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Drs tradutor Português

52 parallel translation
Madame Lokotoro ( the Drs wife ) is to be found in a Penjabi shop.
Sra. Lokotoro, a Mulher do Médico. Vamos encontrá-la em Penjabi.
Drs. Fritz and Greta Braun.
... Drs.Fritz e Greta Braun.
I'll let it slip out that the program is headed up by Drs. Fritz and Greta Braun.
Vou lançar o boato que o responsável pelo programa são os Drs.Fritz e Greta Braun.
And the melodramatic touch of putting Drs. Hunter Kimball, and Kaminsky aboard already in hibernation, after four months of training on their own.
E o toque melodramático de pôr a bordo os Drs. Hunter Kimball e Kaminsky já em hibernação após 4 meses de treino separado.
This is Dr. Myron and Dr. McElwaine.
Estes são os Drs. Myron e McElwaine.
Drs. Don and Debbie.
Drs. Don and Debbie.
Drs Gayhart... and Buchanon.
Dr. Gayhart e Dr. Buchanon.
Drs. Lewis, Ross, Weaver and Treloggen will be on in four hours and 58 minutes.
Os Drs. Lewis, Ross, Weaver e Treloggen entram daqui a 4 horas e 58 minutos.
I mean, doctors do research, discover diseases, syndromes. But no one's gonna put Drs. Epstein and Barr,
Os médicos fazem pesquisa, descobrem doenças, síndromas...
Drs. Guillain and Barré, Dr. Down, or Dr. Alzheimer on any list.
Mas ninguém põe o Dr. Epstein ou o Dr. Barr, o Dr. Guillain, o Dr. Barre, o Dr. Downs ou o Dr. Alzheimer na lista.
It looks like Doctors Greene and Benton have this.
Parece que os Drs. Greene e Benton estão a tratar disso.
The Drs are searching those areas.
Os DRDs estão procurando lá também.
Doctors, Teal'c, congratulations again.
Drs., Teal'c, parabéns mais uma vez.
These are Drs. Bedrosian and Califf.
Os Doutores Bedrosian e Califf.
- Doctors.
- Drs.
Drs Woods and Osbourne.
- Os Drs. Woods e Osbourne. - Doutor. - Major.
Drs. Zimsky and Keyes?
Drs. Zimsky e Keyes.
Among them was the renowned geneticist... Dr. Alexie Glerach, Drs. Katherine Brecher... and Michael Straub... highly respected researchers in the field of plant genetics.
Entre elas estavam os célebres especialistas em genética... o Dr. Alexie Gierach, a Dra. Katherine Brecher... e o Dr. Michael Straub... investigadores destacados no campo da genética vegetal.
The doctors at Mass General told us they could split us up at no risk to Bob but there's a 50-50 chance that I wouldn't make it, so....
Os Drs. do Mass General disseram-nos que podiam separar-nos sem quaisquer riscos para o Bob mas há hipótese de 50-50 de eu não me safar, por isso...
When hospital employees fail to communicate with patients, there are ethical and legal ramifications that lead to financial hardship and grievances against doctors.
Quando funcionários do hospital falham na comunicação com o doente, há ramificações éticas e legais que conduzem a encargos e responsabilidades financeiras drs.
The doctor's experiments is probably just like the Blob.
A experiências dos Drs. parecem mesmo com o The Blob.
If and when I determine Atlantis unsalvageable, Drs Weir and McKay become obsolete.
Se e quando eu considerar Atlantis perdida, os Doutores Weir e McKay tornam-se obsoletos.
And those fucking doctors! They think that they know everything! But they don't know anything.
Estes Drs. de merda, pensam que sabem tudo mas não sabem nada.
... but first, run your cases by either Drs. Kovac or Clemente.
Vou estar de serviço hoje, mas primeiro consultem o Dr. Kovac ou o Dr. Clemente.
Drs. Chase are 0 for 3.
Os Dr. Chase estão 0 para 3.
Drs. Shepherd and Torres, they're going to straighten her spine.
Os doutores Shepherd e Torres vão endireitar-lhe a coluna.
Drs. Woodcomb, so nice to finally meet you.
Drs. Woodcomb, é um prazer finalmente conhecer-vos.
Colonel Sheppard, we have Drs. McKay and Jackson.
Coronel Sheppard, temos os Drs. McKay e Jackson.
Five lab assistants worked with Dr. Bishop and Bell.
Trabalharam cinco assistentes com os Drs. Bishop e Bell.
I've brought Doctors McCormack and Williams with me.
Trouxe os Drs. McCormack e Williams comigo.
Drs. Franklin and Volker, Lieutenant James and Chloe.
Os doutores Franklin e Volker, a Tenente James e a Chloe.
Meanwhile, in the other O.R., Drs. Zambrano and Deleo repaired the liver lacerations on the passenger from the car.
Enquanto isso, na outra Sala... os Drs. Zambrano e Deleo reparavam as lacerações do fígado da passageira do automóvel.
Drs. Foster and Lightman are here to vet our finalists, to make sure we are plastic surgery and drug-free.
Os doutores Lightman e Foster vêm analisar as finalistas, para termos a certeza que não usam drogas, nem cirurgia plástica.
Doctors Lederman and Pulde use food as treatment because they feel it's the best medicine available... medicine that not only makes their patients feel better but that truly improves their health.
Os Drs. Lederman e Pulde usam o alimento como tratamento pois consideram-no o melhor medicamento disponível, que não faz apenas os pacientes sentirem-se melhor, mas que realmente melhora a saúde deles.
In 1983, doctors Campbell, chen, and their collaborators began to analyze the vast amount of information that had been collected.
Em 1983, os Drs. Campbell, Chen e os seus colaboradores começaram a analisar a imensa quantidade de dados recolhida.
Now well into their 70s, doctors Campbell and Esselstyn are both vital and active.
Hoje, na casa dos 70 anos, os Drs. Campbell e Esselstyn estão cheios de energia e ativos.
Drs. Holloway and Shaw, if you would please stand.
Dr. Holloway e Dra. Shaw, podem, por favor, levantar-se?
Hello, doctors.
Olá Drs.
Os próprios consultores da Polyhedrus, os Drs. Hill e Goebel, concluíram que a libertação de gás foi uma ocorrência anormal, não representando ameaça alguma à integridade da barragem, que posteriormente abriu um mês antes do previsto.
And when exactly are we gonna see doctors Avery and Karev again?
Quando vamos ver os Drs. Avery e Karev?
Objection! Counsel, approach the bench.
- Sr. Drs., aproximem-se, por favor.
Poor, confused, wounded bird for Agent Crawford and Doctors Lecter and Bloom.
Miserável, confuso, um pássaro ferido para o Agente Crawford e os Drs. Lecter e Bloom.
Mrs. and Mrs. Drs. Hu, uh,
Sra. e Sra. drs. Hu, uh,
Mercy doctors, saving lives on and off the job.
Drs. misericordiosos, a salvarem vidas dentro e fora do hospital.
There's little doubt that the Communist Party has an extensive and illustrious track record with propaganda, and then Drs. Weller and Sarkisian come along and perfect the art- - so the question then becomes :
O Partido Comunista tem um historial extenso e ilustre de propaganda e os Drs. Weller e Sarkisian aperfeiçoaram a arte.
Opening DRS!
Abertura do DRS!
I have to have the DRS button pressed with my thumb to keep the rear wing open which reduces drag obviously.
Eu tenho que pressionar o botão DRS com o meu polegar Para manter a asa traseira aberta o que reduz o arrasto obviamente.
Sit rep, the lights went green before the boost was ready, and I had the DRS button still pressed when I got to the end, which meant I had no downforce, which meant...
Relatório : as luzes ficaram verdes Antes que o impulso estivesse pronto, E eu tinha o botão DRS ainda pressionado
Yeah, Dr. Bryce and Jody MacMillan.
Sim, os Drs. Bryce e Jody MacMillan.
- Dr. Eldredge. Drs. Robbins, Bailey, and Wilson are here for Kristen Rochester.
Dr.ªs Robbins, Bailey e Wilson para ver Kristen Rochester.
Drs. Patel and Hessler.
Os doutores Patel e Hessler.

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