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Carpe diem tradutor Português

126 parallel translation
- Do you know what "carpe diem" is?
- Sabe o que é "carpe diem"?
The Latin term for that sentiment is carpe diem.
Em latim, o termo para esse sentimento é carpe diem.
Carpe diem. That's seize the day.
Significa "aproveita o dia".
Carpe diem.
Carpe diem.
Carpe diem!
Carpe diem!
- Carpe diem.
Carpe diem.
What about carpe diem and sucking all the marrow out of life and all that?
E o carpe diem, o sugar o tutano da vida?
Carpe diem, okay?
Carpe diem, ok?
- You always say to take a chance be spontaneous, carpe diem, seize the day.
- Sempre me disseste para arriscar, ser espontâneo, carpe diem, aproveitar o dia...
Carpe diem, Mr. Brown.
Carpe diem, Sr. Brown.
Well, carpe diem is what happened to me.
Carpe Diem foi o que me aconteceu.
Carpe diem, Mr. Brown.
Goze o momento, Sr. Brown.
Carpe diem!
Goze o momento!
Carpe diem, you know?
Carpe diem, sabes?
But first, carpe diem, seize the day.
Mas vamo-nos divertir primeiro!
AII right, you know something? I was planning on doing this... after I got the place cleaned up and whatnot... but, Iike the man says, carpe diem.
Eu tencionava fazer isto depois de limpar tudo, mas como se costuma dizer :
Carpe diem.
... Carpe Diem
"Carpe Diem!"
The school counselor told me I need to look forward, embrace living, carpe diem.
A conselheira escolar disse que tenho de abraçar a vida, aproveitá-la.
Uh, yeah, what is it? Carpe Diem. Seize the day?
Sim, é algo como "carpe diem", vive o dia?
Carpe diem, baby.
Carpe diem, querida.
I say "Carpe Diem," right?
- Eu digo, carpe diem, certo?
Enjoying the day.
A desfrutar do dia. Carpe diem.
Carpe diem.
Carpe diem and all that.
Carpe diem e tudo isso.
You know carpe diem.
Conheces carpe diem.
Carpe diem, man.
Carpe diem, meu.
No more carpe diem, man.
Chega de carpe diem, meu.
Carpe diem, my friend.
Carpe diem, meu amigo.
Carpe diem, my friend. Carpe diem.
Carpe Diem, meu amigo.
Well, carpe diem, Josh.
Bem, "carpe diem", Josh.
( In every way seize the day ) ( or as the romans say, "carpe diem" ) ( it's attversal )
# In every way seize the day # # or as the romans say, "carpe diem" # # it's attversal # # this is not a dress rehearsal #
Carpe diem.
Aproveita o dia.
Carpe motherfucking diem, baby!
Carpe diem como o caraças, querido!
Carpe diem.
"Carpe diem".
Come on, carpe diem, you know?
Vamos, Carpe diem, sabes?
Carpe diem.
"Aproveita o momento".
The whole carpe diem thing.
Aquela cena toda de "Aproveita o momento".
Carpe diem, certo?
Carpe Diem eh?
Carpem Diem hem?
" Carpe diem.
" Carpe diem.
Basically, I have to carpe diem here, lvy.
Basicamente tenho de adoptar o carpe diem, lvy.
Carpe diem.
You're right. Carpe diem.
Carpe diem.
- Carpe diem, You told me that once.
Carpe diem.
Carpe freakin'diem. Ha ha!
- Sim, nas alturas.
Carpe per diem.
Aproveita o dia.
Carpe all the diem you can get.
Carpe todo o diem que puderes.
Carpe the diem!
Carpe o diem!
"Carpe diem."
Carpe Diem.
"Carpe diem."
Carpe diem.

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