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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why would you assume that

Why would you assume that tradutor Francês

44 parallel translation
- Or something? - Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi tu t'imagines ça?
But why would you assume that a ULF would want to kill us?
Pourquoi voudrait-il forcément nous tuer?
- Now, why would you assume that?
- D'où te vient cette idée?
Why would you assume that?
Qu'est-ce qui te fait dire ça?
- Why would you assume that it's Jess?
- Pourquoi tu penses que c'est Jess?
See, now, why would you assume that?
Pourquoi tu crois ça?
- Why would you assume that?
- Qu'est-ce qui te fait dire ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi vous imaginez ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi dites vous ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi tu penses ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi penseriez-vous que non?
And why would you assume that?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait dire ça?
Why would you assume that?
- Pourquoi ça?
Why would you assume that they were horrible?
Pourquoi présumez-vous qu'ils sont pénibles?
Why would you assume that that was my worst day?
Pourquoi penses-tu que c'était le jour le plus horrible de ma vie?
- Why would you assume that?
- Je sais, c'est stupide.
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi voudrais tu supposer que...?
- Why would you assume that?
- Comment affirmes-tu ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi supposez-vous ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi est-ce que tu pensais ça?
Why would you assume that I would double-cross you?
Pourquoi pensez-vous que je vais vous trahir?
Why would you assume that he's the CEO?
Pourquoi supposer qu'il est le PDG?
Why would you assume that I want anything?
Pourquoi tu crois que je voudrais quelque chose?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi penser cela?
I would assume that if you sent for me, you'd at least know why.
Qui a convoqué cette assemblée?
Why would you automatically assume that?
Pourquoi est-ce que tu la connaîtrais?
Second of all : you don't even know me that well. Why would you just assume that I was gay?
Deuxièmement, d'où te vient l'idée que je suis homo?
Why the hell would you assume that?
- Et pourquoi? - Je ne sais pas.
Why would you just assume that you get to do the eulogy?
Pourquoi tu présupposes que c'est toi qui écriras son éloge funèbre?
Why would you just assume that?
Pourquoi ça?
Yeah, I wonder why you would assume that he broke up with me.
Oui. Je me demande pourquoi vous pensiez que c'est lui qui a rompu?
Why would you assume something like that?
Pourquoi tu dis ça?
Why would you assume that?
Pourquoi cette déduction?
Why would you assume I worked for that tyrant?
Pourquoi pensais-tu que je travaillerais pour lui?
Why would you assume that?
Now, given Ava's bad blood with my family, why, naturally, you would assume it was a Crowder, but what if it was the assumption before that one that was erroneous?
Vu l'histoire d'Ava avec notre famille, tu en conclus que c'est un Crowder. Mais si tu t'étais trompé dès le départ?
- Why would you assume that?
D'où vous vient cette idée?
Now, why would you always assume that when it's bad and bloody, it's my crew?
Pourquoi supposez vous toujours que quand c'est mauvais et sanglant, il s'agit de mon gang?
Why would I assume, just because you and I are back together, that everything would be fine?
Pourquoi ai-je cru, que parce qu'on s'est retrouvés, tout irait bien?
You might even assume that spy to be among the agents coming here to save you now, holding his private, encrypted network phone, and you would know that that's exactly why I'm here.
Vous pourriez même penser que cet espion se trouve au sein des agents venus ici pour vous sauver, avec son téléphone crypté, et vous sauriez que c'est exactement pourquoi je suis là.
What is that? Why do you assume it would be a guy?
Pourquoi tu présumes qu'il s'agit d'un homme?
Wh-Why would you just assume that?
Pr... pourquoi voudriez-vous supposer ça?

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