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And it was my fault tradutor Português

166 parallel translation
All those years, man, I thought you were dead... and it was my fault.
Todos estes anos, pensei que tinhas morrido... e que a culpa tinha sido minha.
You had a lousy time and it was my fault.
Tiveste um tempo difícil, e a culpa é minha.
His brother drowned on a fishing boat, and it was my fault.
O irmão dele morreu afogado, e foi culpa minha.
And it was my fault.
E a culpa foi minha.
If he lost the election and it was my fault, gosh, golly, that would be so hard on me.
Se ele perdesse a eleição seria minha culpa, Ó Deus, caramba, isso seria tão duro pra mim.
And it was my fault that she wasn't there.
E a culpa tinha sido toda minha.
I went through hell last night and it was my fault'cause I let people do it to me.
Eu passei pelo inferno esta noite, e foi por minha culpa, porque deixei acontecer.
And it was my fault because I knew it was gonna happen.
- A culpa foi minha, estava a prevê-lo!
Then when you were sick, and it was all my fault.
E, quando adoeceste, a culpa foi minha.
Before, I found this town gloomy and sad, but it was my fault because suddenly, it's all brightened up!
Esta cidade... antes parecia-me sombria, triste... a culpa era minha porque... de repente tudo parece uma festa!
It was my fault he's kicked out and we have to travel clear across the country for three days.
Foi por minha culpa que ele foi expulso e que temos de viajar, através do país, durante três dias.
It was my fault and I'm sorry.
- A culpa foi minha e peço desculpa.
I can - it was my fault - and then, when I got fired here
Posso. A culpa foi minha.
I'm sure it was my brother's fault, and I'm sure you had your reasons.
De certo que a culpa foi do meu irmão e que tiveste as tuas razões.
I was thinking it was your fault because you'd been left in charge, or Manuel's for not waking you, and all the time, it was my fault.
Eu a pensar que a culpa era tua, porque estavas tu encarregue, ou do Manuel por não te acordar e afinal a culpa sempre foi minha!
It was all my fault. I kept after him and after "him..."
Andei e andei atrás dele...
Not with all you've been through, and i knew it was my fault.
Não com o que se tem passado consigo, soube que foi culpa minha.
So now you're telling me it was an accident... and it's still my fault?
Agora diz-me que foi um acidente? E a culpa continua a ser minha?
A big part of my life has been taken away from me... and people are saying it was my fault.
Perdi algo muito importante, na minha vida. E as pessoas dizem que a culpa foi minha.
I knew Greta's deafness was my fault and it put me in a chronic state of panic.
Sabia que sua surdez era minha culpa, e isso me deixou em pânico.
And I have to say it was pretty much all my fault.
E devo dizer que foi bastante por minha culpa.
They eventually parted as friends, and I eventually stopped thinking it was all my fault.
No fim, ficaram amigos. E eu parei de pensar que a culpa era minha.
They brought him in to talk to him, you know, and surprise surprise, he said it was my fault.
Chamaram-no à esquadra para falarem com ele, e surpresa, ele disse que foi culpa minha.
It was my fault and I'm sorry.
A culpa foi minha e lamento.
I was under the influence of narcotics and amphetamines at the time, so, yeah, you could say it was my fault.
Tinha acabado de tomar narcóticos e afetaminas... portanto, acho que sim.
If anybody ruined the party, it was the guys, and they were my fault.
Quem estragou a festa foram os meus amigos, a culpa foi minha.
I am so, so, sorry for everything that's happened because in spite of what Mike says now it was my fault because it was my project and I insisted insisted on everything.
Eu lamento muito, muito... por tudo o que aconteceu... porque, apesar do que o Mike diz agora, a culpa é minha... pois o projecto era meu... e eu insisti... insisti sobre tudo.
Look, Joey, it wasn't my fault that you got fired and even if it was, which it wasn't you can't stay mad at me forever, okay?
Não foi despedida por culpa minha. E, mesmo se fosse, não pode ficar brava comigo para sempre.
And I know that it was my fault.
E sei que a culpa seria minha.
Because I told her Lawrence Selden was coming, but... he wouldn't after all and she's unreasonable enough... to believe it was my fault.
Disse-lhe que o Lawrence Selden vinha e afinal ele não vem e é suficientemente parva para achar minha a culpa.
I was getting dressed, and nothing looked right... and I realized it was all my glasses'fault.
Estava a vestir-me e nada me parecia bem, quando percebi que a culpa era dos óculos.
They want me to say how I'm so sorry and it was my mom's fault or maybe it was my dad's fault, or it happened because of TV or movies or... some junk like that.
Eles querem que eu diga o quão estou arrependido. E que foi culpa da minha mãe, ou talvez do meu pai. Aconteceu por causa da televisão ou dos filmes, ou algo do género.
Would you forgive me if I told you I called Linda last night after our little fracas and explained that it was my fault?
Perdoavas-me se eu te dissesse que telefonei à Linda a noite passada depois da nossa discussão, e expliquei-lhe que a culpa foi minha?
When it was all over, they said it was all my fault because I wanted them to take a plea and it had been arranged before.
Quando tudo acabou, disseram que foi tudo culpa minha porque eu queria que eles aceitassem a convicção e isso já tinha sido acordado antes.
- Before, it was all my fault, you called me a traitor, and now everything's "Fine, Alex"?
Antes, era tudo culpa minha, chamou-me traidor, e agora "Tudo bem, Alex"?
My act bombed.Not one kid laughed, and it was his fault.
O meu número falhou. Nem um miúdo se riu. E a culpa foi dele.
It's my fault. I was bad, and something bad happened to me. Karma.
Eu fui mau e aconteceram-me coisas más.
My boss said it was somehow my fault, and it's coming out of my paycheck which I don't even think is legal.
O meu chefe disse que foi culpa minha, e vai descontar do meu salário o que eu nem sei se é legal.
I took you for granted, Cal, and you were a really good friend to me... ... and I never gave you your due. It was my fault.
Sempre foste um bom amigo, Cal, e eu nunca te dei o devido valor Foi culpa minha.
And you acted like somehow it was my fault my misunderstanding, and I was too in love with you to ever be mad at you, so I just punished myself!
E ages como se fosse culpa minha... como se fosse um mal-entendido, estava demasiado apaixonada por ti...
I know it's my fault for letting it go this long, but he... he was so sick and he needed all my attention and, you know, if I had taken care of myself, we would've caught it before it got this bad -
Ainda não vamos planear o teu funeral.
And then our old marriage counselor shows up at the gym, and she basically says that it was my fault that our marriage broke up.
Depois, a nossa antiga conselheira matrimonial aparece no ginásio e diz que foi por minha culpa que o casamento acabou.
I took christine to a doctor, and he told me it was my fault.
Eu levei a Christine a um médico e ele disse-me que a culpa era minha.
It was my fault his head got big and he was bossing people about like he was Spielberg.
Tornou-se egocêntrico, mandava em todos, armado em Spielberg, e a culpa é minha.
Yeah, well, that was the plan, and then she brought in all her stupid friends to lie for her, saying it was my fault.
Era esse o plano. Até ela ter convencido as amigas estúpidas a mentirem e a dizerem que a culpa do acidente é minha.
But I wanted to make it better or different in what it was because what it was was her dead and I didn't that to be my fault too.
Mas eu quero fazer isso melhor ou diferente do que era, porque o que havia era ela morta e não quero que isso seja minha culpa também.
And if he was, then it's my fault.
E se foi, a culpa é minha.
It was horrible, and, of course, it wasn't great for Ian,'cause he immediately thought, "Oh, right, all this is my fault." He just burst out in tears.
Foi horrível, e é obvio Ian imediatamente pensou que tudo isto era sua culpa e começou a chorar.
And I couldn't protect him, it was my fault.
Foi culpa minha.
And he got really defensive, saying, like... Like it was my fault that it went that far.
E ele entrou numa muito defensiva, a dizer que a culpa era minha de termos ido tão longe.
And it was my fault he killed her.
Eu tenho uma proposta.

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