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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why would you do this

Why would you do this tradutor Francês

379 parallel translation
Why would you do this to me...?
Why would you do this to me?
Pourquoi me feriez-vous une chose pareille?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous fait?
Why would you do this?
Why, Kirk? Why would you do this to me?
Pourquoi tu me fais ça, Kirk?
Why would you do this for me?
Pourquoi faites-vous ça pour moi? Je vous aime bien.
- Why would you do this?
- Pourquoi avez-vous fait ça?
Why would you do this to a good person?
Comment pouvez-vous me faire ça?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi t'as fait ça, hein?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi avoir fait ça?
- Why would you do this to her?
- Pourquoi lui avez-vous fait ça?
Why would you do this? Well, I was thinking that if a party of 10 people was fun... that a party of 30 people would be twice as much fun.
J'ai pensé que si on s'amusait à 10, à 30 on s'amuserait deux fois plus.
And why would you do this?
- Et pourquoi feriez-vous cela?
- Why would you do this?
- Pourquoi tu ferais ça?
- Why would you do this?
- Comment en es-tu arrivé là?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi tu fais ça?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi avez-vous fait ça?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi t'as fait ça?
How could you? Why would you do this?
Comment tu as pu nous faire ça?
- Why would you do this? I gotta go.
Tu as laissé Rory s'énerver et paniquer, croyant l'avoir perdu.
Why would you do this, then?
Pourquoi as-tu fait ça?
No. Why would you do this to her?
Pourquoi tu lui fais ça?
Why would you do this?
Pourquoi feriez-vous ça?
Why would you do this though?
Pourquoi avez vous fait tout ça?
Why would you do this? This woman pulled Christopher away from you, away from Rory.
Pour une femme qui t'a volé Christopher et qui l'a éloigné de Rory?
I don't know why she would get so upset about this, do you?
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça l'a contrariée.
Why do they call this a "junk"? What else would you call it?
- Ils appellent ça un bateau!
Why would you wanna do this for me?
Pourquoi tu ferais ça pour moi?
Mr. Eckworth, can you think of any reason why somebody would want to do this to you?
Connaissez-vous une raison pour laquelle quelqu'un vous ferait ça?
Do you have any idea Why her Confusion Would take this particular form?
Savez-vous pourquoi son état l'a poussée à faire ça?
Why would she tell you to do this? Look at me.
Pourquoi vous aurait-elle dit de faire cela?
I don't know why you would, since I had nothing to do with drawing up this ridiculous scheme.
je n'ai aucune envie d'y retourner!
I just wanna know why you would do this to me.
Je veux savoir pourquoi tu m'as fait ça.
would describe life in poland why did you want to do this?
la vie en Pologne. Pourquoi voulais-tu le faire?
If this wasn't an accident, can you think of any reason why somebody would want to do this?
Qui aurait pu lui en vouloir? Il a tiré par derrière.
Do you have any idea why this man would want you dead?
Vous avez une idée pourquoi ce type voulait vous tuer?
When these things are happening... you almost begin to believe that you did something wrong. Why would they do this to me...
Quand ces choses vous arrivent, vous vous mettez à croire que vous avez fait quelque chose de mal.
Why on this Earth would you do that, Maggie?
Pourquoi aurais-tu fait ça?
Do you have any idea why someone would want to stop this film from being made?
Qui pourrait souhaiter l'i nterruption de ce tournage?
But why would Paradis do this to you?
Mais pourquoi Paradis voudrait te faire un coup pareil?
- Why would you do this to me? !
Why? So you can be king of Groundhog Day? Do you think I would do this for personal power?
Pour être le roi du Jour sans fin? Croyez-vous que je cherche la puissance? Elle...
The man wants to know why would you want to do this as you, too, are British.
Il veut savoir pourquoi... pourquoi vous feriez ca, puisque vous etes britannique.
Why would you think he had anything to do with this?
Pourquoi penses-tu qu'il a quelque chose à voir avec ça?
So did Dad ever say anything to you that might explain why he would do this?
Papa t'a jamais rien dit qui explique tout ça?
So why should we do something else like this if we would resettle you?
Pourquoi on ferait une chose pareille si on allait vous recaser?
- Why would I do this to rag you?
Je ne vais pas te taquiner! Pourquoi ferais-je ça pour te taquiner?
Unless there's something you're not telling me I cannot think of a reason why someone would want to do this to us.
A moins que tu me caches quelque chose... il n'y a aucune raison pour que quelqu'un nous en veuille.
I just can't understand why you would do this.
Je ne peux pas croire que tu ais pu faire une chose pareil, Hans.
But you won't find out the "why?" if you do this 15 years of being curious would go to waste So is that okay with you?
Mais tu ne vas pas trouver le "pourquoi?" si tu fais ça 15 ans de curiosité perdues en vain Alors ça te va comme ça?
Why would you wanna do something like this to us?
Pourquoi veux-tu nous faire ça, à nous?

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