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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Wingo

Wingo tradutor Francês

42 parallel translation
We lived in a small, white house won by my great-great-grandfather Winston Shadrach Wingo in a horseshoe game.
Nous habitions une maison blanche... que mon arrière-arrière-grand-père... Winston Shadrach Wingo... gagna au lancer du fer à cheval.
I suppose Henry Wingo would have made a pretty good father if he hadn't been such a violent man.
Henry Wingo aurait fait un assez bon père... s'il n'avait pas été si violent.
You're the only Wingo who's gonna amount to something.
Tu es celui qui va devenir quelqu'un.
To prove that Lila Wingo would...
Pour prouver que Lila Wingo...
Mr. Wingo is a football coach, Bernard.
M. Wingo est entraîneur de football.
Where do you coach, Mr. Wingo? Hillbilly country?
Vous entraînez à Plouc-ville?
Coach Wingo?
M. Wingo?
Coaching Bernard in the morning and in the afternoon, telling the Wingo family secrets to his mother.
Bernard le matin... et l'après-midi, dévoiler nos secrets à sa mère.
Rare footage from the Savannah Wingo archives.
Séquence des archives Savannah Wingo.
Henry Wingo had the opposite of the Midas touch.
Henry Wingo était un anti-Midas.
Dr. Wingo had an emergency at the hospital.
Le Dr a été appelé en urgence.
A Wingo never touches a Newbury.
Un Wingo ne touche pas à un Newbury.
I'm Tom Wingo, Mr. Woodruff. Bernard's football coach.
Tom Wingo, l'entraîneur de Bernard.
My father hates you, Coach Wingo.
Mon père vous déteste.
Everyone, I'm going to play something in Mr. Wingo's honor.
Je vais jouer en l'honneur de M. Wingo.
Tom's sister is Savannah Wingo.
Sa sœur est Savannah Wingo.
I'm so grateful to you, Tom Wingo.
Mille mercis, Tom Wingo.
" To my brother Tom Wingo.
" A mon frère Tom Wingo.
Yo, Wingo!
Yo, Wingo!
Pip Wingo.
Pip Wingo.
I work with Pip Wingo, Hollywood Scoop.
Je travaille avec Pip Wingo, au Hollywood Scoop.
I had a gerbil named Pip Wingo once.
J'avais une gerbille qui s'appelait Pip Wingo.
This is Pip Wingo and you're still fucking fired.
Ici Pip Wingo, et t'es toujours viré.
A shocking and what some are describing as disturbingly gay porn tape reportedly showcasing the genitals of teen heartthrob Hayden Field has at this hour been discovered by our very own Pip Wingo.
Une vidéo que certains pourraient qualifier de film X gay très dérangeant montrant les parties intimes de la star Hayden Field a été découverte par notre journaliste, Pip Wingo.
FYI, this tape is the property of Pip Wingo Enterprises.
Sachez que ce film appartient à Pip Wingo SARL.
Here with more is our very own Pip Wingo.
Notre journaliste, Pip Wingo, est venu nous en parler.
Every time I watch Sportscenter, all I see is Trey Wingo staring at me saying,
A chaque fois que je regarde Sportscenter, tout ce que je vois c'est Trey Wingo, me fixant et me disant,
I got to meet Scott wingo, Liam Landry... good day.
J'ai rencontré Scott Wingo, Liam Landry... une belle journée.
This is Mr. Frazier H. Wingo of the firm Bradley and Wingo.
M. Frazier H. Wingo, du cabinet Bradley et Wingo.
The architect, a Mr. Frazier Wingo and then a Raphael Warren, were in charge on the ground.
L'architecte, un certain Frazier Wingo, puis Raphael Warren, étaient responsables du site.
Yes, we've already talked to Mr. Wingo.
On a déjà interrogé M. Wingo.
Should have had Wingo killed when I had the chance.
J'aurais dû faire tuer Wingo quand j'en avais l'occasion.
Mr. Wingo, I sympathize, but questioning the board to their faces is not a recipe for keeping your job.
Mr Wingo, je comprends vos inquiétudes, mais questionner le conseil n'est pas judicieux pour garder votre travail.
- Yes, Mr. Wingo.
- Oui, M. Wingo.
Plane leaves Friday night. [cell phone beeping]
Abby McCarthy, voici Kori Wingo.
Um... Abby McCarthy, this is Kori Wingo.
Anouk, Luco, par ici.
Kori Wingo, the photographer. Oh, my God, I love your work.
Ils ont oublié leurs sacs à dos.
I haven't felt anything this tense since. Knifey Pete and New Fish Wingo went at it in the yard.
Rien senti d'aussi tendu depuis le combat de Knifey Pete et New Fish Ringo.
It's a pleasure, Mr. Wingo.
- Mr. Wingo.
- M. Wingo.
Kori Wingo.
- Assez.

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