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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He belongs to me

He belongs to me tradutor Português

71 parallel translation
He belongs to me.
He put me in this chair and as long as I sit here he'll never leave me. He knows he belongs to me.
Estou nesta cadeira por culpa dele e enquanto continuar doente não me abandonará, pertence-me.
Are you trying to ride the flesh off that horse, or did you forget he belongs to me?
Estás a tentar matar o cavalo? Será que te esqueceste de que ele me pertence?
- He belongs to me.
- Ele pertence-me.
You can't kill him, he belongs to me!
Tu não o podes matar, pertence-me a mim!
He belongs to me.
Ele pertence a mim.
He belongs to me. "
Ele pertence-me. "
He belongs to me.
Por tudo isto penso que posso dizer que ele pertence-me.
He is aryan property now. He belongs to me.
Ele agora é propriedade dos Arianos, ele pertenece-me!
He belongs to me.
Ele pertence-me.
He belongs to me.
Ele é meu.
He belongs to me!
Este pertence-me a mim.
in some sense, he belongs to me.
De alguma forma, ele pertence-me.
He keeps a roof over our heads, our kids go to good schools, and, uh, when he comes home... he belongs to me.
Mantém a nossa protecção, os nossos filhos vão para boas escolas, e, quando está em casa... ele pertence-me.
He belongs to me, not you.
Ele pertence a mim, não a você.
He was, erm, up on the stage singing She Belongs To Me.
Jake estava a tocar, estava... no palco e cantava "She belongs to me"
He belongs to me.
É meu.
♪ He belongs to me ♪
Ele pertence-me
♪ He belongs to me ♪ ♪ The boy is mine ♪
- Ele pertence-me - O rapaz é meu
He belongs to me now.
Ele agora pertence-me!
"He belongs to me now."
"ele agora pertence-me."
He belongs to me now
Agora pertence-nos.
- you're not getting him back. - He belongs to me.
Não o vais ter de volta.
He is flying into the rainbow, into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us.
Nasce o arco-íris... Nasce a luz da esperança... Nasce o futuro.
He takes care of everything that belongs to me.
Trata de tudo o que me pertence.
there's a hound dog out in Texas he says he belongs to me when he's on the trail I can follow his tail through the land of the wild country he was born to roam the mountains the prairie land so free
He belongs to the lady who cut me.
É da senhora que me cortou.
If you can tell me whom he belongs to, it might be worth $ 10,000 to the owner.
Se me disserem a quem pertence, pode valer 10 mil dólares ao dono.
Take that piece of shit back to the jailhouse where he belongs!
Levem-me esse merdas de volta para a cadeia, que é onde ele pertence!
Momo is dead, which means that everything he had now belongs to Jimmy Capp, including you, which also means that when I speak, I speak for Jimmy... e.g., from now on, you start showing me the proper fucking respect.
O Momo morreu. O que significa que tudo o que era dele, pertence agora ao Jimmy Capp, incluindo tu. O que também quer dizer que quando eu falar, falo pelo Jimmy!
You tell Streck your ass belongs to me... and he can keep his hands off it.
Diz ao Streck que o teu traseiro me pertence. Ele que mantenha as mãos longe dele
Son, I don't give a shit who he belongs to.
Rapaz, tanto se me dá a quem é que ele pertence.
Today's victory entirely belongs to "him, yet he wants to share it with me."
A vitória de hoje pertence-lhe inteiramente, mas ele quer compartilhá-la comigo.
And he's got something in his locker that belongs to me.
E ele tem uma coisa neste cacifo que me pertence.
He belongs to me!
- Pertence-me!
- OK. I don't wanna hurt him, but he has something that belongs to me.
Não quero magoá-lo, mas ele tem algo que me pertence a mim.
- He took something that belongs to me.
- Ele tirou-me algo que me pertence.
I know you've got a brother helping outside, ran into my girlfriend. And I know he took a book from her that belongs to me.
Sei que tem um irmão a ajudá-lo lá fora, que foi ter com a minha namorada e que lhe tirou um livro que me pertence.
I know you've got a brother helping on the outside, I know he ran into my girlfriend, and I know he took a book from her that belongs to me.
Sei que tens um irmão a ajudar-te lá fora, sei que ele atacou a minha namorada, e sei que ele levou um livro.
He took something that belongs to me.
Levou algo que me pertence.
I think what he had belongs to me.
Acho que o que ele tinha me pertence.
The tricks don't move me my heart belongs to Antoine only my feeling is so deep that only he has made to the bottom
Os vinhos que entorno acalmam-me De facto, Antoine tem direito. O meu sentimento é tão profundo que por ele vou bem fundo.
♪ You seem to be confused ♪ ♪ He belongs to me ♪
- Ele pertence-me
But it's not enough to be smart, he also has a pathological need to validate it, which tells me that he probably belongs to an organization like Mensa or Prometheus.
Mas não basta ser esperto, também tem a necessidade patológica de validar isso, o que me diz que talvez pertença a uma organização como a Mensa ou a Prometheus.
The stuff belongs to a buddy of mine he's letting me crash here.
Estas coisas são de um amigo meu, ele deixa-me ficar aqui.
You will turn the lion over to me so that I may put him where he belongs.
Vai ter de o entregar para que eu o coloque onde ele pertence.
- He'd better have what belongs to me.
- É melhor ter o meu.
You know, I didn't tell you because you did not need to know, but that money he intended on stealing from that bank belongs to me.
Não lhe disse porque não precisava de saber, mas o dinheiro que ele pretendia roubar ao banco, pertence-me.
He stole something that belongs to me, and I'm here to get it back.
Roubou uma coisa que me pertence, e estou aqui para a recuperar.
Look, I don't care what group he belongs to.
Olhe, não me interessa a que grupo ele pertence.
Where he belongs is up to me.
Aonde ele pertence é comigo.

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