While i was there tradutor Francês
562 parallel translation
I mean, that is to say, while I was there.
Sur place, bien sûr.
Someone came to pawn a watch while I was there.
Quelqu'un, pour une montre.
While I was there, I happened on a very unfortunate case - one that links us together again... quite logically now.
Là-bas, j'ai rencontré une personne gravement malade. Elle nous réunit à nouveau, ce qui est dans la logique des choses.
While I was there, Miss Porter came in. She'd been there before.
Pendant que j'étais là, Miss Porter est venue... avec sa clé.
Weren't you there while i was there?
N'étiez-vous pas là tandis que j'y étais?
That is to say, while I was there.
Bien que prendre des bains ne me ferait pas de mal!
And there was always someone present while I was there.
Et il y avait toujours quelqu'un quand j'y étais.
They opened the telegram while I was there.
J'ai entendu ce que disait le télégramme.
- The crime happened while I was there.
- On l'a tuée quand j'y étais.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ces hommes étaient... vous pourriez dire "invités"... On se réunissait pour faire les fous et chanter... parce qu'on passait des moments supers... et on se faisait toujours plaisir en chantant : "Le rock du bagne".
And while I was there, a curious thing happened that I think you might be interested in.
Et pendant que j'étais dehors, il m'est arrivé une chose étrange qui peut vous intéresser.
While I was there, I met a very prominent Vietnamese living in exile in New Jersey.
Pendant que j'y étais, j'ai rencontré un Vietnamien éminent - vivant en exil au New Jersey.
Not while I was there.
C'est possible.
I'd been sent down to the coast to inspect some defences... and while there, it was my bad luck to run into her once more.
J'ai été envoyé sur la côte pour inspecter des fortifications et une fois là-bas, la malchance m'a mis sur sa route une fois encore.
Gee, it was funny back there on the pole a while ago. I sort of got some dust in my throat, and without thinking, I let fly right down on a girl's hat.
Tout à l'heure, sur le poteau, j'avais envie de tousser et j'ai craché sur le chapeau d'une fille.
But, you know... for a while I was afraid I wouldn't be there to win that 100-meter swim tomorrow.
Mais un moment j'ai eu peur... de ne pas être là pour gagner la course de 100 mètres demain.
But outside there, I was just thinking that if, while you're in Paris, you keep remembering that I'm thinking of you, if you just remember that...
Mais j'aimerais te demander, quand tu seras à Paris, de te rappeler que je pense à toi. - Souviens-toi de ça et...
While I was out there, I kept thinking about you all the time.
Quand j'étais là-bas... je n'ai pas cessé de penser à toi.
While I was up there, thinking what we'd do when I got out.
A penser à ce qu'on ferait quand je serais sorti.
- Then after a while I opened my door a crack, and there he was still coming along with you, puffing like a steam engine.
- Au bout d ´ un moment... j ´ ai regardé dans l ´ entrée, et il était là! Il te portait, et il soufflait comme un buffle!
- I was there at Cordoba... the day your father was killed by a Miura bull... probably the great-grandfather of the bull that almost killed you a while ago.
Je l'ai vu tué par un Miura. L'ancêtre de celui qui a failli... te tuer.
Yes, I was there quite a while myself.
Oui, j'y suis resté longtemps moi-même.
You know, it must have stretched a foot while I was hanging there waiting for the elevator to get back up again.
II a dû s'allonger alors que j'étais suspendu dans le vide!
While I was listening downstairs there, I...
J'étais en train d'écouter la musique d'en bas.
Now, when I come in here a little while ago there was Callahan and his boys downstairs and they tried to search me.
En bas, j'ai trouvé Callahan et sa bande qui ont voulu me fouiller.
- While I was instructing there.
- Exact. - Oh, je me souv...
I kept thinking while I was dreaming that all this meant something, that there was some other meaning in it that I ought to find out.
Je pensais en rêvant que tout ça voulait dire quelque chose, qu'il y avait une autre signification que je devais découvrir.
My jaw hurts, my ribs ache, I killed a man back there and stood by while a harmless guy was killed.
J'ai mal partout. Je viens de tuer un type... et de voir un gars inoffensif se faire refroidir.
Well, yes, I guess I heard him say a couple of times about the Jewish people living off the fat of the land while he was out there.
J'ai dû l'entendre parler quelquefois des Juifs qui vivaient grassement alors qu'il se battait.
While I was lying down this morning, I realized There was no use of my trying to fight you.
Quand j'étais allongée ce matin, j'ai réalisé que je ne devais pas essayer de vous combattre.
While she was up there, she suffered a severe shock, And I think it was that more than anything else that drove her down here.
Quand elle était là-haut, elle a subi un choc sévère, et je pense que c'est surtout ça qui l'a conduite ici.
And for a while there I thought it was me that was crazy.
Et pendant un moment... j'ai cru que c'était moi qui étais fou.
For a while there I guess I was thinking I was quite a guy.
Un temps, j'ai pensé que j'étais un type bien.
While I was in there, the conversation got around to you.
Pendant que nous travaillions, il m'a parlé de toi.
I was there quite a while.
J'y suis resté longtemps. Mais pas autant que je l'aurais souhaité.
Die well... while I was talking to Captain Makino, there was something he said.
Vous ne savez pas comprendre la leçon du Japon.
She used to seat there... and I was playing... while watching her face... and I wondered if it was real or not... If that setting, this piano, this wooden floor really existed.
Elle était assise là-bas... et je jouais... en regardant son visage... et je me demandais si tout cela était réel ou pas... si ce décor, ce piano à queue, ce parquet existaient vraiment.
And then after a while I looked out into the hall, and there was no one there.
Après un moment, j'ai regardé sur le palier. Personne.
Maybe I should... while there was still time.
J'aurais dû, tant qu'il était encore temps.
As a matter of fact, I was thinking a while back there that it was a fine day for it.
En fait, ça fait pas mal de temps que je trouve que c'est une belle journée.
I thought for a while there was something really bothering you.
J'ai d'abord cru que tu avais des ennuis.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Je sais que vous sortez avant la combustion, mais que ce passerait-il si vous restiez bloqué?
Know somethin'? I was over there watchin'you a while back, and I said to myself, "She don't look like an English girl."
Je vous regarde depuis un petit moment et je me suis dit :
Obviously, there would have been no point in prolonging the discussion with her any further. For while I had no intention of descending to her level and bickering about anything as sordid as money, it was at that moment I made up my mind.
De toute évidence, ce n'était nécessaire de prolonger la discussion je n'avais pas l'intention de m'abaisser à me chamailler pour quelque chose de sordide comme l'argent,
I picked up the phone, and while I was on the phone, I I could see the two of them in that mirror, there...
J'ai pris le combiné... Je pouvais les voir dans ce miroir.
While I was in there, they sent from Mr. Azae's office for your... For your personnel file. - They did?
Pendant que j'étais là-bas, M. Azae a fait demander... votre dossier.
He was standing by the window, and he- - he was trying to get out... and that thing was all over him... and then... just dissolved while I stood there.
Je crois avoir vu le Docteur debout devant la fenêtre... Il essayait de sortir. La "chose" était tout autour de lui.
Sally and I met in England, while I was teaching over there.
Nous nous sommes rencontrés en Angleterre, quand j'y enseignais.
Well, he was out when I was there just a while ago.
Il était sorti quand j'y suis allé.
Oh, you mean, while I was in there, an Apache...
Quand j'étais là-dedans, un Apache...
There was a big rhubarb at the home office... and suddenly, I was in the doghouse... exiled to South America... schlepping that syrup over the Andes... on llamas yet... while a bunch of crew-cut kids... were being promoted over my head!
Je trimballais le sirop dans les Andes à dos de lama, pendant que des gamins étaient promus.
while i 34
while i have you 20
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
i was there 989
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
was there something else 49
while i have you 20
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
i was there 989
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
was there something else 49
was there anything else 50
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you 41
while you were away 22
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you 41
while you were away 22