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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You'd be doing me a favor

You'd be doing me a favor tradutor Francês

80 parallel translation
You'd be doing me a favor.
Tu pourrais le faire pour moi.
You'd be doing me a great favor.
Vous me feriez une grande faveur.
Oh, no. You'd be doing me a favor.
Non, vous me rendriez service.
Honest, Danny, you'd be doing me a favor.
Honnêtement, tu me rendrais service.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Vous me rendriez service.
But you'd be doing me a favor.
Mais tu me rendrais un grand service.
You'd be doing me a great favor.
Ça me rendrait un grand service.
Well, it's not an imposition. You'd be doing me a favor.
Ça me fait plaisir, et vous me rendez service.
You'd be doing me a great favor.
Vous me rendriez un grand service.
- You know, you'd be doing me a big favor, Ms. Caulder, if you'd just get yourself right the hell out of my town before some innocent people get caught in your crossfire.
Vous me feriez plaisir si vous déguerpissiez de ma ville avant qu'un innocent meure.
You shoot me, you'd be doing me a favor.
Tue-moi, tu me rendrais service.
So, you'd be doing me a great favor if you would attend in my place, and escort Eve.
Aussi me rendriez-vous un grand service en y accompagnant Eve.
So if you just let me make this phone call... you'd be doing me such a favor, you really would.
Alors, si vous me laissiez téléphoner, vous me rendriez un sacré service.
You'd be doing me a favor if you would call me either Wyatt or Earp.
J'aimerais que vous m'appeliez Wyatt... ou Earp.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Fais-moi une faveur.
In fact, I would prefer it. You'd be doing me a personal favor.
Je préfère encore ça.
You'd be doing me a favor.
C'est un vrai présent que vous me ferez.
I'm serious, you'd be doing me a favor!
Sérieux, tu me rendrais service. Prends ma jambe.
No, you'd be doing me a big favor.
Tu me rends service.
She said, "You'd be doing me a huge favor if you tell him that."
Et elle dit : "Ca me rendrait service si tu le lui disais."
You'd be doing me a favor.
Tu me rends presque service.
You'd be doing me a very big favor.
Vous me rendriez un grand service.
So if you do this, you'd be doing me a big favor.
En acceptant, vous me rendez service.
well, you'd probably be doing me a favor.
Tu m'aurais rendu un service.
You'd be better off with me. You'd be doing your mother a favor as well.
En plus, tu ferais une faveur à ta mère.
You'd just be doing me a favor.
Tu me rendrais service.
Maybe you'd be doing me a favor.
Vous me rendriez peut-être service.
You have some sick idea you'd be doing me a favor.
Tu as l'idée macabre de devoir me rendre une faveur.
If you ask me, he'd be doing this team a favor.
Si tu veux mon avis, cela nous rendrait bien service.
Know it's a little dicey, but you'd really be doing me a big favor.
C'est un peu risqué, mais vous me rendriez vraiment un grand service.
Trust me, at my hourly rate, you'd be doing them a favor.
Croyez-moi, à mon taux horaire, vous leurferiez une faveur.
Believe me, pal, you'd be doing me a big favor.
Crois-moi, mon chum. Tu me rendrais un gros service.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Vous me rendriez un service.
You'd be doing me a huge favor.
Vous me rendriez un grand service.
You'd be doing me a favor I'd really appreciate.
Tu me rendrais un service dont je me souviendrai.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Tu me ferais une faveur.
In about two minutes we're gonna bring home the baby... and you'd be doing me a really big favor if you didn't freak out.
Dans deux minutes, on amènera le bébé. Ce serait très sympa de ne pas péter un plomb.
If I could come and hang out he'd be out of my hair for a couple hours and you'd be doing me a huge favor.
Si je pouvais venir et traîner, je l'aurai plus sur le dos. Et vous me rendriez un grand service.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Tu me rendrais service.
You'd actually be doing me a favor.
En fait, tu me rendras service.
You'd be doing me a favor if you did.
Oh non, moi, ça fera mon affaire, si tu t'injectes.
You'd be doing me a favor.
tu peux me faire une faveur.
You'd be doing me a huge favor. She's being a real pain in the ass.
Elle est vraiment chiante en ce moment.
You'd be doing me a favor.
Vous me feriez plaisir.
You'd be doing me a huge favor.
Tu me rendrais un grand service.
Well, it's just, my cupboards are cluttered, and you'd be doing me a huge favor.
Mes placards sont vraiment pleins, alors tu me rendrais service.
- This isn't charity? - You'd be doing me a favor.
- Tu me rendrais service.
You'd be doing me a personal favor.
Tu me ferais une faveur.
You'd be doing me a favor.
T'as une dette envers moi.
You'd actually be doing me a favor.
Vous me rendriez un grand service.
You'd be doing me a favor,'cause I wouldn't have to worry about getting sideways with God.
Ça me rendra service de ne pas avoir à m'inquiéter de ce que pense Dieu.

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