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Goines tradutor Português

90 parallel translation
Hey, Goines! Yo. Goines!
- Goines!
I told you that fuckhead Goines would get us...
Bem disse que o marado do Goines ia meter-nos...
Jeffrey Goines?
Jeffrey Goines?
And that from now on he, Jeffrey Goines, is going to personally supervise the labs to make sure the little animals aren't going to suffer.
E que, a partir de agora, vai supervisionar pessoalmente os laboratórios para garantir que os animaizinhos não sofrem.
You know Jeffrey Goines.
Você conhece o Jeffrey Goines.
Jeffrey Goines was a fruitcake.
O Jeffrey Goines era chanfrado.
Jeffrey Goines said it was my idea about the virus.
O Jeffrey Goines disse que a ideia do vírus foi minha.
I don't know what you're up to this time, Goines, but you're going to get us in deep shit.
Não sei o que andas a fazer, Goines, mas vais meter-nos num grande sarilho.
James! Dr. Goines'assistant, he's an apocalypse nut.
O adjunto do Dr. Goines é um louco apocalíptico.
Romero, Goines, up the chain!
Romero, Goines, subam a corrente!
The man who was holding you was a Detroit hard case named Mason Goines, and he worked for a man named Theo Tonin.
O homem que a prendeu era um caso difícil de Detroit, chamado Mason Goines, e trabalhava para um homem chamado Theo Tonin.
Or maybe it's something you just picked up today, when this Goines fella was smashing you in the face.
Ou talvez seja algo que só soube hoje, quando esse Goines lhe estava a bater na cara.
Leland Goines.
- Leland Goines.
"The Army of the 12 Monkeys"... it's something Goines said.
"O Exército dos 12 Macacos". Foi uma coisa que o Goines disse.
Markridge Group CEO Leland Goines has died.
O presidente do Grupo Markridge, Leland Goines, faleceu.
Goines suffered a massive heart attack at his home in Virginia.
Goines sofreu um ataque cardíaco na casa dele na Virgínia.
Goines, Jennifer?
Goines, Jennifer?
I am a Goines.
Sou uma Goines.
They even have a cover story for Leland Goines.
Eles até têm uma história de fachada para o Leland Goines.
Leland Goines had a secret lab.
O Leland Goines tinha um laboratório secreto.
So Ms. Goines is in the hands of the Army of the 12 Monkeys? Yes.
Então a Goines está nas mãos do Exército dos 12 Macacos?
It's Leland Goines, CEO of the Markridge Group.
Chama-se Leland Goines, CEO do grupo Markridge.
Leland Goines, where is he?
- Onde está o Leland Goines?
Hey, we need to come up with a game plan for when we find Leland Goines.
Precisamos de decidir o que fazer quando encontrarmos o Leland Goines.
Keep an eye out for Goines. Try to look like you're not keeping an eye out.
Vê se encontras o Goines sem dar nas vistas.
Let's go find Goines.
Vamos procurar o Goines.
- Goines.
To tell them about Goines and the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
Para lhes contar sobre o Goines e o Exército dos 12 Macacos.
I'm here to see Goines.
Venho ver a Goines.
Goines had a secret lab.
O Goines tinha um laboratório secreto.
Goines is in the hands of the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
A Goines está nas mãos do Exército dos 12 Macacos?
How long do you think it'll be before the 12 Monkeys break Jennifer Goines?
Quanto tempo achas que os 12 Macacos demorarão a vergar a Jennifer Goines?
There was a woman there, Jennifer Hargrove Goines.
Havia uma mulher chamada Jennifer Hargrove Goines.
But Goines is considered very dangerous.
Mas a Goines é considerada muito perigosa.
We should attempt to send Cole back to 1987, just like Goines said.
Devíamos tentar enviar o Cole para 1987, como o Goines disse.
Then I say we go back to Jennifer Goines.
- Nem temos capacidade para isso. - Então voltemos à Jennifer Goines.
We send Cole back to Leland Goines to interrogate him before he blows his brains out.
Porque não vai ter com o Leland Goines para o interrogar antes de o matar?
- I'm a friend of Jennifer Goines.
Sou amigo da Jennifer Goines.
Leland Goines had a secret lab.
Leland Goines tinha um laboratório secreto.
There's still too many possible sites. And the 12 Monkeys already have Jennifer Goines.
Ainda há uma muitas localizações possíveis e a organização12 Macacos já tem a Jennifer Goines.
Leland Gaines had a secret lab.
O Leland Goines tinha um laboratório secreto.
Goines is in the hands of the Army of the 12 Monkeys.
A Goines está nas mãos do Exército dos 12 Macacos.
Miss Goines, I'm Ivan.
Miss Goines, chamo-me Ivan.
- Leland's black budget lab.
É o laboratório secreto de Leland Goines.
I've seen that face before, right before you shot Leland Goines.
Já vi essa expressão antes, quando mataste o Leland Goines.
- A virus. Something Leland Goines was working on here.
Um vírus, algo em que o Leland Goines estava a trabalhar.
Or Leland Goines.
Nem ao Leland Goines.
Jennifer Goines, you're needed downstairs.
Jennifer Goines, és necessária no piso de baixo.

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