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But he didn't do it tradutor Português

240 parallel translation
The Führer didn't agree with it either, you know, but he couldn't do anything, he had to go along with Goebbels.
O Führer também não concordava com nada daquilo. Mas não podia fazer nada. Tinha de pactuar com Goebbels.
He told me to put something in your drink, but I didn't do it.
Ele mandou-me pôr qualquer coisa na sua bebida e eu não pus.
But you can prove he didn't do it with his gun.
Podes provar que não o fez com a arma dele.
Yes, Hugo, but he didn't do it.
Sim, Hugo, mas não fez.
It's time for his pill but he's sleeping so well I didn't want to wake him.
É hora do comprimido, mas está a dormir tão bem, que nâo quis acordá-Io.
But he didn't do it!
Mas ele não fez aquilo!
Well, it's a little run-down, but a fella could have a lot of fun fixing it up if he didn't have anything else to do.
Bem, está um pouco degradado, mas um tipo podia divertir-se a repará-lo se não tivesse mais nada para fazer.
He's dead. My mother married again, but I didn't like the guy, so I decided I'd see what it's like in sunny California.
Ele morreu, a minha mãe voltou a casar, mas eu não gostei do tipo, por isso decidi vir ver como era a Califórnia ensolarada.
( groans ) : Well, he may have said it, but he didn't mean for me to do it.
Ele pode tê-lo dito, mas não é isso que ele quer.
It was just by accident that he was staying there but it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on between us.
Ele estava lá por mero acaso. Mas não demorou a aperceber-se do que havia entre nós.
Well, he didn't tell us, of course, being dead... but I think it was the marsh phantoms.
Bom, não nos o disse, claro está, pois está morto... - acho que pelos fantasmas do pântano. - Que?
But he didn't do it, he had pity on me and abandoned me in the forest... where I could survive myself.
Mas não fez, ficou com dó e me abandonou no bosque... onde sobrevivi sozinho.
- But he didn't do it.
Mas não foi ele que o matou.
But, Alan, he didn't do it. No!
- Mas ele não o fez, Alan.
But he didn't do it, Alan. He didn't do it!
Mas ele não o fez, Alan!
CATRIONA : But he didn't do it, Alan.
Mas ele não o fez, Alan.
Uh, gee, I thought Mr. Rizzo could do it for us. You know? But it turns out that he says he didn't speak to you even once on the field phone... during that whole awful first half.
Pensei que talvez o Sr. Rizzo pudesse fazê-lo mas ele diz que não falou consigo pelo telefone de campanha durante aquela terrível primeira parte.
But he didn't do it.
- Mas não foi ele.
Didn't you think it strange that he was married but still couldn't get a date on New Year's Eve?
Não te pareceu estranho que eles tivessem casado... mas que nunca se juntassem no Fim do Ano?
Yeah, let us for a moment hypothesize that Ric put the top up. But didn't fasten it because he was coming back to the car.
Há sempre a hipótese do Rick ter subido a capota, mas de não a ter prendido, visto que iria voltar ao carro.
He didn't see me do it, of course, but Mr. Lang went to the bank and got that check himself this afternoon and then he came back and locked it in a desk drawer.
Ele não me viu a tirá-la. O Sr. Lang foi ao banco buscar esse cheque. Depois voltou e trancou-o na gaveta da secretária.
And then he finally took it out of the bag. He still wouldn't let me read it... but he was reading some of the things it said off it to me up in the air like this. I didn't recognize anything he said anyway... so I pretended I didn't give a shit.
Por fim tirou um papel do saco, não me deixando ver... e leu umas coisas, mas eu não reconheci nada e saí da sala, fingindo que não me interessava.
His body functions might've done it, but he himself, he didn't do it!
As funções corporais dele podem ter feito, mas ele não!
Had to dump that drunken Billy on Fifth Street where I found him. He didn't want to be expelled, but it's the only way.
Tive de deixar o bêbedo do Billy na Rua 5 Este, onde o encontrei.
Believe me, he didn't want that job, but somebody had to do it.
Creiam-me, ele não quiz aquele trabalho, mas alguém tinha de o fazer.
But I suppose that this is really the story of my father, and that strange, leaf-whispery autumn, when his heart was suddenly too old and tired and too full of yearning and regrets, and he didn't know what to do about it.
Mas acho que esta é na verdade a história do meu pai, que naquele estranho Outono de folhas sussurantes, quando o seu coração estava muito velho e cansado, e cheio de saudades e arrependimentos, que não sabia o que fazer.
He doesn't know why it didn't get to the police any sooner... but Warden Crichton's word is strong.
Ele não sabe por que não chegou à Polícia mais cedo, mas a palavra do Director tem valor.
She went to cashiers window but he didn't think anything of it.
Ela foi até a janela do caixa mas ele não suspeitou de nada.
I know he stole it, but she really didn't do anything.
Bem sei que ele a roubou, mas ela não fez nada.
But because while the Lord didn't see it fit to give him no pigment he made up for it by endowing him with the spiritual inheritance of Jefferson and Broonzy.
Mas porque apesar do Senhor não lhe ter dado a pigmentação certa deu-lhe o dom da hereditariedade espiritual de Jefferson e Broonzy.
I didn't want to have anything to do with it, but he said if I didn't pose for those patty-cake pictures,
Eu não queria ter nada a ver com isso. Mas ele disse se eu não posasse para essas fotografias "patty-cake"...
Charlie had the motive, but he didn't have the wit to do it.
O Charlie tinha o motivo, mas não a inteligência para cometer fraude.
He said he'd get you to do it, but I didn't believe it.
Ele disse que te ia convencer. Não acreditei, mas ele é bom.
I've known Joe since I was a kid, but I can't say he didn't do it.
Conheço o Joe desde criança, mas nem por isso tenho tanta certeza.
He did, But he didn't get it from the tutor.
Tinha-a, mas não a contraiu do tutor.
But that boy you mentioned, if he was there I bet he didn't mean to do it.
- Miss Newdow... - Sra. Newdow. As pessoas pensam sempre que as bibliotecárias são solteironas.
He says, "But, sir, I didn't do it."
Ele respondeu, "Mas eu não a matei."
But then he didn't do it because he decided that he liked us too much.
Mas então ele não o fez porque ele decidiu que ele gostava muito de nós.
I always knew that about him, but I didn't have the sense to do anything about it. I guess he saved me the trouble.
Eu sempre soube, mas não senti que devia fazer algo.
He admits he was in the room when the killing occurred, but he didn't see it.
Ele admite que estava no quarto na altura do crime, mas não o viu.
I mean, he should have been watching where he was going, but I realized that he didn't do it on purpose so I shook it off and I left.
Quero dizer, ele deveria olhar por onde andava, mas percebi que não havia sido de propósito então me levantei e saí. Por que?
We did let him run one of the companies briefly, - but he didn't do very well at it.
Deixámo-Io dirigir uma das empresas, mas não se saiu bem.
He cut this passionate recording personally, I think it's his best work, but he didn't jump ship to do it, not even for a second.
Ele gravou este disco apaixonado pessoalmente, que para mim é uma das suas maiores obras, mas para o fazer, não teve de sair do navio.
But it was busted, busted all to hell and gone... He didn't do it while we were in the hallway either...
Mas estava partida, rebentada... e ele não o fez enquanto estávamos no corredor...
But he didn't do it alone. Now he should return the favor to someone who needs him.
Não cometa o erro de pensar que há bondade em todos, Hércules.
Mr. Rodman... it's a shame that your client didn't use as much sense... in choosing what he planted... as he did in choosing his attorney, but, lately, the only variation...
É pena que o seu cliente tenha tido menos acerto na escolha da sementeira do que na do advogado.
But he didn't open them. He said we'd do it the following day.
Verificou a lista e contou os pacotes, mas não os fez abrir.
He had been forced, originally, by the circumstances, but... if he didn't like it and hadn't been called to it by the orixá... he would have given up the work and even the money... but it was both useful and pleasant for him.
Porque se ele não gostasse, se ele não fosse chamado pelo orixá... para isso, ele desistiria do trabalho. Deixaria até de ganhar o dinheiro dele... mas juntou para ele o útil ao agradável.
So we got rocks out of my rock garden but I didn't want to get rid of them so he offered me $ 10 after he started booting it up more.
Aí, pegamos pedras do meu jardim, mas não queria me desfazer delas. O cara ofereceu US $ 1O e depois aumentou a oferta.
I think it not necessarily bored him, but he didn't make the relationship between the importance of business and the importance of his invention and discovery.
Não o aborrecia, mas ele não fez a ligação entre a importância do negócio e a importância da sua invenção no progresso.
He didn't use it, and he brought it back... but part of the catharsis of doing it and being allowed to do it... works for the other scenes.
Ele não usou e trouxe de volta, mas o que isso me libertou, ter podido fazê-lo, melhorou as outras cenas.

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