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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You're not going in there

You're not going in there tradutor Francês

168 parallel translation
You're not going in there.
- Vous n'entrerez pas.
You're not going in there.
Vous n'entrerez pas.
No, you're not going in there again.
Non, tu n'iras pas sur le ring.
There was a purpose in her coming here, and if you're as fine as I think you are you're not going to cheat the man you love.
Elle est venue ici pour une raison.
- You're not going in there.
Rentre dans ta chambre
Moore. Well, if you're not going to ride with me, there's a stagecoach leaving in about a week.
La diligence ne part que dans une semaine.
You're not going in there, are you?
Il faut traverser ces récifs?
You're not going in there...
Tu n'entreras pas là-dedans.
You're not going to be able to get those things in there.
vous n'allez pas pouvoir faire rentrer ces choses.
You're not going to leave me in there all by myself.
Tu ne vas pas me laisser tout seul.
You're not really going in there, are you?
Attention! N'entre pas!
You're not going in there, McKay.
Vous n'irez pas.
Now you know you're not going in there.
- Vous savez que vous n'y entrerez pas.
You're not going back in there?
Vous allez retourner au château?
If you're gonna believe it and not me, there's no point in going on.
Si tu la crois plus que moi, je refuse de continuer.
- But surely you're not going in there. - No, we're going in there, Matson.
Mais tu ne comptes pas, entrer là-dedans?
- But surely you're not going in there. - No, we're going in there, Matson.
Si, "nous" allons y entrer...
- You're not going in there.
- N'y va pas.
- You're not going in there. - But I must.
- Pas question.
You're not going back in there.
Allez, partons.
Like, you know, we ball and everything, but... Like, it's really a pretty good thing because there's plenty of freedom because, like, we're not going together, and we're not in love or anything like that, you know.
On fait l'amour... mais je garde toute ma liberté car on n'est pas ensemble, ni amoureux...
- You're not going in there, Frank. - Oh, yes, I am. No, Frank.
Votre cantine était la cachette idéale.
- No, you're not going back in there!
- Vous n'allez pas y retourner?
I'm going back to my office. If you're not off this lot by the time I get there you'll never work again in this town as long as you live.
Je retourne à mon bureau et si vous êtes encore ici quand j'arriverai là-bas... vous ne travaillerez plus jamais à Hollywood!
You're not going in there.
- N'y va pas.
They're not going to let us just walk up in there, you know.
Ils ne vont pas nous laisser rentrer comme ça, tu sais.
- You're not going in there!
- Vous n'entrerez pas!
It's being dragged out of your house in the middle of the night by some... Whatever you are. Being forced to drive all night with a gun pointed in your side and not knowing where you're going or what's going to happen to you when you get there.
C'est quand on se fait embarquer, chez soi, au milieu de la nuit, par un truc comme toi, qu'on est forcé de conduire sous la menace et qu'on ne sait pas où on va
And there's no point in going home until you're not so afraid of not growing up.
Il ne sert à rien de rentrer tant que tu auras peur de grandir.
You're not going in there without them.
Vous n'entrez pas là-dedans sans eux.
You're not going in there while she's away!
Ne me dites pas que vous voulez rentrer chez elle en son absence?
What? There's a war going on down in Chinatown and you're not gonna cover it?
Chinatown est en guerre et tu refuses de couvrir l'événement?
You're not going in there.
George, n'y va pas.
And if you're not there, I'm going to come up here and I'm going to drag your ass in there.
Et si tu n'y es pas, je t'y mènerai á coups de pied au cul!
Get in there! No, you're not going to get in there!
Reste où tu es.
I know you're not going in there but you think it's okay if I go in and use his bathroom?
Je sais que t'y vas pas... mais tu crois que je peux utiliser ses WC?
You're right. I'm not going in there.
Tu as raison, Je ne vais pas y aller.
It's not where you're going in life. It's how you get the hell out of there.
"Ce n'est pas où on va, mais comment on s'en sort."
In more modern plays, we feel that we understand it. It's there for us. But in Shakespeare, you have an entire company on the stage good actors not knowing where they're going.
Dans les pièces modernes, on comprend, tout est évident, mais... avec Shakespeare, on a sur scène toute une troupe de bons acteurs qui ne savent pas où ils vont... où ils sont!
You're not going in there after him, are you?
Tu ne vas pas y aller?
You're not going in there.
Je t'interdis d'entrer!
There's nothing to worry about. You're not going to put us in prison, not this time.
Vous ne nous enverrez pas en prison, pas cette fois.
You're not going in there dry, are you, Doc?
Vous faites ça sans rien me filer?
Just so I know you're not going to use any fireworks in there, Brady.
Tant que vous ne touchez pas aux feux d'artifice, Brady.
But come in, anyway, you're not going to stand there...
Mais entre, tu ne vas pas passer la nuit planté là.
But we do know that they will pay us to haul cargo, which they're not going to do if you go in there doing your John Wayne impression.
Nous savons qu'ils nous paieront pour la cargaison, ce qu'ils ne feront pas, si tu entres en jouant les John Wayne.
Wait. You're not going in there.
Vous n'allez pas entrer là.
You're not going back in there.
Tu n'y retournes pas.
You're not going in there by yourself.
- Tu n'iras pas.
I realize I'm not going to talk you out of this, but I'll be damned if you're going in there alone.
Que le diable m'emporte si vous y allez toute seule.
- You're not going in there! - Why else are we here?
Tu y vas pas maintenant?

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