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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You're still in love with her

You're still in love with her tradutor Francês

65 parallel translation
You can't let her. You're still in love with her.
Retiens-la, beauté, tu l'aimes!
- You're still in love with her.
- Tu l'aimes encore.
I don't care what she's done to you. You're still in love with her.
Quoi qu'elle fasse, tu l'aimes encore.
You're still in love with that girl. You'd do anything to help her.
Tu aimes Jane et tu veux l'aider.
You're still in love with her.
Vous l'aimez toujours.
But, Daddy, you're still in love with her.
Mais tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
Even though you're still in love with her?
Même si vous en êtes encore amoureux?
How can you be sure you're not still in love with her?
Comment pouvez-vous être sûr que vous n'êtes plus amoureux d'elle?
You're still in love with her, ain't you?
Tu l'aimes toujours?
If you're still in love with her?
Si tu l'aimes toujours?
- You're still in love with her?
- Tu l'aimes toujours?
And I know you're still in love with her.
Et tu en es encore amoureux.
You're still in love with her.
Tu l'aimes toujours.
But unless she thinks you're still in love with her, she's not gonna trust you- - and if she doesn't trust you, then she's not gonna believe you when you give her the lowdown on Vinnie the Viper.
Mais si elle pense que tu n'es pas amoureux d'elle... elle ne te fera pas confiance- - et si elle ne te fait pas confiance... elle ne te croira pas quand tu lui diras tout sur Vinnie la Vipère.
- You're still in love with her!
- Tu es toujours amoureux d'elle!
And you're still in love with her.
Et tu l'aimes toujours.
Diane Wittlesey's mother died, you comfort her... and I make it into this big thing like you're still in love with her.
La mère de Diane est morte, tu l'as réconfortée et j'en ai fait tout un plat, comme si tu l'aimais encore.
You make it sound like you're still in love with her.
On dirait que tu l'aimes encore.
- You're still in love with her.
- T'es encore amoureux d'elle.
It's not official. You're still in love with her.
- Tu l'aimes toujours.
Then you tell me you haven't thought about her in five years when, as sick as it is, you're still in love with her.
Puis tu me dis que tu n'as pas pensé à elle pendant 5 ans alors que tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
You're still in love with her.
Tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
You're still in love with her, right?
T'es toujours amoureux d'elle, hein?
I mean, you're still in love with her?
Es-tu toujours amoureux d'elle?
You're still in love with her.
Tu es toujours amoureuse d'elle...
You're still in love with her.
Tu peux l'admettre. T'es encore amoureux d'elle.
- You're still in love with her?
- Vous êtes toujours amoureux d'elle?
Oh, my God. You're still in love with her.
Mon Dieu, tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
The best way to show that you're still in love with your ex-girlfriend is to beat up her new boyfriend.
Le meilleur moyen de montrer que tu aimes toujours de ton ex est de frapper son nouveau copain.
- You're still in love with her.
- Tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
- She said to say that you've been ignoring her and that you're clearly still in love with Sally,
- Elle m'a dit de te dire que tu l'as ignorée et qu'il est clair que tu es toujours amoureux de Sally,
Guess you're still in love with her, huh?
Vous l'aimez encore, j'imagine.
You're still in love with her.
Tu es encore amoureux d'elle.
All this time and you're still in love with her.
Après tout ce temps, vous l'aimez toujours.
- You're still in love with her.
Tu es encore amoureux d'elle.
It's like you're still in love with her. Still?
Comme si vous l'aimiez encore.
If you're still too brave or too stupid, yeah, too much in love with her to get the hell out,
Si tu es trop courageux, trop stupide ou trop amoureux pour dégager,
You're both in love with her, and that's the only reason she's still alive.
T'es amoureux d'elle. C'est ce qui la préserve. - Tu viens ou pas?
You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Tu l'aimes toujours?
You're still in love with her, aren't you? ( SIGHS )
Tu es toujours amoureux d'elle n'est-ce pas?
You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Tu es toujours amoureux d'elle, non?
And that you're still in love with her.
Et que tu l'aimais encore.
Even after 8 years, you're still in love with her, isn't it?
Ca fait 8 ans, et tu l'aimes toujours?
Looks like you're still in love with her.
On dirait que tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Tu l'aime encore, c'est ça?
- Oh, my God. You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Tu l'aimes encore, c'est ça?
Let's start with laurel, Since you're still in love with her. So are you.
Commençons avec Laurel, étant donné que tu es toujours amoureux d'elle.
Let's start with Laurel, since you { \ *'re } still { \ * in } love { \ * with } her.
Parlons de Laurel, puisque tu l'aimes encore.
Would you say you're still in love with her?
Tu es toujours amoureux d'elle?
- You're still in love with her. - I'm not still in love with her.
- Tu l'aimes encore.
You're still in love with her, aren't you?
Tu l'aimes toujours, hein?

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