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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He's still breathing

He's still breathing tradutor Português

172 parallel translation
He's still breathing.
Ainda respira.
He is unconscious, but he's still breathing...
Está inconsciente, mas respira.
- He's still breathing.
- Ele ainda respira!
At least he's still breathing.
Pelo menos, está respirando.
He's still breathing!
Ele ainda está respirando!
He's still breathing!
Ainda respira.
He's still breathing, though.
Mas acho que ainda respira.
I feel he's still breathing.
Sinto que ainda respira.
He's still breathing.
Ainda está respirando.
He's still breathing.
Ele ainda respira.
He's still breathing, but he's taken a bad knock.
Ele ainda respira, mas levou uma pancada valente.
- We're gonna eat good. - He's still breathing!
- Ainda respira!
He's still breathing. Shoot him.
Ainda está a respirar.
I wouldn't want to lay odds on whether he's still breathing or not.
Não quero apostar se ele ainda respira ou não.
He's still breathing, idiot.
Ainda respira, seu idiota.
- He's still breathing.
- Ainda respira.
He's still breathing!
Ele ainda respira.
See if he's still breathing.
Veja se ainda respira.
He's still breathing.
Ainda está a respirar.
- No, he's still breathing.
- Não, ainda respira.
- Because he's still breathing. - Yeah?
Oh, na cara não!
He's still breathing, but...
Ainda respira, mas...
Canelli finds out he's still breathing...
Se o Canelli descobre que ele ainda está vivo...
He's still breathing and his heart's beating, but probably...
Recebemos as suas pulsações, mas...
Look! H-He's still breathing!
Olha... ainda respira.
- He's still breathing.
Não, aindarespira.
- He's still breathing.
- Ele ainda está a respirar.
He's still breathing.
Continua a respirar.
Damn, he's still breathing.
Raios, ainda está a respirar.
He has a strong pulse and he's still breathing.
O pulso está forte e ainda respira.
- He's still not breathing.
- Continua sem respirar!
- He ¡ ¯ s still breathing.
- Ele ainda respira.
He's still breathing. Okay.
Ele ainda respirara.
- I can't find a pulse, but he's still breathing.
Não lhe encontro o pulso, mas ainda respira.
He's still having trouble breathing.
Ainda lhe custa respirar.
- He's still breathing.
- Ainda está a respirar.
He's still breathing.
Ele respira.
- He's still breathing.
- Continua a ventilar.
He's still breathing.
- Ainda respira.
Yeah, but Kevin grabbed Justin's shirt so that means he was still breathing.
Sim, mas o Kevin agarrou a T-shirt do Justin o que significa que ainda estava a respirar.
No, he's still breathing and farting.
Não, ainda respira e dá peidos.
No, he's still breathing.
Não, ainda respira.
He's still breathing.
Ele ainda está a respirar.
Just five minutes. Look, I know it's not going to bring Aimee back... but I can't sleep at night, knowing that he's still breathing out there.
Sei que isso não trará a Aimee de volta, mas não consigo dormir enquanto souber que ele ainda está vivo.
- He's still not breathing.
- Continua sem respirar.
He's still breathing!
Ele ainda está a respirar!
He's still not responding to voices but breathing on his own was a big hurdle. Tavon?
- Quem?
He's still breathing!
Ele continua a respirar!
( man ) He's still breathing.
Ainda respira.
He's still breathing.
Todavía respira.
He's still passed out, but his breathing's quickening.
Continua inconsciente, mas a respiração acelerou.

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