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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Z ] / Zachary

Zachary tradutor Francês

655 parallel translation
Zachary Benjamin Dennis.
Zachary Benjamin Dennis.
- Did you ever hear of... - Zachary Fiske? Zachary Fiske himself.
Oui, Zachary Fisc en personne.
If you'll be good enough to sign the contract... Oh, Mr. Miller, I must remind you once again.
Je vous rappelle que le nom de Zachary Fisc... ne doit être prononcé à aucun prix.
All I know is Zachary Fiske is backing his play.
Si Zachary Fisc le commandite, je n'ai qu'à m'incliner!
- Zachary Fiske? How did you...?
Le Dr Glass a tout entendu.
- Then I'll sue Fiske.
Alors, Zachary Fisc...
Zachary Fiske?
Fisc l'a stoppé?
Me and Zachary Taylor like to lost a hunk of hair down there in'48.
Zacharioty Taylor et moi y avons eu beaucoup d'ennuis en 1848.
If somebody calls and says it ´ s Zachary Morgan, that ´ s me.
Si un certain Zachary Morgan essaie de vous joindre, c " est moi.
You ´ re Zachary?
Take Zachary into the living room.
Amène Zachary dans le salon.
Uncle Henry, this is Zachary Morgan.
Oncle Henry, je te présente Zachary Morgan.
We know that you are present here with us... that you are smiling upon our two guests, Mary and Zachary.
Nous savons que Tu es parmi nous, et que Tu bénis nos deux invités, Mary et Zachary.
Thank you, Zachary.
Too bad his name isn't Zachary.
Dommage que ce ne soit pas Zachary.
I request the general's permission... to attend the funeral of Cmdr. Zachary Lansdowne at Arlington Cemetery.
Pourrais-je avoir une permission pour assister à l'enterrement de Zachary Lansdowne au cimetière d'Arlington?
But I'm sure Zachary Wilde does.
Mais pas Zachary Wilde. J'en suis sûre.
Big news : I've got everything moved. Zach Wilde sent over a car and the janitor carried your bags down.
Ça y est, j'ai tout déménagé, grâce à la voiture de Zachary Wilde.
Tell me, how soon can I punch Zachary Wilde in the snoot?
Quand pourrai-je lui casser quelques dents?
Wilde. Zachary Wilde.
Wilde, Zachary Wilde.
- Zachary Wilde.
Zachary Wilde...
Oh, Zachary...
Yeah, Zachary, sure.
J'aurais dû m'en douter.
We were all working at Zach's tonight and I decided the air would do me good so I walked till I almost fell down and there I was, no purse.
Je travaillais chez Zachary et j'ai voulu marcher un peu. J'ai beaucoup marché, et quand j'en ai eu assez... pas d'argent!
- When I agreed to come...
Zachary, on était d'accord...
Zachary and I have been engaged for sometime.
Zachary et moi, nous sommes fiancés... depuis un moment.
Then he ran down the hill to hide that money and Zachary killed him.
Puis il est parti cacher son argent, et Zachary l'a tué.
- Why, Rachel Zachary.
- Rachel Zachary.
You're no Zachary.
Tu n'es pas une Zachary.
Not a Zachary born, but Ma says it's no different than if I were flesh and blood.
Pas de naissance, mais pour maman, je suis comme la chair de sa chair.
How do, Miz Zachary?
Ca va, Mme Zachary?
Ben Zachary must be counting on a golden year to buy a pi-anna.
Ben Zachary doit compter sur une année en or pour acheter un piano.
Take more than a fancy dress to catch a Zachary.
Il faut plus qu'une jolie robe pour attraper un Zachary.
Us Rawlins and you Zacharys.
Nous, les Rawlins et vous, les Zachary.
Ben Zachary, sir, I want to come courting.
Monsieur Ben Zachary, j'aimerais faire la cour.
The same goes with Cash Zachary.
Comme Cash Zachary.
Maybe you ain't asked the right Zachary.
Tu n'as peut-être pas demandé au bon Zachary.
Zacharys are finished!
Les Zachary sont finis!
- The Zacharys.
- Les Zachary.
Say yes or no right this minute, Ben Zachary.
C'est oui ou non maintenant, Ben Zachary.
Rachel Zachary. I want to know about Rachel Zachary.
Parlez-moi de Rachel Zachary.
Tell us about Rachel Zachary.
Parlez-nous de Rachel Zachary.
We saddled up, Will Zachary and me and many others.
On a sellé, Will Zachary, moi et beaucoup d'autres.
I had my hand on her throat and Will Zachary said to me "There'll be no more killing."
J'ai mis ma main autour de sa gorge, mais Will Zachary m'a dit : "On ne tue plus."
And when the Kiowas captured my boy,
Quand les Kiowas ont capturé mon garçon, j'ai dit à Will Zachary :
Zachary Stevens.
Zachary Stevens...
The name of Zachary Fiske must remain in the background at any cost.
M. Après, fiez-vous à ma parole.
That's a good enough recommendation for anybody. - Zachary Fiske?
J'ai tout entendu.
- Mr. Miller can have anything he likes. - All right.
Si j'avais su que Zachary Fisc le commandite....
I had no idea Zachary Fiske had anything to do with this.
Mais... comment savez-vous?
Zachary Wilde. "
"Zachary Wilde."

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