You've got it tradutor Francês
7,574 parallel translation
I've been trying to talk to you about it for a while now, but... things got complicated.
J'essaie de t'en parler depuis longtemps, mais... Les choses se sont compliquées.
I know it was just a dream, but I've got to believe that if I could find the right words to say to you, you would find a way to forgive me.
C'était qu'un rêve, je sais. Mais je suis persuadée qu'en trouvant les bons mots, tu pourrais me pardonner.
Sometimes repaying it is all you've got.
Des fois, rembourser est tout ce que l'on a.
Fuck. Listen, if what you've got is big enough to put Proctor away, I'll do everything I can to keep you out of it.
Si c'est assez gros pour choper Proctor, je ferai mon possible pour te protéger.
Yeah. You've got no chance of getting away with it, you prick.
- Tu t'en tires pas, crétin.
- You've got to put it out of its misery.
Tu dois l'achever.
You've got to try it.
Tu dois essayer.
Maybe it'll help wash off some of that stench of breakup you've got clinging to you.
Peut-être que ça aidera à faire partir la puanteur. de la rupture qui est accrochée à toi.
And I... I know it won't make up for anything, but I think if you want, you've got a right to take a swing at me.
Et je sais que ça ne changera rien, mais je pense que si tu veux, tu as le droit de m'en mettre une.
- Mm-mm. - Well, I think you've still got it.
Eh bien, c'est toujours vous qui l'avez.
You've got to wait until I'm in a completely vulnerable position where I'd really fall for it.
Tu aurais du attendre que je sois Dans une position vulnérable Où je serais vraiment tombé dedans.
I've still got it. A bit shocked, aren't you?
Tu es un peu choqué, hein?
You've got the right temperament for it.
Tu as le bon tempérament pour ça.
They've already got enough skeletons in there, you skinny bitch! You'll never make it out alive!
Ils ont déjà asse z de squelettes là-dedans, pétasse anorexique!
But not the nature of business. If Mrs Batten were elected, she'd be well placed to further your interests. You might've got away with it too.
- Une fois Mme Batten élue, elle était bien placée pour défendre vos intérêts.
And the next time you've got information relating to a crime, you give it to whoever's on the desk, do you understand?
Et si vous avez une information sur un crime, donnez-la quelle que soit la personne qui se trouve au bureau, compris?
Well, and you've only got one nerve, and it's in his pants.
Et toi non plus, quand tu joues avec ce qu'il y a dans son pantalon.
Rumor has it that you've still got the last sword your dad made.
Une rumeur dit que tu as encore le dernier sabre que ton père a forgé.
So, Santa Barbara, if you've got- - like I was saying, if you've got, um, big plans this weekend, keep those fingers crossed...'cause rain... it's coming.
Donc, Santa Barbara, si vous avez... comme je disais, si vous avez des plans ce week-end, croisez les doigts... car la pluie... arrive.
Looks like you've got it all figured out, with your brownstone and your baby and your cool-looking husband.
On dirait que tu as tout trouvé, avec ta maison de grès et ton bébé et ton beau mari
You've got to know it all.
Tu dois tout savoir.
And you've always got away with it because people didn't know who you were.
Tu t'en es toujours sortie... parce que les gens ne te reconnaissaient pas.
The main thing is you've got to stop touching your face. That aggravates it.
Il faut éviter de se toucher le visage.
- If you've got something to say, say it to me.
Si t'as un truc à dire, adresse-toi à moi.
It is when it's all you've got.
Ça l'est quand c'est tout ce que t'as.
Well, Spencer, it was very nice very knowing you, but I think we've got it from here.
Bien, Spencer c'était sympa de vous connaitre, mais je pense qu'on gère à partir d'ici.
- I've got it. - Here you go.
- Je m'en occupe.
You've got to make it back here.
vous devez revenir ici
You've got to make it back here.
Vous devez revenir ici.
You've got to make it back... Holy hell.
Vous devez revenir... bordel.
Before you know it, you've got a call brand.
En un clin d'œil, tu as ta marque de commerce.
I'm guessin'you've got a plan that'll keep it that way.
Je suppose que tu as un plan pour ça.
You know what, I've got it down pat now.
Je sais faire maintenant.
If you've got something to say, Mr Leclair, say it to my face.
Si vous avez quelque chose à dire, M. Leclair, dites-le moi en face.
If you've got something to say, Mr Leclair... say it my face.
Si vous avez quelque chose à me dire, M. Leclair, dites-le en face.
If you've got something to say, Mr LeClair, say it to my face.
Si vous avez quelque chose à dire, M. Leclair, dites-le moi en face.
Bridget, you've got to get these windows clean before it gets too hot.
Bridget, il faut nettoyer les carreaux avant la grosse chaleur.
Well, if you want to get to the bottom of it, you've got to get them talking, you know.
Ben, si tu veux aller au bout de cette histoire, tu dois les faire parler, tu sais.
It kind of seems like you've always got a lot going on.
On dirait qu'il y a toujours plein de choses qui t'arrivent.
I can do it, but you've got to get me into the medical center.
Je peux le faire, mais il faut qu'on entre dans le centre médical.
We've got it under control, Batman. You can take...
Nous contrôlons la situation, Batman, vous pouvez...
It's like you've got these special powers, like a wizard.
C'est comme si tu avais des super pouvoirs, comme un sorcier.
I've been waiting to hear what yours might be since I got here, you know, before the CDC or one of your wingnut scientists shares it with the rest of the world.
J'attends toujours de savoir lesquels. Avant que le monde ne soit informé par le CDC ou un de vos Dr Maboul.
Lucy, you've got to face it.
Lucy, ouvre les yeux.
I'll call him, but, you know, from the way they were talking about it, I think we've got a real shot.
Je les appellerai, mais leur enthousiasme est positif.
♪ It really don't matter if you've got a Cap Anson ♪
♪ Mais ça ne sert à rien d'avoir la carte de Cap Anson ♪
Damn it, Al, I don't care what you've got going on tonight.
Merde, Al, je m'en fous de ce qui tu as prévu ce soir.
That's why you've got to be smart and do the right thing... So it doesn't end badly for you.
C'est pourquoi tu dois être intelligente et faire la bonne chose... pour que cela ne finisse pas mal pour toi.
Apple-F and you've got it full screen.
Pomme F et tu l'as en plein écran.
You've got it.
Tu l'as.
You should've got it.
Ça valait le coup.
you've got it all wrong 111
you've got it wrong 56
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've got a deal 21
you've got the wrong guy 51
you've got a lot of nerve 17
you've got a choice 16
you've got it wrong 56
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've got a deal 21
you've got the wrong guy 51
you've got a lot of nerve 17
you've got a choice 16
you've gotta be kidding me 133
you've got to stop this 21
you've got some nerve 35
you've got a nerve 27
you've got to do it 16
you've got to be kidding me 389
you've got 378
you've got to go 70
you've got to admit 36
you've got me 84
you've got to stop this 21
you've got some nerve 35
you've got a nerve 27
you've got to do it 16
you've got to be kidding me 389
you've got 378
you've got to go 70
you've got to admit 36
you've got me 84