Wherever you're going tradutor Francês
112 parallel translation
You get on your bicycle and peddle along wherever you're going.
Enfourchez votre vélo et allez où vous voulez.
Oh, Jim, take me wherever you're going.
Jim, emmenez-moi avec vous.
Wherever you're going.
- Où tu vas.
Well, wherever you're going, here's a sock you left and it's got a hole in it.
Où que tu ailles, tu as oublié un bas et il est troué.
Well, I'm sure you both want to get to wherever you're going.
Il est temps que vous repreniez votre chemin...
- Wherever you're going.
- Là où tu iras.
All right. I'll drive you home or wherever you're going then.
Je te ramène à la maison ou là oû tu voudras, alors.
We're going to take you with us wherever we go.
On va t'emmener partout avec nous.
Well, wherever you're going, I might as well keep you company, mightn't I?
Je pourrais vous tenir compagnie, qu'est-ce que vous en dites?
Get wherever you're going, but for goodness sake come to close quarters with the Hun.
Et pour l'amour du ciel, tâchez de vous retrouver face aux boches!
But now I'm going to go your way... and we'll go to Africa or wherever... and you're gonna keep on working, and I'm gonna be working right beside you.
Mais maintenant, je vais aller dans ta direction et nous partirons en Afrique ou je ne sais où, et tu continueras à travailler, et je travaillerai à tes côtés.
You're going to take it out from wherever it is right now.
Vous allez le sortir de là où il est tout de suite.
I think I better escort you wherever you're going.
Où que vous alliez, je vous escorte.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Mais cela paraît si banal. Alors, on va plutôt partir vers Jersey... enfin là où on peut... se marier... et le faire.
- To make sure you get wherever you're going.
- Vous en êtes sûre? Oui.
Wherever you're going, you better walk.
Vous avez intérêt à marcher.
Have a good trip to wherever you're going.
Fais bon voyage où que tu ailles.
I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you're going.
Je peux vous conduire à Anchorhead, et de là on vous emmènera à Mos Eisley ou ailleurs.
Good-bye. Okay. Good luck, wherever you're going.
Bonne chance, où que vous alliez.
You know, Yogi, when we get to wherever it is we're going I'll kill you.
Yogi, quand on sera arrivés, où que ce soit, je te tuerai!
- Wherever you're going, Lem.
- Là où tu vas, Lem.
Oh, you might get to Berlin or Constantinople, maybe even Hong Kong, wherever you're going, but one day you'll turn the wrong corner and :
Vous pourriez aller à Berlin ou Constantinople, peut-être même à Hong Kong, peu importe où, un jour vous serez au mauvais endroit et...
- Wherever you're going.
- Là où tu t'apprêtes à aller.
So wherever you're going, I'm going.
Alors là où tu vas, j'y vais aussi.
Wherever you're going, it's probably for the best.
Tu fais sans doute bien de partir.
But I'll be glad to take you wherever you're going.
Mais je vous emmène où vous voulez.
Well, wherever you're going, take me with you.
je vous accompagne.
She's sailing you wherever you're going.
Elle vous emmène là où vous allez.
Keep the pics to remember me by when I'm in tangiers and you're wherever you're going.
Vraiment? Tu sais quoi? Garde les photos comme souvenir quand je serai à Tanger et que tu seras là où tu as dit que tu serais.
Wherever you decide, that's where we're going to go.
Tu choisis le restaurant, nous irons là où tu l'auras décidé.
And you, go shoot pool with your brother... or wherever the hell you're going.
Et toi, vas à la piscine avec ton frère... ou n'importe où d'autre.
Wherever you're going, would you have dinner with me first?
Où que tu ailles, je peux t'inviter à dîner avant?
Well, wherever you're going, I hope to Christ you get there!
"Où qu'on aille, l'essentiel est d'y arriver!"
You get back to wherever it is you're going... maybe you should find yourself a better class of guy.
Vas où tu étais en train d'aller... tu te trouveras peut-être un gars un peu mieux.
Now look. Wherever you're going with this, it's all over now.
Je ne sais pas où tu veux en venir, mais cette affaire est close.
I'm going wherever you're going. Wow.
Moi, je vais... où tu vas.
Wherever you're going with this, you're wrong.
Je sais pas où tu veux en venir, mais tu te trompes.
You're going home and I'll meet you there. Or you're going wherever you were going... What are you talking about?
Rentre à la maison, je te retrouve.
Wherever you're going, I'm going your way...
Où qu'on aille, on le fera à ta façon...
I won't make stupid threats but you're not going to run away with this guy because wherever you go, I can follow you... even if it's to the woods in New Hampshire.
Ne prends pas ça comme une menace, mais tu ne fuiras pas avec lui car où que tu ailles, je te suivrai. Jusque dans les bois du New Hampshire.
I just wanted you to know wherever you're going or whatever you're doing right now I want you to know that I wanted to kiss you just then.
Je voulais juste que tu saches... Peu importe où tu ailles, ou ce que tu fasses maintenant. Je voulais que tu saches que j'ai juste envie de t'embrasser, maintenant.
When they catch you, wherever they catch you... they're going to subdue you.
Quand ils vous attraperont, où qu'ils vous attrapent... ils vont vous le faire payer.
I'm taking you wherever you're going.
Je t'emmènerai partout où tu voudras aller.
So have fun tonight, wherever you're going.
Amuse-toi ce soir, où que tu ailles.
Why don't you have federal counsel meet us wherever we're going?
Et si un avocat fédéral nous retrouvait là où on va?
Look, I have the most important dinner of my life tonight so wherever we're going, you know we just have to be home by 6.
Écoute, j'ai le plus important dîner de ma vie ce soir, alors quelque soit l'endroit où on va, il faut juste que je sois chez moi pour 18h.
But if you get on that plane and you go to Cincinnati... or Tanzania or wherever you're going, we'll never know if it could've been something more.
Mais si tu prends cet avion et si tu vas à Cincinnati... ou en Tanzanie ou quelle que soit ta destination... nous ne saurons jamais si ça aurait pu être beaucoup plus.
Try not to get stuck wherever you're going.
Fais gaffe où tu mets les pieds.
No no- - you know, we always get to wherever we're going on time. But when it's time for us to leave, you always like to talk to everybody one last time because you're so sweet and sociable.
Non non... tu sais, on arrive toujours à l'heure partout, mais quand c'est l'heure de rentrer, tu aimes parler à tout le monde une dernière fois car tu es tellement gentille et sociable.
Wherever we been, I can tell you where we're going.
Peut importe d'où on vient, je peux vous dire où on va.
Oh, uh, well, look, wherever you're going, if you're in a hurry, I could give you a ride, and, um, then maybe I could come back here or pick you up wherever, and I could take you to lunch or - - or dinner.
Ecoute, où que tu ailles si tu es pressé, je t'emmène, et peut-être que je pourrais revenir ou te reprendre, et je pourrais t'emmener déjeuner ou dîner.
you're going the wrong way 74
you're going to die 99
you're going to hell 34
you're going to be a father 17
you're going too fast 33
you're going to lose 24
you're going down 158
you're going to kill me 26
you're going to be okay 102
you're going to jail 90
you're going to die 99
you're going to hell 34
you're going to be a father 17
you're going too fast 33
you're going to lose 24
you're going down 158
you're going to kill me 26
you're going to be okay 102
you're going to jail 90
you're going to love this 34
you're going to be great 24
you're going to 51
you're going to school 20
you're going to love it 23
you're going with me 25
you're going to be late 44
you're going to be fine 119
you're going 312
you're going home 128
you're going to be great 24
you're going to 51
you're going to school 20
you're going to love it 23
you're going with me 25
you're going to be late 44
you're going to be fine 119
you're going 312
you're going home 128