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Yawp tradutor Francês

14 parallel translation
"I sound" my barbaric yawp
" Je hurle... mon cri barbare...
Now, for those of you who don't know, a yawp is a loud cry or yell.
Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, hurler signifie pousser un cri aigu.
Now, Todd, I would like you to give us a demonstration of a barbaric yawp.
Todd, j'aimerais que vous imitiez le cri d'un barbare.
Come on, you can't yawp sitting down.
Vous n'y parviendrez pas assis.
- A yawp.
- Un cri?
- No, not just a yawp. A barbaric yawp.
- Oui, mais celui d'un barbare.
- God, boy, yell like a man. - Yawp!
Criez comme un homme, mon garçon!
- "Yell." - What is "yawp"?
- "Hurlement." - "Braillement"?
- What is "yawp"?
- "Braillement".
- Yawp.
- Braillement.
- What the heck's a yawp?
- C'est quoi, un braillement?
A yawp is a yell. I'll be right back.
C'est un hurlement. Je reviens.
Oh, I've been known to sound a barbaric yawp from time to time- - it keeps the demons at bay.
Je suis connu pour pousser des cris rauques de temps en temps- - ça garde les démons au loin.
- Yawp.
Plus fort!

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