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Arthur pendragon tradutor Português

57 parallel translation
By Excalibur, I swear that I..... Arthur Pendragon, King of Britain..... will deal fairly with Druid as with Christian alike.
Por Expeliu, juro que eu... Artur Pendragon, rei da Bretanha... tratarei dos druidas e dos cristãos de maneira semelhante.
I despise you, Arthur Pendragon.
Eu te desprezo, Artur Pendragon!
Where is Arthur Pendragon?
Onde está Artur Pendragon?
Where can I find Arthur Pendragon?
Então, onde posso encontrar o Artur Pendragon?
I will let his friends finishe you off, Arthur Pendragon.
Vou deixar que os seus amigos acabem convosco, Arthur Pendragon.
It is for you, Arthur Pendragon.
É para vós, Arthur Pendragon.
Arthur Pendragon... at your service.
Artur Pendragon... ao vosso dispor.
We are forever indebted to you, Arthur Pendragon, for returning the boy to us.
Estaremos eternamente em dívida para convosco, Artur Pendragon, por nos devolverdes o rapaz.
I, Arthur Pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service and to the protection of the kingdom and its peoples.
Eu, Artur Pendragon, entrego a minha vida para vos servir e proteger o reino e o seu povo.
I, Arthur Pendragon, challenge you.
Eu, Artur Pendragon, desafio-te.
Arthur Pendragon.
Arthur Pendragon.
I knew you were many things, Arthur Pendragon, but I didn't know you were a gutless coward.
Eu sabia que éreis muitas coisas, Arthur Pendragon, mas não vos fazia um cobarde! Morgana!
Arthur Pendragon, a great destiny awaits you.
Arthur Pendragon, aguarda-vos um grande destino.
You have shown that you truly are a man of your word.
Mostrastes que sois um homem de palavra, Arthur Pendragon.
His name is Arthur Pendragon.
O nome dele... é Arthur Pendragon.
You can bring me Arthur Pendragon.
Podes trazer-me o Arthur Pendragon.
We are gathered here today to celebrate, by the ancient rite of hand fasting, the union of Arthur Pendragon and Princess Elena of Gawant.
Estamos hoje aqui reunidos para celebrar pelo antigo rito das mãos apostas, a união de Arthur Pendragon coma Princesa Elena de Gawant.
I wish you well, Arthur Pendragon.
Felicidades, Arthur Pendragon.
There is no need for violence, Arthur Pendragon.
Não há necessidade de violência, Arthur Pendragon.
You meddle with a power you do not understand, Arthur Pendragon.
Estais a mexer com um poder que não compreendeis, Arthur Pendragon.
I am Arthur Pendragon and I am proud to be your King.
Sou Arthur Pendragon e tenho orgulho de ser o vosso rei.
My name is Arthur Pendragon.
Chamo-me Arthur Pendragon.
But know this, Arthur Pendragon... I do this for her.
Mas saiba que, Arthur Pendragon faço isto por ela.
My name is Arthur Pendragon.
Sou Arthur Pendragon.
I'm going to enjoy killing you, Arthur Pendragon.
Vou divertir-me com a sua morte, Arthur Pendragon.
Goodbye, Arthur Pendragon.
Adeus, Arthur Pendragon.
So, we meet again, Arthur Pendragon.
Encontramo-nos outra vez, Arthur Pendragon.
Arthur Pendragon... King of Camelot.
Arthur Pendragon, rei de Camelot.
Then what are you doing here, Arthur Pendragon?
Então o que faz aqui Arthur Pendragon?
That is TWO favours... you have asked me this night, Arthur Pendragon.
São dois favores que me pede esta noite, Arthur Pendragon.
Arthur Pendragon must die.
Arthur Pendragon deve morrer.
You are victorious, Arthur Pendragon.
Foi o vencedor, Arthur Pendragon.
There is something about you, Arthur Pendragon. Something which gives me hope for us all.
Há algum em si, Arthur Pendragon, que transmite uma esperança para todos nós.
You must kill Arthur Pendragon!
Deve matar Arthur Pendragon!
And that one thought is simple. You must kill Arthur Pendragon.
E esse pensamento é simples deves matar Arthur Pendragon.
I am Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot, and your village is in my lands.
Eu sou Arthur Pendragon, Rei de Camelot, e a tua aldeia está nas minhas terras.
The fate of Arthur Pendragon is in your hands now. See that you honor it.
O destino de Arthur Pendragon está, agora, nas tuas mãos.
I am sent from the sacred Disir to pass judgment on Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King.
Fui enviado pelas sagradas Disir, para transmitir o julgamento de Arthur Pendragon, o "Outrora e Futuro" Rei.
I am Arthur Pendragon,
Eu sou Arthur Pendragon,
And you, Arthur Pendragon, have angered her.
E vós, Arthur Pendragon, enfureceste-a.
The future holds much pain and suffering for you, Arthur Pendragon.
O futuro trará muita dor e sofrimento para vós, Arthur Pendragon.
Consider carefully, Arthur Pendragon.
Pense bem, Arthur Pendragon.
Farewell Arthur Pendragon.
Ide em paz Arthur Pendragon.
It is not I, Arthur Pendragon, who needs to answer for my crimes.
Não sou eu, Arthur Pendragon, quem tem de responder pelos meus crimes.
You deserve everything that is coming to you, Arthur Pendragon.
Mereceis o que está para vir, Arthur Pendragon.
It is I, Arthur, Son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot.
Arthur, filho de Uther Pendragon, do castelo de Camelot.
I am Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon and king of the Britons.
Eu sou Artur, filho de Uther Pendragon e rei dos Bretões.
Arthur, son of Pendragon, has been fated to claim the throne of Britannia... a thousand winters hence.
em defesa dos inocentes. Vamos levar isso em consideração.
As Arthur rode in search of his father that day..... Uther Pendragon was facing his greatest test.
No dia em que Artur ia ao encontro de seu pai... Uther Pendragon enfrentava seu maior desafio.
Arthur Pendragon!
Artur Pendragon!
arthur 2263

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