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And then he was gone tradutor Português

109 parallel translation
Estava aqui, depois desapareceu.
oh, no. i mean... i saw him walking, and then... and then he was gone.
Oh, não. Quero dizer, eu vi-o a andar e então... E então ele desapareceu.
I saw him playing in the water, and then he was gone.
Vi-o a brincar na água e depois desapareceu.
I asked, a stranger everywhere, both at home and abroad, to himself and to others, he answered and then he was gone.
Perguntei, um estranho em todo o lado, quer em casa quer fora, para ele e para os outros, respondeu e desapareceu.
It happened and then he was gone.
Aconteceu e depois ele desapareceu.
- What? - He was on the balcony. I saw him, then I saw you, and then he was gone.
Ele estava no balcão, eu o vi, depois vi você e ele desapareceu.
December, 1980. The man was here, and then he was gone.
Em Dezembro de 1980, ele estava aqui e depois desapareceu.
And he was there and then he was gone!
E ele estava lá, e depois desapareceu!
and then he was gone again.
E então ele foi-se novamente.
And then he was gone. The crew, a bunch of greenhorns, said they thought a shark took him.
A minha tripulação, são um bando de novatos,... disseram que um tubarão o agarrou.
He was on fire and then he was gone, everything was gone, so I had to get outta there.
Ele estava a arder e depois desapareceu. Tudo desapareceu, por isso tive de sair de lá.
He was all I had after our parents died, and then he was gone too.
Ele era tudo o que tinha depois dos nossos pais terem morrido, e então ele também se foi.
And the boy had slept late and then had come to the old man's shack as he had come each morning while the old man was gone.
O rapaz dormira até mais tarde e | depois viera até ao barracão do velho... como tinha vindo todas as manhãs | enquanto o velho não voltava.
Then he cut my clothes into pieces and all the money was gone with him
E cortou as minhas roupas aos pedaços. E eu dei-lhe todo o dinheiro.
And then the next thing we knew, he was gone. I don't know where.
E então, de repente, desapareceu, e não sabemos para onde.
And then what happened was I fell asleep, and when I woke up, he was gone.
E aí o que aconteceu foi que eu adormeci e quando acordei, ele tinha ido embora!
Then he was gone, and I was alone.
Depois fugiu, e fiquei sozinho.
I mean, he was in the apartment and then it's gone, and it's in your apartment.
O Ray esteve no apartamento, a estatueta desapareceu e apareceu em vossa casa.
And then, as suddenly as he came, he was gone.
E então, tão suddenIy quanto ele veio, ele se foi
When he stayed with us, two years ago... I trusted him to baby-sit my kids... and then one day he was gone.
Quando ficou connosco, há dois anos, confiei nele para tomar conta dos meus filhos
And then one day, he was just, like, gone.
Até que um dia, sumiu-se.
They stopped bringing him food... and then they only brought me mine when he was gone.
Pararam de lhe trazer comida. Depois, só me trouxeram a minha quando ele morreu.
Sir, if he was a guest then he would had food and then gone.
Senhor se ele era um convidado então ele comeu e depois desapareceu.
And then he was gone.
E depois desapareceu.
I waited for him at the stairs and then I went up and he was gone.
Eu fiquei à espera dele nas escadas e depois entrei e ele tinha desaparecido.
I was just starting to kinda like the guy, and then he's gone.
Estava a gostar dele, e ele se vai embora.
Couple months went by, he was ready to come home in 3 days, learned how to walk and everything then all of a sudden he just fucking slid back in the coma and then just right after that he was fucking gone, you know?
Depois de três dias de ter saído de coma, ele... aprendeu a andar e tudo mais... a pensar que de repente podia voltar a ficar em coma. E depois disso ele desapareceu e eu deixa-me tipo numa situação merdosa.
And then something happened, and he was gone for a while.
Depois, acontece uma coisa, e ele parte por algum tempo.
Then he opened his eyes wide and he was gone.
Abriu os olhos bem abertos e foi-se.
Then I took a shower around 8 : 00, and when I came out, he was gone.
Depois fui tomar um banho às 8 : 00 e quando saí ele já tinha ido embora. Para onde ele teria ido?
And then the next day, I got up late, and he was gone.
E no dia a seguir, quando acordei, ele não estava.
One day he was gone, and I was glad. And then I forgot all about it.
Não sei ; um dia já não estava, eu fiquei radiante e esqueci.
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
Mas quando chegou a sua vez E ele foi com seu esboço
he was on the swings. I couldn't even get him off. And then I look around, and he's gone ; he's just...
Ele estava a andar de balouço, não o conseguia arrancar de lá, e depois olhei em redor e ele desapareceu, ele...
Yeah. How many times have you thought he was gone and then he shows up... in one form or another.
Quantas vezes você pensou que ele tinha partido e então ele voltou em uma forma ou outra.
And then, the next day, he was just gone.
E no dia seguinte, foi-se.
I just turned away. - And then he was just gone!
Eu só me virei e depois ele tinha desaparecido...
But all summer, he had a cough, and then the cough got worse, and in one night, he was gone.
Mas todo o Verão ele teve tosse e depois a tosse piorou, e numa noite, foi-se.
And then he was up and gone before I had the chance.
E hoje, levantou-se e saiu antes que tivesse oportunidade.
I mean, and then he was just gone. Just gone.
Quer dizer, e depois ele foi-se simplesmente embora.
I heard his voice and then, he was gone.
Escutei sua voz e então, se foi.
Thought he was gone, and then he came back in through the front door, called the police.
Depois voltou a entrar pela porta da frente. Chamou a polícia.
He was like : "Rrr," and then : "Boo!" Gone.
Ela estava assim... e depois "pimba"! Foi-se.
Everything was gone. All our stuff was all over the floor... in garbage bags and then he... he jumped me, and then he smashed my head into the ground.
Tudo tinha desaparecido e vários objetos espalhados no chão, em sacos de lixo e então, ele saltou sobre mim e bateu-me coma cabeça no chão.
I mean, he was here, and then he's gone.
Estava aqui e agora já não está.
And then I saw that the note I wrote him when he was a baby was gone.
E depois vi que o bilhete que lhe tinha escrito quando era bebé desaparecera.
And I went into the kitchen, and then when I came back, he was gone with Sammy.
Fui à cozinha e, quando voltei, desaparecera com o Sammy.
He pushed me back down, and... And then I was just gone.
Voltou a empurrar-me para baixo, e... depois morri.
So then we gave him a higher dose and he was gone, he was really gone, it reminded me of something from "The Exorcist", I mean he just fuum, sat fold-up on the bed and his
Então, demos-lhe uma dose maior e ele passou-se, mas mesmo. Fez-me lembrar de algo saído de O Exorcista.
Then one morning, I woke up in the apartment and he was gone.
Depois, uma manhã acordei num apartamento e ele tinha ido embora.
We talked, and then later that evening his brother came looking for him, but he was gone.
Falámos, e depois daquela noite o irmão veio à procura dele, mas ele tinha ido embora.

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