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Whelan tradutor Francês

341 parallel translation
Here is Grover Whelan unveiling the Trylon
lci, c'est Grover Whelan Inaugurant le Trylon
And this is Whelan, Labor Relations Counselor for one of the bigger interests in the Islands.
Voici Whelan, il fait la relation avec les syndicats pour les hautes instances des îles.
I'm well aware of your activities, Mr. Whelan.
Je suis au courant de vos activités.
And Whelan, Rudolph, Clark, Warner.
Et Whelan, Rudolph, Clark, Warner.
So, you're Elizabeth Turner, and you're Roger Whelan.
Alors, vous êtes Elizabeth Turner, et vous, Roger Whelan.
My publisher, Chuck Whelan, Dr. Anita Borden.
Mon éditeur, Chuck Whelan. Le Dr Anita Borden.
I will mention a man's name, Charles Whelan.
Je dirai le nom d'un homme, Charles Whelan.
Mr. Charles Whelan, please.
M. Charles Whelan, s'il vous plaît.
Oh, Lieutenant Columbo, this is Chuck Whelan.
Inspecteur Columbo, voici Chuck Whelan.
Some of these people are stars. But Arnold Stang, Jill Whelan,
Mais Arnold Stang, Jill Whelan, Linwood Boomer?
Father Whelan, you can move faster than that!
Père Whelan, vous pouvez bouger plus vite que ça!
The other two men on the hunting trip with Admiral Clancy were Deputy Defense Secretary Mitchell Schoenfeld and Rear Admiral Paul Whelan.
Avec l'amiral Clancy se trouvaient le secrétaire adjoint à la Défense Mitchell Schoenfeld et le contre-amiral Paul Whelan.
Sir, are you saying that Admiral Whelan or Deputy Secretary Schoenfeld could have murdered Admiral Clancy?
Insinuez-vous que l'amiral Whelan ou que Schoenfeld aurait pu l'assassiner?
You know, I never liked your methods, Whelan.
Je n'ai jamais aimé vos méthodes, Whelan.
Oh, and, A.J., keep in mind Admiral Whelan's also on that list.
Et A.J., l'amiral Whelan est aussi sur cette liste.
Admiral Whelan was found in his driveway, stabbed to death.
L'amiral Whelan a été retrouvé devant chez lui, poignardé à mort.
Whelan and Clancy served on the same ship.
Whelan et Clancy ont servi sur le même navire.
I wanna know every scrap of information they dig up on the Whelan homicide.
Je veux savoir tout ce qu'ils trouvent sur le meurtre de Whelan.
Ma'am, we have reason to believe your husband's death may be linked with Admiral Whelan's homicide.
Nous pensons que la mort de votre mari est liée au meurtre de l'amiral Whelan.
- Was Whelan in on it?
- Whelan était-il complice?
You knew Whelan hated Bill Clancy.
Whelan détestait Clancy.
The two of you put it together, and then you took Whelan out so he couldn't incriminate you.
Vous avez tout préparé et vous avez tué Whelan pour qu'il ne vous accuse pas.
Commander, what was the name of the destroyer that Clancy and Whelan were on?
Comment s'appelait le destroyer sur lequel étaient Clancy et Whelan?
Clancy was skipper, Whelan was XO.
Clancy était commandant, Whelan était second.
Him and that Whelan, and you, admiral.
Lui et Whelan, et vous, amiral.
And you murdered Whelan.
Et vous avez tué Whelan.
As I understand it, Mr. Tolar over there came in about two hours ago ordered a bottle of Whelan bitters.
M. Tolar est arrivé il y a deux heures et il a commandé une bière whelan.
Hi, I'm Debra Whelan.
Je m'appelle Debra Whelan.
Have you ever heard of Whelan's infraction?
Vous connaissez le syndrome de Whalen?
In any schizophrenic... these areas would be affected... but in someone with Whelan's... they're hit hard, and they're hit fast.
Chez un schizophrène, ces zones seraient affectées. Mais en cas de syndrome de Whalen, ça frappe fort et vite.
You were dealing drugs to Professor Whelan?
Ne me dis pas que tu vends de la drogue au professeur Whalen?
In memory of Father Gerardo Whelan,
A la mémoire du Père Gerardo Whelan,
" Denise, take Holly to Whelan's, my favorite pub.
" Denise, emmène Holly au Whelan, mon pub préféré.
Liam Whelan.
Liam Wheelan.
This is Dawn Whelan.
Voici Dawn Whelan.
Father of the last victim, katy... 7 years old, promised to kill mcteer on release.
Dreyer Whelan... Père de la dernière victime, Katy... 7 ans, il a promis de tuer McTeer à sa libération.
Thanks for coming in and helping us out, Mr. Whelan.
Merci d'être venu et de nous aider, Mr. Whelan.
Mr. Whelan.
Mr. Whelan.
It's your mate Sergeant Whelan.
C'est ton gars, Sergent Whelan.
- And that little get Sergeant Whelan, you can tell him to stay right out of my way cos I've had enough of him.
- Et ce petit Sergent Whelan, vous pouvez lui dire de rester hors de ma vie parce que j'en ai assez de lui.
Colin Whelan.
Colin Whelan.
- Steve Whelan.
- Steve Whelan.
- I spoke to Steve Whelan's wife recently.
- J'ai parlé à la femme de Steve Whelan dernièrement.
His name is Steve Whelan.
Il s'appelle Steve Whelan.
Male adult driver believed to be Steven Whelan, approximately 28 years.
Le conducteur est un homme a priori identifié comme Steven Whelan, âgé d'environ 28 ans.
Think you'll be done in time, Professor Whelan?
Vous aurez fini, Pr Whelan?
Hi, Ms. Whelan.
Bonjour, Mme Whelan.
My name is Professor Moira Whelan.
Je suis le Pr Maura Whe pisse n.
My name is Professor Moira Whelan and I've got something of yours.
Je suis le Pr Maura Whe pisse n. J'ai un objet qui vous appartient.
She said he couldn't live without money, so he would find someone else, you know, a woman who could support him.
Une semaine avant sa mort, Jack Sinclair a appelé le cabinet d'avocat Lockhart, Whelan et Benton.
Charles Whelan.
Charles Whelan?

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