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Charges were dropped tradutor Português

143 parallel translation
Charges were dropped.
Desistiu da queixa.
Charges were dropped when the church didn't turn over the bibles.
A queixa foi retirada quando a Igreja näo devolveu as bíblias.
Marineo investigated him twice but charges were dropped.
O Marineo conduziu dois inquéritos sobre ele, em ambos foi absolvido.
All charges were dropped.
Retiraram a queixa.
Charges were dropped and he was reinstated.
As acusações foram tiradas e ele foi reinstalado.
Charges were dropped both times.
Em ambas as ocasiões, as queixas foram retiradas.
Anyway, charges were dropped.
A queixa foi retirada.
Murder charges were dropped for lack of evidence.
As acusações de homicídio foram retiradas por falta de provas.
The Jason kid disappeared, so the charges were dropped. But Bill resigned anyway.
As queixas foram retiradas, mas o Bill demitiu-se na mesma.
- The drug charges were dropped!
- A acusação de tráfico foi retirada!
I was glad to hear that the charges were dropped.
Fico feliz por saber que retiraram a queixa.
- The charges were dropped.
- AS acusações foram retiradas.
- Yes, and the charges were dropped.
- Sim, mas desistiram da queixa.
It hadn't processed, and the charges were dropped.
Eu tinha autorização e desistiram da queixa.
But the feds didn't have the goods on James, so the charges were dropped.
Mas o FBI não pôde provar a participação de James e a queixa contra ele foi retirada.
- The charges were dropped.
- A queixa foi retirada.
The charges were dropped.
As queixas foram retiradas.
Then the charges were dropped.
Depois, retiraram as queixas.
It was all a big fat lie and the charges were dropped.
Foi tudo uma grande mentira. Retiraram as queixas.
Charges were dropped mid-trial 4 months ago.
As acusações foram retiradas há 4 meses...
Only moments after charges were dropped against Catherine Crosby...
Momentos depois de terem sido retiradas as queixas contra Catherine Crosby...
Well, no evidence that he did ; the charges were dropped.
Bom, não havia provas que tinha sido ele e as acusações foram retiradas.
Charges were dropped.
As queixas foram retiradas.
They must've done it before they knew your charges were dropped.
Eles devem ter feito isto antes de saberem que as acusações foram retiradas.
Charges were dropped against singer Ben Melvin and filed against Ryan Stafford, a junior partner at Kilpatrick and Chambers.
A acusação contra o cantor Ben Melvin foi retirada e apresentada queixa contra Ryan Stafford, um sócio minoritário da "Kilpatrick e Chambers".
Like, they say, likelike, people were getting off without getting convicted, and all the charges were dropped, but it was still costing, like, friends of mine
Dizem que... Dizem que a gente era liberada sem ser acusada e que retiraram os cargos, mas ainda lhes custou dinheiro.
- And you caned him? - The charges were dropped.
A queixa foi retirada.
Those charges were dropped.
- Essas acusações foram retiradas.
Does it also say that the charges were dropped?
Também diz aí que a queixa foi retirada?
Police figured out she was lying, the charges were dropped.
A Polícia percebeu que ela estava a mentir e a queixa foi retirada.
The charges were dropped.
As acusações foram abandonadas.
The charges were dropped because you agreed to put yourself in a doctor's care.
As acusações foram retiradas porque aceitou submeter-se aos cuidados de um médico.
Those charges were dropped.
Essas acusações foram retiradas.
Yeah, he had sex with a minor- - she was 15 years old- - but then she changed her story, so the charges were dropped.
Sim, ele teve sexo com uma menor. Ela tinha 15 anos, mas depois mudou o seu depoimento, portanto as acusações foram retiradas.
Oh, yeah. I heard the charges were dropped.
Pois, ouvi dizer que as acusações foram retiradas.
Those charges Were dropped.
Aquelas acusações foram retiradas.
Those charges Were dropped. Do you really think It's a coincidence Your husband's been A suspect twice?
- Acha mesmo que é uma coincidência o seu marido ser suspeito duas vezes?
Does it say that the charges were dropped?
- Diz aí que as queixas foram retiradas?
It was spring. And every time, the charges were dropped.
E as queixas foram sempre retiradas.
He's also been collared for possession with intent to sell, but his lawyers got the evidence suppressed, charges were dropped, and this clown is still flying first class.
Também já foi detido por posse com intenção de venda. Conseguiu a anulação das provas, o processo foi arquivado e o palhaço continua a voar em primeira classe.
He was arrested for domestic violence six months ago but the charges were dropped.
Foi detido, por violência doméstica, há seis meses, mas retiraram as queixas.
Why the charges were made, and why they were dropped.
Porque as acusações foram feitas e porque foram anuladas.
Yes, four times extortion charges were brought, and dropped, when the claimants refused to sign.
Sim, quatro vezes, mas foram absolvidas, porque as vítimas recusaram-se a apresentar queixa.
The charges were dropped. The case is closed.
A acusação foi retirada e o caso encerrado.
- The charges against you were dropped.
Retiraram as queixas contra si.
The charges against you were dropped.
A acusação contra si foi retirada.
- Those charges were dropped.
Ela retirou as acusações.
We were wrong, and those charges are being dropped.
Estávamos errados, e essas queixas estão a ser retiradas.
The charges against me were dropped.
As acusações contra mim foram retiradas.
They thought you were going to get those charges dropped.
Pensaram que conseguirias que Ihes retirassem as acusações.
- The charges were ultimately dropped.
- As acusações acabaram por ser retiradas.

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