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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Where did you find it

Where did you find it tradutor Francês

316 parallel translation
Where did you find it? - You know the main staircase in the opera? - Yes.
En haut de l'escalier de l'Opéra, il y a un palier qui donne sur le foyer, puis une petite niche.
Where did you find it?
Où l'as-tu trouvé?
- Come on. Where did you find it?
- Where did you find it?
- Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
Where did you find it?
Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
Where did you find it?
Et où?
Where did you find it?
- Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
- Where did you find it?
- Où l'avez-vous trouvée?
- Where did you find it?
- Où était-il?
This is a honey. Where did you find it?
Où l'as-tu trouvé?
Where did you find it?
Where did you find it?
O  EI'avez-vous trouvée?
- Where did you find it?
- Où avez-vous trouvé ça?
Well, where did you find it?
- Où l'as-tu trouvé?
It belongs to Marielba. Where did you find it?
Oui, il est à Marielba.
Where did you find it?
Où l'as-tu trouvée?
Where did you find it, in some deserted galley?
Oû est-ce qu'il y a des gâteaux ici?
Where did you find it?
où l'a t'il trouvé?
Where did you find it?
- Oú l " avez-vous trouvé?
Where did you find it, Jeremy?
Où l'avez-vous trouvé, Jeremy?
- Where did you find it?
- Où l'as-tu trouvé?
- Where did you find it?
- Où l'as-tu trouvée?
- Where did you find it?
- Vous l'avez trouvée où?
- Where did you find it?
Où l'avez-vous trouvée?
"Where did you find it?"
"Où l'as-tu trouvé?"
Where did you find it, somewhere about the village?
Où l'avez-vous trouvée, prés du village?
Fabius Leto Cesonius. - Where did you find it?
- Fabien Lethos Esonius.
Exactly where did you find it?
Mais où l'as-tu trouvé, exactement?
And where did you find it? Eh?
Et où tu l'as trouvé?
But, Josh, that's it. Where did you find it?
Où l'avez-vous trouvée?
- Where did you find it?
- Où tu l'as trouvée? - On me l'a donnée.
Where did you find it?
- une fille? - Les deux.
- Where did you find it?
- Oû t'as trouvé ça?
- Where did you find it?
Elle était où?
Where did you find it?
- Où était-elle?
Where did you find it?
Où avez-vous trouvé le "docteur"?
It's the Jane's one, where did you find it?
C'est celui de Jane, où l'avez-vous trouvé?
Where did you find it?
C'est une basse imitation.
It's a piece you take out of the motor so a boat won't start. Where did you find that?
Quoi, ça? C'est un truc qu'on enlève au moteur d'un bateau pour qu'on le vole pas.
You phone the cops and do'em a favor, where to find a dead cop and the guy that did it, and what happens...
S'il appelle la police pour leur dire où le flic a été tué et le type qui l'a fait qu'arrivera-t-il?
It's hardly in the best of taste, but I did have to find a place where you wouldn't be known.
Tout est si laid... mais on ne nous connaît pas, ici.
Where did you find it?
Ou as-tu pris ça?
Did you examine where it happened? Did you find any leads?
Vous avez trouvé des indices sur place?
Mike, that's wonderful. Where did you find it?
C'est superbe.
- Where did you find it?
Et, vous l'avez trouvé où?
Where did you find it, Teresa?
Où l'avez-vous trouvée, Teresa?
Well, if that's where they did find it... you wouldn't expect them to just forget about you, would you?
C'est bien là qu'il l'a trouvée... Ne feriez-vous rien? Attendriez-vous finalement que l'on vous oublie?
Rog, I can't find that main valve. - Where did you say it was in the kitchen?
Je ne trouve pas le robinet dans la cuisine.
- Is it true you discovered Gloria? - Where did you find her?
Où avez-vous découvert Gloria?
Where did I put my coach? - You didn't find it?
Où ai-je mis mon carrosse?
Where did you find it?

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