You're my family tradutor Francês
643 parallel translation
Do you think I'm going to submit forever to him and his family and what they're doing to my child?
Dois-je me soumettre éternellement à lui, à sa famille et à ce qu'ils font à ma fille?
- You're mad. It's not my fault, it's because of my friends and family!
- Ce n'est pas ma faute, mes amis, mes parents!
I'm stuck, you're nuts, and I'm going back to Boston before I disgrace my family.
Je suis dedans, tu es fou, je rentre à Boston sauver l'honneur.
You're better than me and my whole family all piled up, ain't you, Charley?
Meilleur que moi et toute ma famille?
And now, ladies and gentlemen, for your pleasure, I hope but chiefly to keep peace in my family you're about to witness the first appearance of a young lady very close to my heart. Miss Susan Dorsey.
Mesdames et messieurs, j'ai l'honneur, afin de préserver la paix chez moi, de vous présenter une jeune fille qui m'est chère, Mlle Susan Dorsey.
You wretch, can't you see that if my family knows I dropped out and we're living together, they'II cut my allowance and probably cut me into pieces too?
malheureuse, tu ne comprends rien, si ma famille découvre que je n'étudie plus et que je vis avec toi, elle me coupe ma pension et me coupe en petits bouts?
You have guests. - But they're just my family.
C'est ma famille.
You're one of us, you're of my own family... and I did what I could to raise you, but we've come to take you back.
Maintenant, tu es un des nôtres, grâce à mes efforts. On est venu te chercher.
I've lived so close to'em and taken care of them so long, they're almost as much my family as you are.
J'ai été si proche d'eux, je les ai soignés si longtemps qu'ils font autant partie de ma famille que toi.
You've no idea how ridiculous you're being when you suggest my sister, or anyone else of our family, could have swindled anyone...
Tu es complètement ridicule d'oser insinuer que ma sœur ou moi on aurait pu commettre une escroquerie!
My family is honest. You're a decent man too.
Aidez-moi, je vous en supplie.
You're hardly my idea of the faithful family retainer, but you've got to stay.
Je vous vois mal en "vieille servante attachée à la famille"!
Sui-Lan. You and Lin and the three little ones, you're mine. You're my family.
Toi, Lin et les trois petits, vous êtes ma famille.
You're only here due to my family's standing.
Tout ce que tu as obtenu, tu le dois à ma famille.
You're letting my whole family down.
Vous laissez choir ma famille.
- Now, look, you're all in my family.
Vous faites tous partie de ma famille.
- Without my family you're nothing.
Sans ma famille, vous ne seriez rien.
So when you or Floyd here or General Motors or some Commie-pinko or my hound dog tells us we're not going to get up at 4 : 30, I tell you- - you haven't got a whisper of a bare-ass clue what the hell this family's all about.
alors attention, vous ne savez pas ce que cette famille a dans le ventre et plus bas.
- No, sir. It's my understanding, at least from the newspapers, that you're like one of the family.
J'ai cru comprendre que vous êtes comme de la famille.
If you're talking about my bar, Madrid weren't you the one who said 8 years ago that it was a gift to commemorate dissolving of the Egawa Family with no strings attached?
Si vous parlez du Madrid, vous me l'avez donné pour compenser la dissolution de mon clan.
You sweet-talked my poor daughter to get into this family because you're a moocher!
Tu mènes ma fille à la baguette, et à vous deux vous régentez tout! Tu es un maquereau!
But they're after you, our kids, my family, every one of our friends.
Contre toi, nos enfants, ma famille, tous nos amis.
You know, my name's Bailey, and you're a damn disgrace to the Bailey family.
Tu sais, je m'appelle Bailey aussi, et tu fous la honte à la famille!
But you're quite happy to give my name and my family's affection to a stranger. Isn't that a crime?
Mais assigner tranquillement mon nom et l'affectation de ma famille à un étranger, ça, ce n'est pas un crime?
You're like my family.
Je t'aime comme un frère.
You're gonna stop spying on me and on my family.
Vous allez arrêter de m'espionner, moi et ma famille.
You've introduced yourself to my family so often they think you're Jack Benny.
Tu t'es tellement présenté qu'ils te prennent pour un représentant.
You're like my own family.
Vous êtes désormais comme mes parents.
You're an insult to my family.
Tu fais honte à notre nom.
You're killing my family!
Vous détruisez ma famille!
This is my family you're talking about.
Tu parles de ma famille.
And... and, uh... and you're my family.
Et vous êtes ma famille.
I and my oath had been surrounded by enemies. My own family and the Senate... You're cruel.
Je suis et j'ai toujours été entouré d'ennemis... dans ma propre famille, et au Sénat.
You're not my family, or anything.
Tu ne m'es rien.
You're my whole family.
Tu es toute ma famille.
Just because you're fucking my sister doesn't make you family.
Tu te tapes ma soeur, mais tu ne fais pas partie de la famille.
You're my whole family.
Tu es ma seule famille.
You're my family, and you make me happy to be alive.
Vous êtes ma famille, je me réjouis d'être en vie.
You're family in my heart.
Je t'aime très fort.
T'es plus ma famille.
You're my family.
C'est vous autres ma famille.
- I'll get my money tonight. Or I'll tell your whole family what you're up to.
J'aurai mon argent ce soir... ou je dirai à ta famille ce que tu mijotes... alors, fais gaffe, hein!
But you'd like my place, just down the coast. They're my family.
Vous seriez bien chez moi... c'est ma famille.
I'm the breadwinner in this family, and you're my lady, and your place is at home.
Mais c'est moi le chef de famille, et ta place est à la maison.
Lenny, you're the Dutch elm disease of my family tree. But you did fine.
Tu es la branche pourrie de mon arbre généalogique... mais là, je te dis bravo.
You're my family.
Ma famille, c'est vous.
You're not gonna screw up my family the same way you screwed up yours.
Bousillez votre famille. Pas la mienne.
Right, only you're not my family.
Très bien, mais vous n'êtes pas de ma famille.
You're my only family.
Vous êtes ma seule famille.
I really like this family, but you're pushing my patience.
J'aime vraiment cette famille mais vous me poussez à bout.
If you don't leave my family alone and you don't get out of here you're going to be hurting like you never dreamed.
Si vous ne laissez pas... ma famille tranquille, et si vous ne partez pas d'ici, vous souffrirez plus que dans vos rêves les plus terribles.
you're my rock 22
you're my hero 133
you're my best friend 278
you're my wife 107
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my mom 23
you're my brother 182
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76
you're my hero 133
you're my best friend 278
you're my wife 107
you're my favorite 18
you're my only hope 38
you're my mom 23
you're my brother 182
you're my friend 234
you're my sister 76