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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ C ] / Cheese and crackers

Cheese and crackers tradutor Português

73 parallel translation
- I'll get cheese and crackers.
- Levo queijo e bolachas.
I brought some cheese and crackers.
Trouxe queijo e bolachas.
When I mentioned a snack, I was thinking more along the lines of cheese and crackers kind of thing.
Quando pedi de comer, estava mais a pensar tipo queijo e bolachinhas.
Some cheese and crackers?
Querem queijo e bolachas?
Cheese and crackers!
Aleluia, Senhor!
Cheese and crackers.
Raios partam.
Cheese and crackers.
Queijo e bolachas.
Generally, it's cheese and crackers.
Costuma haver só queijo e crackers.
I've got cheddar cheese and crackers.
Tenho queijo cheddar e bolachas.
Don't you think we should put out some cheese and crackers?
Não achas que devíamos preparar alguns aperitivos?
Cheese and crackers!
Get some cheese and crackers, some of those little cocktail weenies.
Põe queijo, tostas e daqueles aperitivozinhos.
OK, so I got enough cheese and crackers for eight people. Do you think that's enough?
Tenho queijo e bolachas para oito pessoas.
Cheese and crackers.
E agora?
Dammit, Steve, you forgot to put out the cheese and crackers.
Maldição, Steve, esqueceste-te de meter queijo no macarrão.
Cheese and crackers.
Bolachas e queijo.
And you got cheese and crackers and some chocolate milk to wash it all down.
E trouxe bolachas com queijo e leite com chocolate para beberes.
Hum, maybe I'll make a nice little plate of cheese and crackers, nothing fancy.
Oh, eu posso fazer um prato com queijo e bolachas, nada de extravagante.
Oh, cheese and crackers.
Oh, céus...
Cheese and crackers, Willie Ray!
Queijo e bolachinhas, Willie Ray!
Ah, cheese and crackers, that smarts!
Bolas, queimei o dedinho!
We'll go up and down the Hudson, northern New Jersey, Connecticut, the cash belt... set up a few end-aisle displays at the APs, away from the other beer, surrounded by cheese and crackers and toothpicks with cellophane tips.
Subimos e descemos o Hudson, norte de Nova Jérsia, Connecticut, pomos expositores nos supermercados, afastados das outras cervejas, rodeados de queijo, bolachas de água e sal e palitos com ponta de celofane.
"Cheese and Crackers".
"Cheese and Crackers".
And he said : "It is true, Cheese and Crackers".
E ele disse : "É verdade, Cheese and Crackers".
Cheese and crackers.
Macacos me mordam.
Oh, cheese and crackers!
Meu Deus!
Cheese and crackers!
Meu Deus!
There's cheese and crackers there if you want.
Sim. Há aqui queijo e bolachas, se quiseres.
Cheese and crackers!
Queijo com bolacha!
Cheese and crackers!
Nossa Senhora!
Doesn't even cover your cheese and crackers and omelet every day.
Não chega para as bolachas e omeletes que comes todos os dias.
You can have the apple and the raisins and the cheese and crackers with the little red stick.
Podem ficar com a maça, as passas, o queijo e aperitivos com a bengala pequena.
Is she going to eat anything else, or just the cheese and crackers?
Ela... vai comer mais alguma coisa ou só o queijo com as bolachinhas?
Some wine, cheese and crackers, your favorites.
Algum vinho, queijo e bolachas, as tuas favoritas.
Cheese and crackers, she was right.
Putz grila, ela tinha razão.
Cheese and crackers!
Queijo com bolachas!
E olha, um pacote de bolachas e queijo.
We have bologna and cheese, apples, and graham crackers.
Peguem lá nas sandes. Olá, Theodore.
So then we jumped on a train and headed to Ireland... incredibly beautiful, by the way, and we sat in a bar for two days... and did nothing but eat soda crackers and funky cheese... and he never showed.
Então, metemo-nos num comboio e fomos para a Irlanda, que, por acaso, é incrivelmente bonita, sentámo-nos num bar dois dias... e não fizemos nada. Só comemos bolachas integrais com queijo... e ele nunca apareceu.
I don't know what works for you but I brought you some black coffee and some stale crackers, egg and cheese sandwich and a Bloody Mary.
Não sei o que resulta contigo mas trouxe café sem leite, umas bolachas bem velhas, sanduíche de queijo e ovo e um Bloody Mary.
Patty ann gustafson had her son chimney... chimney... and the kids over for cheese dip and crackers last sunday.
Patty Ann Gustafson juntou o seu filho Chimney... Chimney... e os miúdos em casa dela para comerem queijo e bolachas no Domingo passado.
Cheese and crackers!
Minha nossa!
- [Barking ] - [ Screams] - Cheese and crackers!
Raios e coriscos.
Okay, so we've got crackers and cheese product, half a candy bar, instant coffee and some sort of... cherry breakfast thing.
Temos biscoitos e queijo, metade de um doce, café instantâneo, e algo de cereja.
- Cheese and crackers.
- Caramba!
So, I guess that gouda just walked itself right through the door, sliced itself up, and arranged itself in a perfect semi-circle around not three, not four, but five different kinds of sturdy, cheese-bearing crackers?
Então, aquele Gouda deve ter entrado pela porta sozinho, deve ter-se cortado em pedaços e distribuído num semicírculo perfeito, em volta não de três, não de quatro, mas de cinco tipos de bolachas de água e sal resistentes.
If you're already getting popular, I crackers, cheese and bruschetta.
Caso tenhas fome antes, tenho biscoitos, queijos e bruschetta.
In following "my pyramid," a 15-year-old girl can eat a daily menu consisting of a bowl of lucky charms with low-fat milk and a glass of orange juice from concentrate for breakfast, cheese-flavored crackers for a morning snack,
Segundo a nova pirâmide, uma adolescente podia consumir uma ementa diária de uma tigela de cereais com leite magro e um copo de sumo de laranja ao pequeno-almoço, bolachas de sabor a queijo, no lanche matinal, um hambúrguer de queijo com pão integral, com batatas fritas e Coca-Cola, ao almoço,
Your greatest fear is now about to have a snack of grapes and cheese crackers.
O teu maior medo está prestes a comer um lanche com uvas e biscoitos de queijo.
Cheese and... crackers.
Queijo e bolachas.
- Cheese and crackers, Andy.
C'um catano, Andy!

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