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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why don't you do it

Why don't you do it tradutor Francês

847 parallel translation
Then, why don't you two do it together?
Alors pourquoi vous ne le faites pas tous les deux?
That's why I'm crying, so it has nothing to do with you, so don't mind it.
alors ne me dérangez pas.
Why don't you do something about it?
Alors, trouve une solution.
- Why don't you do it.
- Vous croyez? - Qu'attendez-vous?
- Keep away, I'm warning you. - Why don't you do it.
- Laissez-moi tranquille!
Why don't you go and do it now?
Si vous y alliez maintenant?
- Why don't you do it yourself?
- Pourquoi pas vous?
Give it to me now. Listen, Brad, why don't you do this juvenile part yourself?
Pourquoi tu joues pas le jeune premier?
But if you didn't do it, why don't you save yourself?
Raison de plus.
Is that all you've got to say? Why don't you do something about it?
C'est tout ce que vous avez à dire?
Why don't you do it.
J'ai perdu quelques milliers de dollars... mais j'ai retiré mes billes à temps.
Well, why don't you go ahead and do it?
Alors, prouve-le!
- Come on, Taylor. Why did you do it? "'- "'I don't know! "'
- Allons, pourquoi l'avez-vous fait? "-" Je ne sais pas! "
Why don't you do it next month?
Pourquoi tu ne le ferais pas le mois prochain?
Then why don't you do something about it?
- Alors, prouve-le-moi.
Why don't you do something about it?
Faites quelque chose.
Well, if you do, why don't you crawl in with it?
Tu ferais mieux de l'y rejoindre.
- Why don't you do it?
- Pourquoi ne pas le faire?
If it's so bad he can't tell you, how do you think he feels? Why don't you think of his side of it?
Si c'était si grave que ça, comment crois-tu qu'il se sente?
- What's the...? Hi. - When you're told to do something why don't you do it?
Tu devrais faire ce qu'on te dit au lieu de picoler.
Why don't you do it in the scrap you're in instead of yelling just because the going's a little tough?
Pourquoi ne le fais-tu pas au lieu de crier parce que la route n'est pas droite?
Then why don't you do it?
Fais le premier pas.
If you know it, why don't you do it during the performance?
Si tu le sais, fais-le!
- Then why don't you do it?
Vas-y donc.
What do you tell me for? Why don't you spill it to the cops?
Si c'est réglo, pourquoi me le dire à moi et pas aux flics?
If you don't like each other, why in Sam Hill do you have to make so much noise about it?
Si vous vous détestez, pourquoi en faire autant?
But if you're gonna sit and grieve all the rest of your life, why don't you do it right?
Tu veux passer le reste de ta vie à pleurer?
Why don't you do it?
Pourquoi pas?
Why don't you cut off your arms and legs and do a good job of it?
Va donc te mettre dans un sac et te jeter à la rivière!
I don't see why you have to do it in front of my mother.
Venons-en au fait.
- Why don't you do it right here?
- Faites-le donc ici.
If you don't like it, why don't you do something about it?
Si vous n'aimez pas ça, occupez-vous-en.
- Why don't you do it then?
- Alors pourquoi refuser?
- Why don't you do something about it?
Fais quelque chose!
But why don't you do it like this?
Mais si vous le jouiez ainsi?
You're so clever, why don't you do it?
Pourquoi tu ne le fais pas?
- If you know so much about it, why don't you do it? I dare you.
Osez donc!
Why don ´ t you do it yourself?
Pourquoi ne pas le faire vous-même?
Here we get one of the grandest artist with the whole world sitting right at the table, why don't we ask him to do something? You could sqeeze it in, Mac.
Un des plus grands artistes du monde entier se trouve assis ici, pourquoi ne pas lui demander de le faire?
Well, why don't you do something about it?
- Alors réagissez!
Why don't you knock it off and stop saying that? What do you want?
D'accord, j'ai participé au hold-up.
If you brains can't make up your minds, why don't you do what kids do? Match for it. You know, draw lots.
Je voulais dire que si vous ne pouvez décider pourquoi ne pas faire appel au hazzard?
- Mmm-hmm. Why don't you let me do it for you?
Why don't you get a pan and do it right?
Dégottez-vous un tamis et faites ça comme il faut!
Why don't you take it out on me? That's what you'd really like to do.
Défoulez-vous sur moi, si c'est ce que vous voulez.
Why don't you do it yourself?
Pourquoi ne pas le faire vous-même?
If you wanna stab a dead man, why don't you do it yourself, instead of having someone else do it for you?
Si vous voulez poignarder un mort, faites-le vous-même au lieu de laisser un autre le faire pour vous.
Lew, why don't I do it with her? You?
Moi, je peux remplacer Tim.
Well, if you don't like it, why do you stick around?
Si elle vous déplaît, allez ailleurs.
Why do you want to do it? You don't have to.
Pourquoi, rien ne vous y oblige?
Well, why don't we do something about it? Have you've forgotten? Edelbach tried.
 Tu as oublié, Ed Abbot a essaye  et tu as vu ce qui lui est arrivé?

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