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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / Has anything happened

Has anything happened tradutor Português

151 parallel translation
- Has anything happened to her?
- Passou-lhe algo? - Muitos homem.
Has anything happened?
Sucedeu alguma coisa?
Has anything happened to him?
Goulding. - Aconteceu-lhe alguma coisa?
Has anything happened to him? No.
- Aconteceu-lhe algo?
Has anything happened to change your mind, Captain?
Aconteceu alguma coisa para mudar de ideia, Capitão?
Has anything happened to Jose?
Aconteceu algo ao José?
- Has anything happened?
- Aconteceu alguma coisa?
Has anything happened to him?
Aconteceu alguma coisa com ele?
Has anything happened? What's wrong?
O que é que aconteceu?
His name is Peter. Has anything happened to him? Oh, no, he's fine.
Aconteceu alguma coisa a um rapaz chamado Peter?
Has anything happened between you?
Já se passou alguma coisa entre vocês?
Doctor, has anything happened since our meeting last week... that makes you think this fire might have been set to do her harm?
Doutor, aconteceu algo desde o nosso encontro na semana passada que o leve a crer que o incêndio foi provocado para a magoar?
Besides McQueen, besides these awful murders has anything happened to you or your friends that's a bit out of the ordinary?
Além de McQueen e os horríveis assassinatos... aconteceu algo fora do comum com você ou suas amigas?
Has anything happened?
- Aconteceu alguma coisa?
Has anything happened while the two of you have always been together?
Aconteceu alguma coisa enquanto vocês os dois estiveram juntos?
This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me.
E a primeira vez que isto me acontece.
Has anything happened?
Aconteceu alguma coisa?
Has anything happened to Caroline?
- Aconteceu alguma coisa à Caroline?
Up to now, I don't think anything has happened between Larry and that nasty-looking girl.
Até agora, acho que näo aconteceu nada entre o Larry e aquela galdéria.
Has anything happened?
- Bem.
He wouldn't do anything anyhow, but it's not a very comfortable feeling, but nothing has happened.
Não podia fazer nada, mas foi mau. Mas não aconteceu nada.
I can believe anything of her. A lot has happened that you don't know about.
Passaram-se com ela muitas coisas que não sabes.
Tell me Sir Henry has anything interesting happened to you since you've been in London?
Diga-me Sir Henry, aconteceu-lhe alguma coisa relevante desde que chegou a Londres? Não!
Has anything unusual happened here recently?
Aconteceu algo inusitado aqui recentemente?
Has anything like this happened before?
Isto já tinha acontecido alguma vez?
I want this house to look quite normal, and you must not give anything away of what has happened.
Quero que a casa aparente estar dentro da normalidade. E conte o quer que seja sobre o que se passou.
Dad, has anything ever happened to you that was so weird...
Sim. Nunca teve que enfrentar uma situação complicada?
If anything--Anything has happened to him, You're going to be- -
Se lhe acontece alguma coisa, tu vais ficar...
Commander, has anything strange happened to you during transport?
Com., aconteceu alguma vez com você algo estranho durante um transporte?
What has happened to you? Don't you feel anything anymore?
- Já não tens sentimentos?
And since you've been thinking of making it... has anything funny happened?
E desde então que tu pensastes fazer o filme... Aconteceu alguma coisa de estranho?
Has anything like this ever happened before?
á alguma vez aconteceu algo como isto?
I'm afraid we'll have to send you back alone, and ask that you not reveal anything that has happened here.
Lamento mas teremos de o enviar de volta só, e pedir-lhe que nada revele do que se passou aqui.
And there is no way she would miss this so if anything has happened to her, I swear!
Eu... vou buscá-la.
I guarantee you, if anything has happened to Lois...
Posso garantir-te, se algo aconteceu à Lois...
Has anything like this ever happened before?
Já te tinha acontecido algo semelhante anteriormente?
Has anything weird or unexplainable ever happened to you?
Já te aconteceu alguma coisa estranha ou inexplicável?
Worf, if this has anything to do with what happened in the mess hall...
Olhe, Worf, se isto tem a ver com o que aconteceu na messe...
Has anything like this ever happened to you before?
Já te aconteceu alguma coisa deste tipo antes?
None of what's happened today has anything to do with...
Nada do que aconteceu hoje tem a ver com...
Come on, Leo, if this has anything to do with what happened...
Vá lá, Leo, se tiver alguma coisa a ver com o que aconteceu...
If I find out anything has happened to our father and you knew about it... there won't be enough spare body parts in Blue Cove to piece your ass back together.
Se eu descubro que aconteceu alguma coisa ao nosso pai com o teu conhecimento, não vais encontrar peças suficientes... em Blue Cove para te voltar a montar.
Now, you will not be held accountable for anything that has happened up till this point, in fact, you will be admired for the noble attempt you have made to honor your predecessor's commitment a commitment that has been exploited by
Ninguém o pode responsabilizar pelo que aconteceu até agora. As pessoas vão admirá-Io por tentar honrar um compromisso do seu antecessor. Um compromisso que foi explorado pelo governo corrupto do Vietname do Sul.
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Alguma vez te aconteceu algo parecido com isto?
If anything has happened to Per, I'm going to sue the shit out of you!
Se aconteceu alguma coisa ao Per, eu vou processar-te até à última!
In our Holy Islam has never happened anything like this.
Nunca aconteceu nada assim no nosso sagrado Islão.
Has anything like this happened before?
Já lhe tinha acontecido algo assim?
Miss Huttensen, it's almost halfway through the session. We discussed that if anything were to happen - But what has happened?
Sra. Huttenson, estamos quase em metade do ano escolar e decidimos que se passava algo, terminaríamos este semestre.
Let me ask you, has anything dramatic happened to you recently?
- É o que pensa. Diga-me, aconteceu-lhe algo grave recentemente?
I don't think any of us can say exactly what happened last night, but if this has been anything more than just a nightmare then why?
Acho que nenhum de nós pode dizer com exactidão o que aconteceu ontem à noite. Mas se isto foi algo mais do que apenas um pesadelo então porquê?
Check with our people in the area. Find out if anything has happened to him.
Verifica com a nossa gente dessa área se algo lhe aconteceu.

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