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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why would i tell you

Why would i tell you tradutor Francês

254 parallel translation
- And why would I tell you?
Pourquoi pas?
Why would I tell you this?
- Pourquoi je te raconterais tout ça?
- Why would I tell you to sell it? - Give it back!
Je ne vous ai dit ni d'acheter ni de vendre!
Then why would I tell you I was having an affair, even if it were true?
Alors pourquoi j'avouerais, même si c'était vrai?
If I didn't tell all the D.A.'s in the State of California why would I tell you?
Je n'ai rien avoué aux flics de Californie, pourquoi vous le dirais-je?
Even if I knew, why would I tell you?
Si je le savais, pourquoi le dirais-je?
And why would I tell you?
Pourquoi je vous le dirais?
- Why would I tell you I was with her?
- Pourquoi je mentirais?
Why would i tell you?
- Pourquoi je te l'aurais dit?
Look, even if I did... why would I tell you?
Même si j'en avais, pourquoi je vous le dirais?
But when I tell why you killed him, not a man or woman in that courtroom would dare to condemn you.
Mais je dirai pourquoi... et il n'y en aura pas un pour te condamner.
Why, listen, Nora, I could tell you stories about this place that would crack your heart.
J'ai vécu un tas de choses ici qui te feraient pleurer.
Would you like me to tell you why I came here?
Souhaitez-vous que je vous dise pourquoi je suis venu?
But if you want to know why I'm here, that would take a lot longer to tell you.
Mais si vous voulez savoir pourquoi je suis ici, cela prendrait beaucoup plus de temps à vous le dire.
I would like you to tell me why you are so optimistic.
Je veux qu'il m'explique pourquoi il est si optimiste.
I'd tell you if there were. Why would I hide it?
Je ne t'aurais pas caché une chose si importante.
Why, I told him you were at work. What would I tell him?
Que tu étais au travail, quoi d'autre?
Well, I could see where you would choose the Bible, and I'll tell you the reason why.
J'étais sûr que vous alliez choisir la Bible.
First of all, I would like to tell you why I decided to set the Oresteia in today's Africa.
Je voudrais vous dire pourquoi j'ai voulu faire L'Orestie d'Eschyle dans l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui.
I promised that I would tell you... why I never eat fish.
J'ai promis de vous raconter... pourquoi je ne mange jamais de poisson.
Would you tell me why I'm still hungry?
Pourquoi j'ai encore faim?
Would you care to tell me why you were running when all I want to do is talk to you?
Pouvez-vous me dire où vous courez quand je ne cherche qu'à vous parler?
- Why would he tell you? - He trusts me. I'm his wife.
Viktor m'en a filé 10 000 pour l'épouser.
I suppose you'll tell me you drew it, that would explain why it's so mental.
C'est toi qui as dû le dessiner, voilà pourquoi c'est si cérébral.
Would you tell me why I care?
Pourriez-vous me dire pourquoi je m'inquiète?
No, but I would like to know why you didn't tell me about the money.
Non. Mais pourquoi ne pas m'avoir parlé de l'argent?
What did I do? I did nothing! Why would you tell him that.
Avec des supers seins que tu ne toucheras plus jamais.
Why can't you tell him what you know I would think?
Dis-lui ce que je pense puisque tu le sais.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would have met you off the train.
Si j'avais su, je serais venue au train.
I would just like for you to be able to tell me why am I going to be doing the things that I'm going to be doing?
Je voudrais que vous me disiez pourquoi je vais faire les choses que je vais faire?
Even if I could tell you why, you would not understand.
Même si je vous le disais, vous ne comprendriez pas.
Why the hell would I tell you if I did?
Pourquoi est-ce que je te le dirais si je le savais?
Why, listen, Nora, I could tell you stories about this place... that would crack your heart.
Elle a reçu quelqu'un.
I want to Monique way tell me all about yourself, Only the good you will be impressed and Monique why would want to be bad,
En chemin, Monique veut que tu lui dises tout sur toi. Juste les bons côtés. Tout ce qui peut lui donner envie de faire des vilaines choses...
Don't tell him you're here. Why would I?
- Ne dis pas que tu es là.
Why would I expect you to tell the truth at this point?
Pourquoi j'imagine que tu vas dire la vérité?
Would you tell me, please, Mr. Howard why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away?
Ayez l`obligeance de me dire, M. Howard... pourquoi échanger un tyran qui règne à mille lieues d`ici... contre mille tyrans qui règnent à une lieue d`ici?
Why would he tell you that? I didn't do the job he hired me to do.
J'ai échoué dans mon travail.
Jennifer, why didn't you tell me Henry was coming? I would have gladly stayed at home so that you two could be alone.
Jennifer, tu aurais dû me prévenir, je vous aurais laissés seuls, avec plaisir.
If I had, I would tell you. Why wouldn't I? .
Si je l'avais vue, je te le dirais, non?
Why in God's name would you tell my mother that I do not eat carbs?
Pourquoi as-tu dit à ma mère que je ne mangeais aucun glucide?
- Here. Have a wee run round that, would you? "Why would I tell Kate?"
Donne un petit coup là-dessus.
That's why Lee would be able to tell you more about him. He just left, but I could reach him on his cell phone.
C'est pourquoi Lee pourrait vous en dire plus.
Hey, why didn't you tell me, man? I would have gotten you something.
Je t'aurais acheté un truc.
I know you have all the free time in the world but it would be great if we could go for coffee, and I'll tell you why :
Votre emploi du temps est serré, mais on devrait prendre un café un de ces jours.
Why would you tell me that I like Barry?
Pourquoi tu m'as dit que j'aimais bien Barry?
I got to tell you, I don't understand... why anyone would come all the way out here just to get in shape.
Tu veux que je te dise? Je comprends pas pourquoi il se tapait tout le trajet jusqu'ici juste pour s'entraîner!
I never thought you would. That's why I never bothered to tell a soul until now... and I never will again.
C'est d'ailleurs la première et dernière fois que j'en parle à quelqu'un.
Why would I not tell you if the girl was here?
Pourquoi vous mentirais-je?
- Do I even wanna know why? Come on, it would be less than discreet to tell you why. - No.
- Puis-je demander pourquoi?
Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have asked my men to kill you!
Si j'avais su, je vous aurais fait descendre!

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