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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Z ] / Zehnder

Zehnder tradutor Francês

12 parallel translation
No, no!
Quand Zehnder allait chier.
- Zehnder, go in your pants.
Zehnder, fais dans ton froc.
Zehnder needs the head.
Zehnder a envie de chier.
- Thanks, Dobbs.
Sacré Zehnder!
Then let's raise our glasses to Kurt Zehnder, Charlie Cartwright, Miguel Fernandez, and all the men fallen of the 8113.
Levons nos verres à Kurt Zehnder, Charlie Cartwright, Miguel Fernandez et à tous ceux du 8113e qui sont tombés.
Thank God for Zehnder's weak constitution or else somebody'd be toasting us right now.
Vive la piètre constitution de Zehnder. - Sinon on serait pas là.
His source was Kurt Zehnder.
Sa source, c'était Zehnder.
Zehnder used a courier to get the file to Denning, but the courier never showed.
Zehnder l'a envoyé, le coursier est jamais venu.
A week later, Zehnder committed suicide, and that's when Denning went underground.
Peu après, Zehnder s'est suicidé et Denning s'est planqué.
What the hell did Zehnder have in that file?
Que contenait ce dossier?
- And you could always tell when the shit was about to fly... when Zehnder shit. - At least.
- Zehnder?

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