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4 parallel translation
If you attempt to deal with the delegates, or cause Johnny's name to be brought forward on the ticket, or if in my canvass of the delegates tomorrow by telephone I find that you are so acting,
Se tentar negociar com os delegados, ou levar a que o nome do Johnny seja proposto para candidato, ou se amanhã, no meu apelo telefónico aos delegados, eu descobrir que é isso que está a fazer,
Oh, these are players. Meet Sonny Bates. Rico's Montego Bay by way of Brooklyn, and I brought'em here to do some business with you.
Estes são os homens, Sonny Bates e Rico de Montego Bay.
You're on the air with Desmond Fellows of My Pretty Pony. Playing a benefit tomorrow night at Liberty Lunch. Brought to you by Wrigley's Extra gum.
Está no ar com Desmond Fellows dos My Pretty Pony que dará um concerto amanhã à noite no Liberty Lunch, patrocinado por pastilhas Wrigley's Extra.
Hmm, well, unfortunately, with a man of your low character - and I don't mean to insult you but you were brought up by a sodomy - and fellatio-tutoring crack addict - there's the possibility that you might lie.
Está louca? Pronto! Conto-lhe tudo o que sei!

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