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When you think about it tradutor Francês

862 parallel translation
Funny kind of job when you think about it.
Un drôle de boulot, quand on y pense à froid, sans faire de température.
When you think about it, Mr. Kane, the competence of totalitarian nations is much higher than ours.
Quand on y réfléchit, M. Kane, Ies compétences des nations totalitaires sont bien plus élevées que les nôtres.
And yet, a calf a simple calf, with one head, such as yours or mine... It's very strange, in fact inexplicable, when you think about it.
Et pourtant, un veau un simple veau, avec une sale tête, comme vous et moi c'est bien étrange, bien inexplicable, quand on y pense.
Does it ever bother you when you think about it?
Ça vous travaille, parfois?
It's funny when you think about it.
C'est bizarre quand on y pense.
When you think about it, you've got to let it go.
Si on y réfléchit bien, on doit l'arrêter.
Marriage is really tedious when you think about it.
Le mariage exige des compromis.
It seems simple at first, but it's not, when you think about it.
Elle semble facile, mais ne l'est pas si on y réfléchit bien.
When you think about it, there's a common thread running through these strange events.
Quand on y réfléchit, il y a un élément qui relie tous ces incidents inexpliqués.
[Sucks Teeth] Still, it's puzzling when you think about it I m...
C'est déroutant, quand on y pense bien.
And when you think about it, son maybe it was our fault too in a way.
Et à la réflexion, fils... peut-être est-ce aussi notre faute... dans un sens.
In fact, when you think about it the idea of two guys making decisions for 20 million people is pretty funny.
Quand on y pense... l'idée de deux gars prenant les décisions pour 20 millions de gens... c'est assez drôle.
And, when you think about it, everything for nothing.
Quand on y réfléchit, on réalise que tout est inutile...
When you think about it, you was pretty fuckin'lucky.
Si t'y penses, t'as eu une sacrée veine.
It's just an insert, but... it's kind of funny when you think about it, you know what I mean?
- Je sais, ce n'est qu'un insert, mais... c'est curieux quand on y pense, vous me suivez?
But when you think about it, you wouldn't want the weight of a damn place like this.
Mais quand on y pense, qui a envie de se charger d'une ferme?
Rather tragic when you think about it.
Plutôt tragique quand on y pense.
It's all lies. When you think about it, though, it'd be perfectly natural if something happened.
Dis-le-moi, je ne me fâcherai pas.
I mean, when you think about it and consider that your feelings of love begin when you're about 10 and if you live to, say, 70 well, that's pretty limiting, because what chance is there that he'll be alive at the same time you are?
Je veux dire, quand tu y penses et considère que tes sentiments amoureux commencent quand tu as 10 ans et si tu vis, disons, 70 ans bien, c'est assez limité ; car quelles sont tes chances qu'il soit vivant en même temps que toi?
And when you think about it... it's really ridiculous.
Si on y pense, c'est ridicule.
When you think about it, why should he care one whit about the Takeda clan?
D'ailleurs, pourquoi se soucierait-il du clan Takeda.
It's rather disgusting when you think about it, but yes.
C'est plutôt dégoûtant, mais si.
And when you think about it, I should have longed for her, shouldn't I?
En conséquence, j'aurais dû avoir envie d'elle.
But when you think about it, there was something base about her.
Malgré tout, en y réfléchissant, avec Ida, c'était profond.
When you think about it, everything in life's so funny.
Tu vois, tout est si étrange dans la vie.
Why do you think he should lie about himself when it meant he would be killed?
pourquoi aurait-il dû mentir sur lui-même et annoncer sa propre mise á mort?
And what do you think will happen when the rest of your creditors hear about it and come down on Armand Duval for your debts?
Et si vos créanciers se rabattent sur Armand Duval?
When you're doing it for bread and butter you don't think much about it, sonny.
Quand on le fait pour beurrer son pain, on n'y pense pas trop, petit.
You know, it doesn't seem possible, when you stop to think about it, that they're not here anymore, and they're not gonna be.
Ça paraît impossible qu'il ne soit plus là, plus jamais là...
But the trouble is... it doesn't feel good when you think about things like that. I mean, like they really are.
On est triste quand on pense aux choses... comme elles sont réellement.
Write what's in your heart, and when you write about it, think about it.
Pensez très fort à ce que vous écrivez.
- Then think of it when you're talking about communities! We're all in a community, the same one!
Alors ne parlez pas de communauté.
Pretty humiliating too... when you let yourself think about it.
C'est assez humiliant aussi quand on y pense.
But when he's got a wife and three children to support... and his job's all he's got... what do you think he ought to do about it then?
Mais quand on a une famille et son emploi pour toute ressource, que veux-tu qu'on fasse?
Just an idea, you can think about it when you're in a little better humor.
Juste une idée... Vous y penserez quand vous serez de meilleure humeur.
You know, Johnny, when I think about it, I actually get sick.
Quand j'y pens, Johnny. J'ai la nausée.
She's got a lot of right, when you think about it.
Elle a raison dans le fond, quand on y réfléchit.
Why do you think he should lie about himself when it meant he would be killed?
pourquoi aurait-il dû mentir sur lui-même et annoncer sa propre mise à mort?
But when you stop to think about it, a lot of husbands aren't given the consideration and love of the average dog.
Mais quand on y réfléchit, un tas de maris ne reçoivent pas... l'attention et l'amour qu'on donne à un chien.
When you really miss it, if you think about it too much you could have a little wine with your meal. Half a glass.
- Si ça te manquait vraiment, si t'y pensais trop, tu pourrais reprendre un peu de vin au repas, un demi-verre.
Think about it and be ready with you answers when we return.
Pensez-y et que vos réponses soient prêtes quand je reviendrai.
Now I think about it, he disappeared just when they brought you... that box as a surprise.
Maintenant je me rappelle qu'elle a disparu quand on a apporté... cette belle boîte surprise.
Butsince it's notsomething I usually think about I'm thinking so hard about it now, but for instance, when you feel it's time for sex when you think now I need sex...
Mais puisqu il s'ajit d'un sujet auquel je n'ai pas l'habitude de réfléchir : : : J'y réfléchis beaucoup à cet instant mais : : : Par exemple, au moment où tu a un accès de libido : : :
It's hard to think on those terms when you're talking about something like this. Financially, this is a disaster.
Si on considère les choses sous cet angle... c'est un désastre.
I know it's shocking... shocking when you think about suicide.
C'est vraiment choquant de penser au suicide.
Think about it, and when you get out... you'II have grown.
Pensez-y, et quand vous sortirez vous aurez grandi.
Effectivement, si on y réfléchit.
When I think about you and Nola... and this sweet child having to go through the same heartaches we went through... it's enough to make you cry.
Penser que Nola, vous et cette enfant, vous devez passer par où on est passés, c'est à pleurer.
And when the clear day comes and you draw, light, near to the rock... it is too beautiful still to think about it.
Et quand vient le jour clair et tu t'approches légère du rocher, c'est trop beau pour y penser encore.
I didn't really think about it, but... When I told my father about your visit to school. He remembered you!
Je n'y avais pas pensé, quand j'ai raconté votre venue à l'école à mon père il s'est souvenu de vous.
You know. when you really think about it. there isn't anything sexual about it.
Vous savez, quand on y pense, il n'y a rien de vulgaire là-dedans.

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