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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ C ] / Control yourself

Control yourself tradutor Português

468 parallel translation
– Well, child, control yourself
– Bem, moça, controle-se.
You must control yourself if you expect me to understand what you're talking about.
Controle-se, se quer que eu perceba do que está a falar.
- Monsieur, control yourself.
- Monsieur, controle-se.
You control yourself.
Control yourself, son.
Controle-se, filho.
Control yourself.
Try to control yourself.
Tenta controlar-te.
Please! Have the goodness to control yourself.
Tem a bondade de te controlares!
Paula, please control yourself.
Paula, por favor, controla-te.
Control yourself, child!
- Controla-te, pequena!
Really, you should learn to control yourself.
Realmente devia aprender a controlar-se.
- Oh, Max, please control yourself.
- Max, por favor, controla-te.
- "Control yourself," she says.
- "Controla-te," diz ela!
Control yourself.
te acalme.
I must ask you to control yourself and not to cry out.
Devo pedir-lhe para se controlar e prometer-me que não vai gritar.
Now, now, control yourself.
Agora, agora, controle-se a si próprio.
Control yourself, Aicha.
Controla-te, Aicha.
Control yourself, Ann.
Controle-se, Ann!
But try to control yourself.
Mas tente controlar-se.
Try to control yourself and submit to the divine will.
Tente controlar-se e submeta-se à vontade divina.
Control yourself.
Tony, control yourself.
Controle-se, Tony.
Control yourself, Jan.
Procura controlar-te, Jan.
- Now, control yourself.
- Controle-se.
Now control yourself.
Control yourself.
Domine-se, coronel.
But you ought to control yourself, my boy.
Mas, meu filho, tens de te controlar.
Well, it's pretty hard to control yourself.
Bem, é bastante difícil controlares-te.
Maurice, control yourself.
Maurice, controla-te.
- Father, control yourself, will you?
- Pai! Controla-te, sim?
Control yourself. My men.
Atenção, comporta-te.
- Please control yourself.
Por favor, controle-se.
Jane! Control yourself!
Jane, controle-se.
Control yourself, Higgins.
Controle-se, Higgins.
Control yourself, please!
Controle-se, por favor.
Control yourself, Mr. Smart.
Controle-se, Mr.Smart.
99, control yourself.
99, controle-se.
Now, Mr. Smart, control yourself, or I'll cite you for contempt.
Mr.Smart, controle-se, ou vou citá-lo por desacato.
Try to control yourself.
- Tente se segurar.
Chen Jun, control yourself.
Chen Jun, controle-se.
You'd better watch out and control yourself.
Seria melhor você ficar atento e ter auto controle.
- Try to control yourself.
Darling, do control yourself.
- Querido, controle-se.
I command you to get control over yourself.
Ordeno-te que te controles.
Not only do you fail to keep control over your juniors - that I expect - but now you organize this criminal attempt and play the leading part yourself.
Não falha só em manter controlo sobre os seus subalternos. Isso era o que eu esperava. Mas agora organiza esta tentativa criminosa.
Control yourself.
Abaixe a voz.
Please try to control yourself.
Por favor, tente controlar-se.
I've just been thinking seeing how you control all the gambling in this town and I get 10 percent of the take what would happen to my livelihood if you went out and got yourself shot?
Eu estava a pensar... ao ver como controla o jogo nesta cidade... e eu a ficar com 10 por cento disso... o que acontecerá à minha parte se você sair a rua e for morto?
Please, Siegfried, try to calm yourself.
- Maxwell Smart, Agente secreto 86 da CONTROL.
You're losing control of yourself, sir.
Está a descontrolar-se, Engenheiro.
Now control yourself.
- Agora controle-se.

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