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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why don't we just

Why don't we just tradutor Francês

3,002 parallel translation
I just don't get why we can't stay in a motel.
Pourquoi on va pas dormir à l'hôtel?
- Why don't we just let it go?
Merci d'avoir essayé, oublions ça.
Why don't we all just walk away here?
Si on va tous s'en aller d'ici?
{ \ * You know what, } Why don't we { \ * just } call animal control?
Et si on appelait la SPA?
Okay, so why don't we just go get Doug, and kick it with his brother, who owns a wiener-schnitzel?
On a qu'à récupérer Doug et aller au resto de son frère.
Honey, honey, honey, why don't we just not go?
Chéri, chéri, et si on y allait pas?
Hey, Beth, we've got this guy here. Why don't you go back to the hospital and just check on Simon and Gord.
On l'a, retournez à l'hôpital pour prendre de leurs nouvelles.
Why don't we go into your room... just for a minute...
Si on allait dans votre chambre... Une minute...
You know, why don't we just go home right now and start tomorrow fresh?
Pourquoi on ne rentrerait pas, maintenant, et reprendre demain l'esprit reposé.
So, why don't we cut through the niceties and just get right to it, huh?
Alors, trêve d'amabilités et allons droit au but.
Why don't we just go around the tree?
- Pourquoi on contourne pas l'arbre?
I don't know. I mean, why couldn't we just keep the status quo?
On pouvait pas garder le statu quo?
- Why don't we just take it down a notch?
- On devrait se calmer. - Non.
About that.. why don't we just receive the compensation for the damages?
À propos de ça.. pourquoi ne pas simplement recevoir la compensation des dommages et intérêts?
Come on, no batter here, pitcher! No batter! I just don't know why we're doing this.
Vas-y, lanceur, y a personne!
So why don't we just keep going?
Alors on n'a qu'à continuer, ok?
But why don't we just leave them where they are?
Pourquoi ne pas les laisser où ils sont?
I'm just not happy. Why don't we just wash our hands of this, be good neighbors, okay? Okay?
Je suis pas content, d'accord?
Why don't you tell this fräulein why we're here, just like you keep telling your pupils.
Pourquoi ne pas dire à cette Fraulein pourquoi nous sommes ici...?
- Dad, why don't we just sit down? - Oh...
Papa, retournons nous asseoir.
So why don't we just forget it?
Laissons tomber, alors.
So, why don't we just dig in and then we can get to whatever afterwards?
On s'y met, et on verra après.
Why don't we just cut the bullshit, bro? What about the client?
Arrête tes conneries et parle-moi du client.
Why don't we just let them go.
- Pourquoi on ne les laisse pas partir?
Here, why don't we just start over?
On peut recommencer?
Why don't we just come out and say it?
Et si on parlait franchement?
We essentially countered to him, we said, well look, why don't we just do a bigger story.
Nous avons répondu, "Faisons-le en grand."
You know what, why don't we just say it got burned in a fire?
- Écoutez, on va leur dire qu'elle est passée au feu.
Why don't we just kill that lunatic?
Pourquoi on le tue pas, ce taré?
Big deal! We're girls, Dad - we're gonna be girls for the rest of our lives, so why don't you just shut up about it?
On sera des filles pour le reste de notre vie, alors arrête de chialer.
I don't see why we can't just take off, just the two of us.
Je ne vois pas pourquoi on ne partirait pas, tous les deux.
Why don't we just tie something to his legs, throw him off the pier?
Pourquoi on ne le balancerait pas de la jetée les pieds lestés?
If Fat Dee is right, why don't we just go in and get Gil Ott now?
Si Fat Dee a raison, pourquoi on ne va pas chercher Gil Ott?
Okay, then, why don't we just get you your uniform, give you a broom, and you'll be on your way.
Ok alors, ba, et si on vous trouvait un uniforme, un balais, et vous pourrez y aller.
But I don't know why because we're just having a nice evening at home watching a movie.
Je me demande bien pourquoi. On a passé une agréable soirée devant un film.
Why don't we just see each other tomorrow?
Si on se voyait demain plutôt?
Why don't we just give her some lines?
Si on lui donnait des répliques?
So why don't we just get the hell out of here?
Alors, pourquoi ne pas tout simplement se tirer d'ici?
Leon, why don't we just trigger the explosives remotely?
Léon, pourquoi ne pas simplement déclencher les explosifs à distance?
Why don't we just call Ramsey Anderson?
Pourquoi ne pas appeler Ramsey Anderson?
But we figured if we see her face... yeah, well, why don't we just get Joe and Paul down here, huh?
Je sais. Mais on a pensé que si on voyait son visage... Ok, alors pourquoi on ne demanderait pas à Joe et Paul de venir voir ça?
Why don't we just consider it solved?
Pourquoi ne pas considérer ça comme résolu?
Well, why don't we just tell them that...
Pourquoi ne pas leur dire...
I don't know why you're here, but we should probably leave since Lola and I were just walking out- -
Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es là, mais nous devrions probablement partir. depuis que Lola et moi sortions marcher- -
Why don't we just...
Pourquoi ne peut-on pas juste...
Why don't you just come back to the Lux and we can talk.
Pourquoi ne reviens tu pas au Lux et nous pourrions parler.
All right, why don't we just try one.
Okay, bien, pourquoi on essayerait pas une alors...
Yeah. I just don't know why we bought such a big house.
J'ignore pourquoi on a acheté une si grande maison.
But why don't we just exchange emails, and then totally hang out right now, together?
Donne-moi ton adresse de courriel, puis on peut se tenir ensemble.
Why don't we just talk this through? And then we can sit around and toast marsh mellows.
Pourquoi on en parlerait pas avant de griller des marshmallows?
- Why don't we just move in here?
- Pourquoi nous ne sortons pas d'ici?

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