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Chevalier tradutor Português

178 parallel translation
Maurice Chevalier, the movie actor.
Maurice Chevalier, o actor de cinema.
How do you know it was Chevalier?
- Como percebeste que era o Chevalier?
Hey, he looks like Chevalier.
Parece o Chevalier.
And I can look like Chevalier.
E eu posso parecer o Chevalier.
I certainly look like Chevalier. But that's not enough.
- Eu pareço mesmo o Chevalier.
Maurice Chevalier?
É esse o meu nome. - Maurice Chevalier?
Sure, I'm Maurice Chevalier.
- Sim, sou o Maurice Chevalier.
You're not Maurice Chevalier. No.
Você não é o Maurice Chevalier.
Are you Maurice Chevalier?
- É o Maurice Chevalier?
We give you invitation of Chevalier.
Fazemos uma invitação do Chevalier.
How about a Chevalier Audubon, 1840, full set?
E um Chevalier Audubon de 1840, completo?
Or a Chevalier Audubon, 1840?
Ou um Chevalier Audubon de 1840?
- One moment, Chabrillaine.
- Um momento, Chevalier.
And they're the stupidest Frenchmen!
A prova é admirarem o Lafayette e o Maurice Chevalier, que são justamente os mais cretinos de todos os franceses.
He calls himself the Chevalier de Balibari.
Intitula-se Chevalier de Balibari.
If the Chevalier remarks on your accent, say you are Hungarian.
E se ele fizer reparo à tua pronúncia dizes que és húngaro.
It was imprudent of him but when Barry saw the Chevalier's splendor and noble manner he felt unable to keep disguise with him.
Era uma imprudência... mas perante o esplendor de Chevalier... e a nobreza das suas maneiras... sentiu-se incapaz de manter o seu disfarce.
The Chevalier was much affected at thus finding one of his countrymen.
Muito chocou Chevalier este encontro com um compatriota.
The details were arranged beforehand with the Chevalier.
Os pormenores eram primeiro ajustados com Chevalier.
Chevalier though I cannot say how I believe you have cheated me.
Chevalier... embora sem saber dizer como... estou convencido que fez batota.
Chevalier if you will have your money now you must fight for it.
Chevalier... se quereis já o vosso dinheiro, tereis de vos bater por ele.
The King has determined to send the Chevalier out of the country.
O Rei ordenou a expulsão do Chevalier do país.
When the Chevalier comes out to his carriage in the morning two Officers will meet him and escort him to the frontier.
Quando o Chevalier sair na carruagem amanhã... aguardam-no dois oficiais que o escoltam à fronteira.
At ten o'clock the next morning the Chevalier de Balibari went out for his regular morning drive.
Às 10 horas da manhã seguinte... o Chevalier de Balibari saiu... para o habitual passeio matinal.
The Chevalier himself had uneventfully crossed the frontier the night before.
O Chevalier atravessara a fronteira na noite anterior.
Soon he and the Chevalier were received in all the Courts of Europe and were speedily in the very best society where play was patronized and professors of that science always welcome.
Logo se lhes abriram as portas das cortes da Europa... e também... da melhor sociedade onde o jogo era acarinhado... e mestres de tal ciência sempre bem recebidos.
Chevalier, will you give me credit for 5,000 louis d'or, please?
Concedeis-me 5 mil luíses de ouro, a crédito?
What about Chevalier?
E Chevalier?
By the way, Sergeant Chevalier sends you his kind regards.
Por sinal, o Sargento Chevalier mandou lembranças.
Oh, Sergeant Chevalier.
Oh, Sargento Chevalier.
Good old Sergeant Chevalier.
Velho e bom Sargento Chevalier.
Well, you know, there are leaders and there are followers... and I'm afraid Sergeant Chevalier will always be a follower, no?
Bem, você sabe, existem líderes e existem seguidores... e temo que o Sargento Chevalier sempre será um seguidor não é?
To have to listen to Maurice Chevalier sing so much.
Obrigados a ouvir o Maurice Chevalier cantar até fartar.
I am looking for the Chevalier de Riverol.
Procuro o Cavalheiro de Rivarol.
The Chevalier found you vastly well read... and he said you had a very good leg.
O cavaleiro achou-o de boa criação. e disse que tinha boas pernas.
Try Chevalier.
Tente a ChevaIier.
- Chevalier?
- ChevaIier?
- Chevalier.
- ChevaIier.
We all talk like Maurice Chevalier.
Falamos todos como o Maurice Chevalier.
This is Chevalier, Montage, Détente, Avant Garde, and Déjà Vu.
Este é o Chevalier, o Montage, o Detente, o Avant-garde, e o Deja Vu.
It was a Bambouche. When spirits possess you, it's called "chevalier."
Os espíritos que possuem a gente chamam : "Chevalier".
Chevalier. - That's what I said :
Chevalier I don't believe you know my cousin, Madame de Volanges.
Cavaleiro, não conheceis a minha prima, Madame de Volanges.
This is Chevalier Danceny.
O Cavaleiro Danceny.
I have reason to believe that a... how should I describe it that a dangerous liaison has sprung up between your daughter and the Chevalier Danceny.
Tenho motivos para crer... que uma... não sei como dizer... uma ligação perigosa despontou entre a vossa filha... e o Cavaleiro Danceny.
The letter is from the Chevalier Danceny.
A carta é do Cavaleiro Danceny.
Answer, of course, the longed-for reunion with her beloved Chevalier.
no ansiado encontro com o seu Cavaleiro.
My dear Chevalier Danceny I understand you spent last night with Cecile Volanges.
Meu querido Cavaleiro Danceny, sei que estivestes a noite passada com Cécile de Volanges.
You adore La Fayette and Maurice Chevalier.
What are the Chevalier's intentions?
Quais as intenções do Chevalier?

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