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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Who do you think we are

Who do you think we are tradutor Francês

63 parallel translation
Who do you think we are? We've enough vices, without being liars too.
On a assez de vices comme ça, sans être menteurs en plus.
- Who do you think we are?
- Pour qui nous prenez-vous?
Who do you think we are?
Pour qui nous prenez-vous?
Who do you think we are, baggage handlers?
Tu nous prends pour qui? Des porteurs?
Who do you think we are? Umpires, sweetheart.
On est comme des arbitres de base-ball.
Who do you think we are?
Tu nous prends pour qui?
Who do you think we are?
Vous nous prenez pour qui?
Who do you think we are?
Tu sais qui on est?
Who do you think we are?
A qui pensez-vous parler?
- Who do you think we are?
- Tu nous prends pour qui?
- Tu nous prends pour Matt Damon et Ben Affleck?
Damn it, who do you think we are?
Putain, pour qui nous prenez-vous?
All right? You bald bastard, who do you think we are, your slaves?
C'est ton crâne d'œuf que je vais...
Who do you think we are?
Qui pensez-vous que nous sommes?
Who do you think we are?
Qui crois tu que nous sommes?
Who do you think we are, Tyra?
Tu crois qu'on est qui, Tyra?
Who do you think we are?
Pour qui tu nous prends?
Who do you think we are, the FBI?
Vous nous prenez pour le FBI?
- who do you think we are?
- Vous croyez qu'on est qui?
Who do you think we are?
Vous nous prennez pour qui?
Who do you think we are?
Tu nous tiens pour qui, Timokha?
Who do you think we are?
Pour qui tu me prends?
Who do you think we are?
On est qui?
Who do you think we are?
Tu crois qu'on est qui?
Who do you think we are?
Où croyez-vous que nous sommes?
Who do you think we are?
Évidemment! Tu nous prends pour qui?
Who do you think we are, the Rockefellers?
Qui penses-tu que nous sommes, les Rockefellers?
Who do you think we are?
Qui penses-tu être?
Who do you think we are, dude?
J'ai que du crack.
I'm sorry, who do you think we are?
Pour qui vous nous prenez?
Mrs. Winters I should tell you there are those in the family who do not think we should be making this offer at all.
Certains membres de ma famille sont opposés à cette affaire.
Who do you think made us what we are?
À qui crois-tu que l'on doive ce que l'on est devenus?
Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what we can and can't do?
Pour qui vous prenez-vous, me dire ce que nous devons faire ou pas?
Who do you think you are? Maybe, we'll save your Wu-tong one day
Voyons comment se sauvera Wu Tong dans le futur!
Who the hell do you think we are?
- A qui crois-tu avoir affaire, bon sang?
Who do you think is going to do that when we are gone?
Qui se chargera de ça quand nous ne serons plus là?
- Who the fuck do you think we are?
- Pour qui tu nous prends, bordel?
Who do you think you are? Jiujiu, we must stick it out
Jiujiu, il faut tenir bon.
Who do you think we are?
Qui on est, nous?
Even if they are the utopian sweethearts you think they are... we don't answer, morally or otherwise, to the Mooncalf Collective. We answer to our clients, who pay us to do a job.
Même si ce sont des utopistes inoffensifs, on n'a pas d'obligations, morales ou autres, envers la Mooncalf Collective, mais envers nos clients qui nous paient.
I mean, why do you think we are who we are today?
J'veux dire, pourquoi crois-tu qu'on est ce qu'on est aujourd'hui? Pourquoi tu crois que je suis le mannequin et toi l'intello
Who the hell... - do you think we are?
- Vous nous avez pris pour qui?
Who the hell do you think we are?
tu nous as pris pour qui?
Who the hell do you think we are?
Pour qui vous nous avez pris?
Who the hell do you think we are?
Vous nous avez pris pour qui?
Who do you think you are? Since Master Tu doesn't care, maybe we should just kill her.
Puisque Maître Tu se fiche d'elle, autant la tuer.
Who exactly do you think we are?
Tu nous prends pour quoi?
Now, after we are given the certificate, who do you think should speak first?
Après la remise du prix, qui doit parler en premier?
What do you think you're doing? Telling that fucking school who we are.
- Pourquoi as-tu dit à ceux de l'école qui on était?
Do you really think we are born killers... who hate Manchurians?
Pensez-vous que nous sommes là pour tuer...
Do you think we are who we are?
Tu crois qu'on est ce qu'on est?

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