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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ G ] / Get a hold of yourself

Get a hold of yourself tradutor Português

173 parallel translation
Get a hold of yourself.
Conserve a calma. Alto!
- Get a hold of yourself.
Procure conter-se.
In the name of well-adjusted manhood, get a hold of yourself.
Em nome dos homens de bem, controla-te.
Stop acting like a crazy colt and get a hold of yourself.
Deixa de te armares em potro e vê se te acalmas.
Get a hold of yourself. For thieves, there's no being unemployed.
Vamos, Accattone... lembra-te que, para os ladrões, não há desemprego.
Get a hold of yourself.
Tente acalmar-se.
Matt, get a hold of yourself.
Matt, acalma-te.
I want you to get a hold of yourself.
Quero que sejas forte.
Get a hold of yourself.
Vê se te controlas. Acalma-te.
Get a hold of yourself.
- Will you get a hold of yourself?
- Queres controlar-te?
– Get a hold of yourself.
- Controla-te.
Now, Evie, get a hold of yourself.
Por favor, Evie, acalme-se agora.
Get a hold of yourself!
Get a hold of yourself, Emily, please.
Calma Emily, por favor...
Get a hold of yourself!
Get a hold of yourself, we're on TV.
Controla-te, estamos na T.V.
Vera, get a hold of yourself.
Vera, vê se te acalmas.
Get a hold of yourself.
Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!
Come on. Pete, get a hold of yourself.
- Pete, controla-te.
Dawson, get a hold of yourself.
Dawson, controle-se.
Get a hold of yourself, you idiot.
Controle-se, seu idiota.
- Get a hold of yourself.
- Controla-te.
Frank, get a hold of yourself!
Frank, controla-te!
- You got to get a hold of yourself.
- Tens de te controlar.
Get a hold of yourself, please.
Controle-se, por favor!
If you get a hold of yourself right now.
Se aguentares agora.
Mattie, honey, get a hold of yourself.
Mattie, vá lá, não se ponha assim.
Get a hold of yourself!
Vê se te controlas.
Boss, boss, get a hold of yourself.
Chefe, chefe, tenha calma.
Get a hold of yourself, Viola!
Controle-se, Viola!
Will you get a hold of yourself, lass... for the wee bairns.
Tens de te aguentar... pelos pequenos.
Look, get a hold of yourself.
Por favor, controla-te.
No, no, don't. Get a hold of yourself, Dr. Rhyzkov.
Dr. Rhyzkow, mantenha a sua fachada e calma.
Get a hold of yourself.
Tenha calma.
You've got to get a hold of yourself.
Tu tens que te aguentar.
Homer, get a hold of yourself.
Homer, vê se te controlas.
- Get a hold of yourself, Danforth.
- Controle-se, Danforth.
- Get a hold of yourself.
- Controla-te, pá. - Está bem.
Get a hold of yourself, you fucking sissy!
Controla-te, seu maricas de merda!
Get a hold of yourself!
E agora? Acalma-te!
- Get a hold of yourself. - It's hottie overload in here.
- Tenta controlar-te, está bem?
Get a hold of yourself!
Oh, get a hold of yourself, Willard.
Contem-te Willard.
Get a hold of yourself, Ferd.
Controla-te, Ferd.
I don't know. I'm terrified of seeing anybody or being seen. You must get tight hold of yourself.
Se queremos saír desta... temos que saber o que fazer, e dizer a cada... momento.
Now, you stop crying and get hold of yourself, and I'll send Mother down to the theater right away.
Vou mandar já a tua mãe para o teatro.
Unless you get hold of yourself, you'll be a mute, musically speaking.
Ao menos que se decisa, será mudo... musicalmente falando.
Armand, get a hold of yourself.
- Armand, controle-se.
Now, get a fuckin'hold of yourself!
Controla-te, foda-se!

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