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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / Youtubed

Youtubed tradutor Francês

7 parallel translation
At this rate, I'll be youtubed by dinner.
A cette vitesse, je serais sur YouTube avant le dîner.
YouTubed it.
Posté sur YouTube.
A few days, this will be tweeted... - and YouTubed all over the planet. - We don't wanna be the paper that cries wolf.
Dans quelques jours, ce sera twitté et youtubé sur toute la planète.
Let me blow off some steam,'cause I didn't say anything when I got YouTubed and Don kicked me out or Jim started treating me like a sister and Lisa stopped speaking to me because I had this thing.
Car j'ai rien dis quand j'ai été youtubée et Don m'a quitté, Jim commence à me traiter comme sa petite soeur et lisa a arrête de me parler à cause de ce truc.
Somebody YouTubed it.
Quelqu'un l'a mise sur YouTube.
No, we YouTubed how to fix a pane of glass.
On a appris sur Internet.
Poppy YouTubed him.
Poppy me l'a montré sur YouTube.

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