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79th tradutor Português

40 parallel translation
Station house is evacuated, as is the fire alarm headquarters on 79th.
A estação foi evacuada, assim como o quartel de bombeiros na rua 79.
79th and Columbus.
79 e Columbus.
They fished him out of the 79th Street Basin.
Pescaram-no da bacia da 79th Street.
He washed up near the 79th Street Basin.
Apareceu perto da bacia da 79th Street.
Tell him I'll meet him in three hours in Central Park, near the lighted walkway off 79th, near the reservoir.
Diga-lhe que me encontro com ele daqui a 3 horas em Central Park, perto do passeio iluminado da 79, ao pé do reservatório.
But you know you can beat the 10-20 at the Chesterfield and the Hi-Low... at that goulash joint on 79th Street.
Mas podes ganhar o 10-20 em Chesterfield e o High-Low na espelunca do Goulash na rua 79.
Doggies from the 79th Infantry. They left quickly.
Haviam uns tipos da 79ª de Infantaria, mas fugiram rapidamente.
Are you fucking crazy? Right there. 79th Street, on the Hudson.
- Está doido?
Just drop me off at 79th.
Deixa-me na 79th
And far from its roots as a family establishment, this was the scene today at 79th and Exchange at Calvin's Barbershop when Alderman Lalowe Brown stopped by for a photo opportunity and haircut.
E longe das suas raízes como um estabelecimento de família esta foi a cena no 79 da rua Exchange na barbearia do Calvin, quando o vereador Lalowe Brown passou por lá para tirar uma foto e fazer um corte de cabelo.
So I'm against the proposed Quality Land development project on 79th and Exchange.
Por isso sou contra o projecto no no 79 da rua Exchange.
I own Calvin's Barbershop over on 79th.
Sou o dono da barbearia no no 79.
So some change on 79th is well-needed and well-deserved.
Por isso alguma mudança no no 79 é necessária e merecida.
So if I had to say, I would deny Quality Land Development's proposal to tear up 79th because it just ain't worth it.
Por isso, por mim, recuso a proposta da Quality Land Development para despedaçar a nossa rua porque não vale a pena.
What to do. I have my driver outside... a boat docked at the 79th Street Basin to take us out to sea... and my plane and my pilot on hold to fly you anywhere in the world.
Tenho o meu chofeur esperando lá fora... um barco amarrado na Dársena da 79 pronto para zarpar... e o meu avião e o meu piloto à sua disposição para levar-nos aonde quer que seja.
I live at 485, West 79th Street.
Moro na Rua 79, nº45.
Two weeks ago, Spanish bar on 79th Street. Dish of olives.
Há duas semanas, no bar espanhol, tu comeste umas.
On July 28th, 1945, a B-25 bomber lost in the fog crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building.
Um B25 despenha-se a 28 de Julho de 1945 contra o 79º piso do Empire State Building.
It falls off after 79th.
É logo depois da Rua 79.
79th and Amsterdam.
Fica na esquina da Rua 79 com a Av. Amsterdam.
First Baptist Church, 79th and Broadway.
Primeira Igreja Batista, na 79 com a Broadway.
It's a hell-fit all the way from 79th.
Está um inferno em toda a 79ª.
You know, there's this new Italian restaurant on 79th that's supposed to be amazing.
Sabes, há um novo restaurante italiano na rua 79 que é suposto ser fantástico.
She lives at... 4258 West 79th Street.
Vive... na 4258 west 79th street.
Ranked 79th in the women's tour.
É a número 79 no ranking das mulheres.
- We're at 79th and Broadway.
- Estamos na 79ª com a Broadway.
Get to the 79th Street boat basin.
Vá até a marina da 79ª rua.
- Winter! - 79th Street Boat Basin.
- O porto na rua 79ª.
They tracked her phone to the 79th Street Boat Basin.
Localizaram o seu telemóvel na Rua 79 Boat Basin.
And now, the 79th running of the Race around the School.
E agora, a 79º corrida da Corrida à volta da Escola.
I texted Isaac, and he said we can cop, but he's leaving in 10 minutes and he's all the way up on 79th and Third.
Mandei uma mensagem ao Isaac e podemos comprar, mas vai sair em dez minutos e estará na 79ª com a Terceira.
The Dublin House, 79th Street.
Dublin House, Rua 79. Encontre-se comigo lá.
North Cove, Surfside 3 / Chelsea Piers, and the 79th Street Boat Basin.
North Cove, Surfside 3 / Chelsea Piers, e a 79th Street Boat Basin.
They found a floater at the 79th street boat basin.
Encontraram um corpo a flutuar no cais da 79th street
Yes, sir, 79th Street all day.
Isso mesmo, 79th Street na veia.
Your girl does need to be careful wearing all of that red and gold down 79th.
Vocês precisam de ter cuidado ao usar todas essas joias pela 79th. É.
Talking about how they repping 79th, all that nonsense, South Side, all that stupid shit.
Sobres como representam a 79th, essa parvoíce de South Side, essa merda.
He's the 79th...
Ele é o 79º
Are you familiar with Calvin's Barbershop on 79th and Exchange?
Conhece a barbearia do Calvin na rua 79 com a Exchange?
Closest ping's at the 79th Street Boat Basin.
O sinal mais perto é da Rua 79, Boat Basin.

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