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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / Have you heard of him

Have you heard of him tradutor Português

89 parallel translation
Professor Arthur Schreiner. Have you heard of him?
É o professor Arthur Schreiner.
Have you heard of him?
Já ouviste falar nele?
- Have you heard of him?
- Ouviu falar dele?
- Have you heard of him?
- Ouviram falar dele?
Have you heard of him?
Você já ouviu falar sobre isso?
He's a famous journalist Have you heard of him?
Egoísta! Querido, primeiro aprende a escrever!
Have you heard of him?
Já ouviste falar dele?
You heard of his dad, but have you heard of him?
Mas e dele?
Have you heard of him since?
Têm ouvido falar dele desde então?
Have you heard of him?
Ouviu falar dele?
Have you heard of him?
Já ouviram falar dele?
You speak of him with a warmth I have not heard in your voice... since you left your father's house.
Fala dele com um entusiasmo que já não via em si desde que saiu da casa do seu pai.
But you must have heard of him.
Mas devem ter ouvido falar dele.
If you ve been in shows, you must have heard of him :
Se você já esteve em shows, deve ter ouvido falar dele :
- Have you not heard of him?
Não o conheces?
Paul Hanlon. You must have heard of him.
Já deve ter ouvido falar de Paul Hanlon.
You have heard of him?
Você ouviu falar dele?
I'd always heard in riding horses, it was the horse that did the sweating, but I wasn't even on him yet, and you could have wrung enough out of me to water the lawn.
Sempre ouvi dizer que o cavalo suoa mais do que o cavaleiro. Eu ainda nem tinha montado... e já estava encharcado.
- I believe you have heard of him.
- Penso que já ouviu.
You may have heard of him from the academy!
Deves ter ouvido falar d'ele, na Academia!
I've heard of others like him that have pulled through but I gotta tell you what's keeping him alive hasn't been a thing to do with medicine.
Sei de outros como ele que se salvaram, mas o que o conserva vivo nada tem a ver com Medicina.
Have you ever heard of him?
Já ouviste falar?
If you didn't know him, you'd have heard of him, Arthur Mullins... this young lady's grandad.
Se não o conheceram, já ouviram falar dele, Arthur Mullins o avô desta jovem.
Have you heard? They call him William the Bloody because of his bloody awful poetry.
Chamam-no de William, o Sanguinário por causa da sua poesia horrível.
- You may have heard of him.
- Deve ter ouvido falar dele.
Bob Dylan, maybe you have heard of him?
Bob Dylan, você conhece isto?
In what context have you never heard of him?
- Vou buscá-la. - Onde está a carta?
You might have heard of him. I don't know.
- És capaz de já ter ouvido falar dele.
You may have heard the tale of the wizard Voger of Wave, who delighted in taking the shape of a bear, and did so more and more often until the bear grew in him and the man... died away.
Devem ter ouvido a história do mago Borjer de Wain... que adorava assumir a forma de urso, e cada vez fez isso mais, até que o urso ficou mais forte e o homem morreu.
None of you have ever seen Him or heard Him.
Nenhum de vocês jamais o viu ou ouviu.
How can you not have heard of him? He's a famous movie director!
Como nunca ouviu falar, é um realizador conhecidíssimo!
But the Feds have big ears, and I heard what was going down here with uh... with Mike Jaymes and what some of you think about him, that you believe he's responsible for bringing in a wolf amongst your sheep.
Mas os Federais têm ouvidos grandes, e eu ouvi o que estava acontecendo aqui com o... com Mike Jaymes e o que alguns de vocês pensam dele, que o consideram responsável por trazer um lobo no meio das ovelhas.
You might have heard of him.
Você deve ter ouvido falar dele.
Have you ever heard of him?
Já alguma vez ouviu falar dele?
You may have heard of him, Big Korea.
Já deves ter ouvido falar dele, é o Big Korea.
You may not have heard of him but he's a celebrity here in Egypt.
Talvez nunca tenha ouvido falar nele mas ele é uma celebridade aqui no Egito.
Have you ever heard of him? Or seen his work?
Já viu seus trabalhos?
Have you heard of him?
Já ouviu falar dele?
A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's written by a buddy of mine, you may have heard of him, William Shakespeare.
Escrito por um amigo meu, talvez tenham ouvido falar dele, William Shakespeare.
You might have heard of him.
Talvez já tenhas ouvido falar.
Marshal Dimitry Kazov, you may have heard of him.
Marshal Dimitry Kazov pode ter ouvi falar dele.
You may have even heard rumors of who murdered him.
Até pode ter ouvido rumores de quem o matou.
- I've never heard of him, have you?
- Nunca ouvi falar dele, e tu? - Não.
Have you ever heard of him?
Já ouviram falar dele?
Unless you guys have never heard of him, and then I'll just finish up here and...
A menos que nunca tenham ouvido falar dele. Nesse caso, fico por aqui... e levo o meu bife mongol para a viagem.
Have you ever heard of him?
Já ouviste falar nele?
You might have heard of him.
- Ouviu falar dele?
You might have heard of him.
Talvez já tenha ouvido falar.
Have you ever heard of him?
Chama-se Tim Burton. Conheces?
- Why would you have heard of him?
- Porque já ouviste falar dele?
Chris Murphy, have you ever heard of him?
Chris Murphy. Já ouviu falar dele?

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