'ici et maintenant, Hildebrand?
I was thinking of you the other day. Wondering what you were doing.
L'autre jour, je me demandais ce que tu faisais.
So please, go ahead and tell me what you were thinking because I think about it every minute of every day.
Alors s'il te plaît, dis-moi ce que tu penses, parce que moi, j'y pense à chaque instant.
What expression were you thinking of?
T'avais quelle expression en tête?
As for the rest of you, - [Microphone Turns Off] - what were you thinking?
Quant aux autres... qu'est-ce qui vous a pris?

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