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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / Yeargin

Yeargin tradutor Francês

5 parallel translation
Christie Yeargin.
Christie Yeargin.
Ms. Yeargin, what was the basis for the investigation into Justice Ludwig?
Mme Yeargin, quelles étaient les raisons de l'enquête sur le juge Ludwig?
Ms. Yeargin, during your investigation of Justice Ludwig, would you say that the combination of this attention, along with his obviously precarious finances, was making him depressed- - depressed enough, in fact, to do something desperate, something like suicide?
Mme Yeargin, lors de votre enquête sur le juge Ludwig, diriez vous que son obnubilation à propos de ses problèmes financiers, l'a rendu dépressif, assez en tout cas, pour avoir un geste désespéré, comme un suicide?
YEARGIN : Well, he wasn't happy about it.
Et bien, il n'en était pas heureux.
Ms. Yeargin, how many judges does the Attorney General's office investigate every year?
Mme.Yeargin, sur combien de juges le bureau du Procureur Général enquête-t-il chaque année?

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