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Freelancers tradutor Português

91 parallel translation
We think of ourselves as freelancers.
Costumamos considerar-nos "freelancers".
You know, we could try freelancers stationed outside the Soviet bloc.
Podíamos tentar algumas eventuais, que operam fora do bloco soviético.
They are not freelancers like you.
Não são freelancers como tu...
Floaters, I guess you could say.
Freelancers, acho que se pode dizer isso.
We've had trouble with freelancers in the past.
Tivemos dificuldade com trabalhadores independentes no passado.
So our killers are merely working freelance?
Então, os nossos assassinos são só freelancers?
Only uses other freelancers.
Apenas usa outros freelancers.
Well, if we're going to use tranqs, we're going to need another five freelancers.
Bem, se vamos usar tranquilizadores, vamos precisar de mais 5 freelancers.
From here to Fremont... you got Barksdale's people, East Siders and freelancers, too.
Daqui até Fremont, tens gente do Barksdale, da zona ocidental e independentes.
- Just a couple more freelancers.
Só mais dois trabalhadores por conta própria.
Because we're freelance. And actually, Scientific Explorer is really interested in the piece, and it wouldn't take us very long to go through the archives.
- Porque somos freelancers e a "Scientific Explorer" está muito interessada no artigo.
We don't hire freelance hit men who shoot people in the streets of New York.
Não contratamos freelancers que matam pessoas nas ruas de Nova Iorque.
how many freelancers have you got?
E quantos freelancers é que tens?
We're freelancers. Temps, of sorts.
Somos freelancers, Temporários.
League of Extraordinary Freelancers, activate!
Liga de Freelancers Extraordinários, activar!
He has 12 people designing for him, and then, on top of that, he buys freelance.
Tem 12 pessoas a desenharem para ele e, além disso, tem "freelancers".
As far as we know, they were freelancers.
Pensávamos que eram autônomos.
But when you freelance, you don't have those luxuries.
Mas sendo freelancers, não temos esses luxos.
I found two freelancers who might work.
Encontrei dois freelancers que podem topar.
Freelancers must be very careful.
O autônomo deve ser muito precavido e cuidadoso.
Yes, chapter one of the freelancer's manifesto.
Sim, capítulo um do manifesto dos freelancers.
Now we're working freelance.
Agora somos freelancers.
I mean, the cartels hire freelancers to do their hits.
Digo, os cartéis contratam "freelancers" para fazerem o trabalho.
Businesses often use independent contractors on jobs... to contain costs and limit liability.
As empresas costumam contratar freelancers para reduzir os custos e limitar os riscos.
I've got to cut down on all my freelancers.
Tenho de cortar nos meus freelancers.
Scarlett, you have to make sure the freelance squatters are relocated before the partners meeting.
Scarlett, tens de te certificar que os freelancers são realojados antes da reunião de sócios.
Of course, if you worked freelance, you could afford better suits.
Se trabalhassem com freelancers, compravam roupas melhores.
Military, weapons manufacturers, contractors, freelancers, you name it.
- O exército, fabricantes de armas, fornecedores, freelancers...
We have every right to maintain operational oversight of our employees- - freelancers included.
Temos todo o direito de exercer supervisão operacional sobre os nossos funcionários, incluindo os freelancers.
They're freelancers.
São autônomos.
I'm talking about the privateers, the free lancers.
Estou a falar dos Corsários, os Freelancers.
You tell her, then, that I think we got freelancers.
Então, diga-lhe que acho que temos freelancers. - Freelancers?
Okay... and the freelancers, they wouldn't be involved either?
E os freelancers também estavam envolvidos?
- Freelancers?
- Freelancers? - Eu vou anotar.
He said something about freelancers?
Ele disse alguma coisa sobre freelancers...
Okay, who are they, Jason, these freelancers?
Quem são eles, Jason? Esses freelancers?
Whenever there's a quantum leap in technology, you're gonna find freelancers.
Sempre que há um salto quântico na tecnologia, vais encontrar os freelancers.
One of our freelancers has reached out to us.
Um dos nossos freelancers entrou em contacto connosco.
You call them freelancers, but they have no formal identity.
Chamam-lhes Freelancers, mas eles não têm identidades formais.
You call them "freelancers".
- Vocês chamam-lhes "Freelancers".
- Yeah, freelancers.
Sim, Freelancers.
We're going freelance now?
Estamos a contratar freelancers, agora?
You call them "Freelancers".
Vocês chamam-lhes "Freelancers."
He found a trail, thought they might be working with freelancers.
Ele encontrou uma pista, pensou que trabalhavam com os Freelancers.
Have you ever been published before? - We generally don't accept... stories from freelancers.
Nós geralmente não aceitamos histórias de trabalhadores independentes.
- We generally don't accept... stories from freelancers.
Eu não sou uma trabalhadora independente.
I've got a room full of freelancers out there.
Tenho uma sala cheia de freelancers.
You two work freelance?
Trabalham com freelancers?
The, uh, Freelancers.
Os Freelancers.
- Freelancers?
- Sim.

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