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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You have to stop him

You have to stop him tradutor Francês

184 parallel translation
Listen. You have to stop him. Stand in the road and wave to him.
écoutes... il faut que tu l'arrêtes... mets-toi sur le chemin, fais-lui signe!
Look you have to stop him!
Ecoutez vous devez l'arrêter!
Father! You have to stop him!
Papa, retiens-le!
But you have to stop him!
- Mais vous devez l'en empêcher!
You have to stop him. 'Cause he said he was gonna kill me.
Empêchez-le d'approcher, il veut me tuer!
You have to stop him.
Vous devez l'arrêter.
You have to stop him.
- Il faut l'arrêter.
But you have to tell him the truth about Katie. You have to stop him.
Vous devez l'arrêter.
- Have you tried to stop him?
- Vous avez essayé?
Hit him if you have to but stop him.
Frappe-le s'il le faut.
Here I have no fine but if you come after closing I'll bring him to bet the store. Stop your stories.
Ici je n'ai rien de joli, mais si tu viens après la messe, à la fermeture, j'irai t'en chercher exprès à l'entrepôt.
You see, I own a plug-ugly who's going to be engaged fisticuffs-wise tonight and I have to stop by and put the lead weights in his gloves and wise him up, wise-wise.
Sportivement parlant, je fais confiance à mon tombeur. Je lui enseigne les coups bas.
Try to stop me and I'll have you put in jail and him declared incompetent Will you shut up?
Si vous m'arrêtez, je porte plainte contre vous, et le fait mettre sous tutelle.
You'll have to stop him yourself.
Vous allez devoir le faire taire.
After Nathan gets Joe back, he's still got to live here, which means you 2 can't, and if you don't have Joe, what'll stop him?
Après, Nathan continuera à vivre ici. Et si vous n'avez plus Joe, rien ne l'arrêtera.
A man threatens your life and you have... the means to stop him, what do you do?
Un homme menace ta vie et tu as.... ce qu'il faut pour l'arrêter, qu'est-ce que tu fais?
You won't have a job to do unless you stop treating him like a machine.
Vous n'aurez plus de travail si vous le traitez comme une machine.
You tell him to stop missing school or I'll have you.
- Dis lui de bien bosser à l'école.
Stop him! - What do you have to do with Henk?
I have no doubt that you saw him, but what really happened is when you saw him, you were so scared shitless that you crashed your precious ten speed into the stop sign, bumped your head on the curb and probably scared him half to death in the process!
Je crois que vous l'avez vu, mais ce qui s'est vraiment passé, c'est que vous avez eu si peur que vous avez foncé sur le panneau d'arrêt, frappé votre tête et, du coup, probablement effrayé la bête!
- We have to stop him. - We've got to get you to a hospital.
II faut vous hospitaliser
Grammy! Grammy, you have to make him stop!
Mamie, fais-le arrêter!
- Yes. It's about your boyfriend. You have to make him stop.
- oui c'est à propos de votre petit ami vous devez le faire arrêter
When the Constellation arrives I'll tell them that I couldn't stop you from leaving, that I would have had to kill the boy to keep him here.
Quand le Constellation arrivera, je leur dirai que je n'ai pas pu vous empêcher de partir et que j'aurais dû tuer le garçon pour le garder ici.
Commissioner, you have to think something to stop him
C'était un accident
You guys! We have to stop him!
Faut l'arrêter!
No, I'm not going to tell him to shut up, and these basketball wars between you and your father have got to stop.
Je veux plus que tu te chamailles avec ton père pour le basket.
If you had been there, would you have attempted to stop him?
Si vous aviez été là, auriez-vous essayé de l'en empêcher?
Hey, you guys, since we don't know how to vanquish the ghost, we have to try to stop him from killing his next victim. Am I interrupting something?
Comme on ignore comment vaincre ce fantôme, il faut l'empêcher de tuer sa... prochaine victime.
And there was nothing that you could have done to stop him, Prue.
Rien n'aurait pu l'en empêcher, Prue.
We have to stop him. You know that.
Vous savez qu'on doit l'arrêter.
You're gonna have to make good on your threat... get a court order and compel him to stop his pussyfooting.
Demandez un mandat et forcez-le à se mouiller.
He's a blackmailer and you have to stop him.
"l'Antichrist de l'Eglise du Christ". Savez-vous qui l'a écrit?
Still, you have to find a way to stop him before things get worse.
Mais il faut éviter que la situation n'empire.
- You have to stop him. - It's his choice.
- ll a choisi.
Well, now I'm asking you to turn the other way while I do what I have to to stop him.
Je te demande de me laisser agir à ma guise avec lui.
That's not my wallet, Dan Dad, you have to stop making trouble for him
Tu dois cesser de l'importuner.
If you have to kill him, don't let that stop you.
S'il faut le tuer, n'hésitez pas.
Okay, well you have to stop her. You can't let her find him.
Elle ne doit surtout pas le trouver.
- Hey Ok, I'll go to Aunt Honey's with you if you'll go to my parents'with me and we have to stop by Jack's stepdad's with him
Je t'accompagne chez ta tante si tu viens chez mes parents et chez le beau-père de Jack.
I have to find him, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Je le dois, et vous n'avez aucun moyen de m'arrêter.
You have to get to him before he does or he'll be impossible to stop.
Vous devez l'arrêter avant ou ce sera impossible.
The fact is, the moment Sauvage gets that crown on his head, he'll be able to do whatever he likes with the country that I love, and that is why you and I have got to stop him.
Le problème est, qu'au moment ou Sauvage aura cette couronne sur la tête, il pourra faire ce qu'il veut avec le pays que j'aime, et c'est pourquoi vous et moi devons l'arrêter.
You have to stop seeing him.
Là, il va falloir que tu cesses de le voir.
"I am Death and I have come to take you with your husband", stop whatever you're doing and let him do what he has to do.
"Je suis la Mort et je vais t'amener à ton mari", tu arrêtes ce que tu es en train de faire et tu le laisses faire ce qu'il a à faire.
Game! You don't have the right to beat him. Stop!
Vous n'avez pas le droit!
We can't. The Necromancer will follow, and you don't have a way to stop him.
Le Nécromancien la suivra, et vous ne pourrez pas l'arrêter.
You have to stop him.
Vous devez l'en empêcher.
But pretty soon, I'm gonna miss him so much I'm gonna want to see him again, and you have to stop me.
Mais il va me manquer, alors je voudrai le voir. Tu devras m'en empêcher.
If Avon contracted him to get at you... the Brother wouldn't have stop coming until you two were bumped.
Si Avon l'avait engagé pour vous descendre, il serait revenu jusqu'à ce que vous soyez tous les deux refroidis.
You have failed to stop him
Vous n'avez pas réussis à l'arrêté

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