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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Where did you get this

Where did you get this tradutor Francês

1,394 parallel translation
Where did you get this?
Ça vient d'où?
- Where did you get this?
- Où t'as trouvé ça?
Where did you get this stuff?
Ou as tu trouvé ça?
Where did you get this?
Où avez-vous eu ça?
- Where did you get this coat?
- D'où vient ce manteau?
- Where did you get this?
- Où as-tu eu ca?
- Young man, where did you get this toad?
Où as-tu trouvé ce crapaud?
- Where did you get this?
- Où l'as-tu achetée?
Where did you get this?
Où t'as trouvé ça?
Where did you get this?
Où as-tu eu ça?
Where did you get this stuff?
D'où sortez-vous ça?
Where did you get this?
D'où ça sort?
- Where did you get this stocking?
- D'où vient ce bas?
Where did you get this camera?
Où as-tu eu cette caméra?
Where did you get this, Adam?
Où as-tu trouvé ça, Adam?
Where did you get this?
Ou avez-vous eu ça?
Do you understand me? Where did you get this?
ça, ou l'avez-vous trouvé?
You know, where did you get this whole self-righteous thing?
Dis moi, où est ce que tu as trouvé ce sens moral toi?
- I am not! Then where did you get this bike?
Alors, d'où tu sors ce vélo?
But where did you get this?
Mais où donc l'avez-vous trouvée?
Where did you get this car?
Où as-tu eu cette voiture?
Where did you get this?
D'où tiens-tu cela?
Where did you get this jacket?
D'où vient-elle?
Where did you get this?
Où l'as-tu trouvé?
But where did you get this stuff?
Mais où as-tu eu ce bazar?
Where did you get this?
Où tu l'as eu?
- Where did you get this?
- Où tu as eu ça?
Tina, where did you get this?
Tina, où as tu trouvé ça?
Where did you get this?
Où l'avez-vous trouvé?
- Where did you get this?
- Où avez-vous trouvé ça?
Boys, where did you get this?
Les garçons, vous avez trouvé ça où?
- Where did you get this?
- Où as-tu eu ça?
- Where did you get this?
Ou vous l'avez eu?
Where did you get this?
Je ne sais pas. Où avez-vous eu ça?
Where did you get this from?
Où avez-vous eu ça?
Where did you get this?
D'où est-ce que tu sors ça?
- Where did you get this?
Ou as tu eu cela?
- Where did you get all this?
- Comment as-tu eu tout ça?
- Where did you get this?
- D'où ça sort?
I- - I don't know how to say this. but... where did you get the... snow globes?
Ok, Val. Je- - Je sais pas comment dire ça, mais... Où as-tu eu... les boules à neige?
Where did you get this wild deer from?
Venez et parlons en privé.
Everyone was laughing at you. Where did you get this from?
Où est le citron?
From where did you get the cash to buy this house? Come on, tell me.
Where did you get all this money?
D'où est-ce que tu as eu tout ça?
Where did you get all this stuff?
Où avez-vous eu tout ça?
- Where did you get all this furniture?
- Où as-tu eu tous ces meubles?
Where did you get this crazy idea? !
Ca vient d'ocette idee, imbecile!
Where did you get this?
Où as-tu trouvé ça?
Mrs. Bing, this tile cleaner is incredible. Where did you get it?
Mme Bing, ce produit pour nettoyer le carrelage est incroyable.
Where did you get this?
Où avez-vous trouvé ça?
Where did you go to school, Don Rickles Junior High? Anyway, this was my big chance to get in with the cool kids.
C'était vraiment bien.

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