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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You were right the first time

You were right the first time tradutor Francês

47 parallel translation
- You were right the first time, Barret.
- Vous aviez raison, Barret.
You were right the first time.
La première réponse était la bonne.
That was almost 14 years ago, and you were right the first time.
C'était il y a presque 14 ans et effectivement pour Woodstock.
You were right the first time.
T'avais bon la première fois.
You were right the first time.
Tu avais raison.
No, you were right the first time... with that quick fix idea.
Tu avais raison la première fois avec tes solutions rapides.
- You were right the first time.
- Tu avais raison dès le début.
No, you were right the first time.
Non, vous aviez raison la première fois.
- You were right the first time.
Vous aviez dit juste.
You were right the first time.
Tu avais raison la première fois.
You were right the first time. Keep up the good work.
Vous aviez juste la 1ère fois.
No, you were right the first time.
Non, ta première phrase est la bonne.
- You were right the first time.
C'est tout?
A - and you were right the first time. This is none of your business.
Et vous aviez raison au début, ce ne sont pas vos affaires.
Looks like you were right the first time.
On dirait que vous aviez raison la première fois.
Maybe you were right the first time.
Vous aviez peut-être raison la première fois.
No, you were right the first time.
Non, le premier truc que t'as dit, t'avais raison.
Because you were right the first time.
Parce que t'avais raison dès le départ.
George, maybe you were right the first time.
George, peut-être que vous aviez raison la première fois.
- You were right the first time.
Vous aviez raison la première fois.
Sometimes that's what it takes to find out that you were right the first time.
Parfois, c'est ce qu'il faut pour découvrir que vous aviez raison la première fois.
And you were right the first time.
Et tu avais raison. Ryan est mort.
You were right the first time we went out, Eve.
T'avais raison, la première fois qu'on est sorti ensemble.
But I think you were right the first time.
Mais je pense que tu avais raison la première fois.
You know what, my dear, you were right the first time.
Vous avez quoi, ma chère, vous aviez raison la première fois.
When we met? You were right the first time.
Quand on s'est rencontrés, vous aviez raison.
No, you were right the first time.
Non, vous aviez raison la premià ¨ re fois.
You remember that day in Sherwood Forest? I realized then for the first time that what you were doing was right and that we were wrong.
Dans la forêt de Sherwood, j'ai enfin compris que vous aviez raison et nous, tort...
You were right about me the first time.
Vous aviez raison à mon sujet.
I had you right the first time I saw you up in Pawnee Flat, when you were lying in the dirt and I took you for what they said you were.
J'avais vu juste à notre première rencontre à Pawnee Flat, quand vous aviez le nez dans la boue et que nous vous jugions.
First time I met you, you were looking for the right door.
La première fois, vous cherchiez une porte.
- No, you were right the first time.
Non, vous aviez raison.
Wow, that's good. You knew right away. The first time I looked at them, it took me a while to figure out what they were.
Vous avez tout de suite deviné. J'ai mis du temps à comprendre ce que c'était.
Yeah, see, that's how I knew you were the right one tonight, because I just want my first time to be great.
Ouais, tu vois, c'est comme ça que j'ai su que tu étais la bonne, parce que je veux que ma première fois soit géniale.
You know, when Ted and I were cooking and our hands touched for the first time, I knew right then that after class he would take me up on the roof, kiss me and give me a rose.
Vous savez, quand Ted et moi étions en train de cuisiner et que nos mains se sont touchées pour la première fois, j'ai su que juste après le cours il m'emmènerait sur le toit, m'embrasserait et m'offrirait une rose.
Your gut told you to avoid Literati the first time around, and you were right to listen to that.
Votre instinct vous a dit d'éviter Literati la première fois, vous avez eu raison de l'écouter.
You were right the first time.
Tu as raison.
Am I right that this is the first time You were able to sleep well in months?
C'est bien la première fois que vous dormez depuis des mois?
But you were right- - there's a governor's race for the first time in a decade.
il y a vraiment une compétition pour la première fois en 10 ans.
I think you were probably right the first time.
Je pense que tu avais probablement raison la première fois.
I mean, I was really good today, especially considering that I laced up for the first time today, you know, and you were totally right about the ice-skating.
Je veux dire, j'étais vraiment bonne aujourd'hui, surtout en considérant que j'ai chaussé des rollers pour la première fois aujourd'hui, tu sais, et tu avais totalement raison a propos du patinage.
I mean, after hearing that he was still sleeping with Lyndsey when you two were dating is apparently something you're hearing for the first time right now.
Je veux dire, après avoir appris qu'il couchait toujours avec Lyndsey quand vous sortiez ensemble... apparemment c'est la première fois que tu entends ça.
Yeah, like you paid the Feds off who were supposed to take you to prison the first time, is that right?
Ouais, comme vous avez payé les Feds pied qui ont été supposée pour vous emmener à la prison la première fois, est-ce exact?

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