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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He didn't say that

He didn't say that tradutor Português

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Didn't General Shubin say that Mata Hari was in his rooms at the time he was telephoning?
General Shubin não disse que Mata Hari estava no seu quarto na hora em que ele telefonou?
I reckon you're lucky he didn't hear you say that.
Para teu bem, espero que ele não tenha ouvido isso.
I say, he made you give him that alibi, didn't he?
Obrigou-a a dar-lhe esse álibi, não foi?
Why, he didn't say that... or did he?
Ele não disse isso, ou disse?
He didn't say anything after that, and I knew he was dead.
Ele não disse mais nada, e vi que estava morto.
And he didn't say anything that might give you an idea of where he went?
E não disse nada, para onde pudesse ter ido?
Didn't he just say we needed $ 600? That's what we've got now, ain't it?
Ele não disse que precisávamos de $ 600?
I didn't say he wasn't right, but even so... is that the only way to handle it :
- Não disse que ele não está certo, mas... Mesmo assim, é a única maneira?
'Everything worth having.'He didn't say that about you.
Não era por isso que a inquietava. - Não?
Didn't he say anything about me, that I was coming or anything?
E nâo Ihe falou a meu respeito? Nâo o avisou da minha vinda?
Didn't he say that?
- Ele não disse isso?
He didn't say anything like that.
Ele não disse nada disso.
Now, mind you, I didn't say that he did.
Bem, espera lá, não disse que foi ele.
You didn't say that he sneaked up behind you and knocked you out cold... but that you turned around... and there he was.
Não disse que ele veio sorrateiramente por trás e a pôs sem sentidos... mas que a menina se voltou... e que ele ali estava.
He was in such hurry that he didn't even have time to say good-bye, poor man.
Partiu tão depressa que nem se despediu de nós.
Well, I think we can safely say that he didn't get his brain from Mother.
Pode dizer-se com segurança que ele não tem o cérebro da mãe.
I met General Patton myself. He didn't say it in so many Words, but it's clear that the Allies intend to capture Paris by encirclement.
Encontrei-me com general Patton. mas está claro que os Aliados tencionam conquistar Paris através de um cerco.
No, he didn't say too much, that closed-mouth old coot.
Não, ele não falou muito, manteve aquela boca fechada de macaco velho.
Agent 38 didn't say that he hit Max, he said someone else did.
Ele é o chefe do nosso laboratório criminal.
Tanner, didn't you just say that he walked over to the car, gun drawn, leaned in the car, there was a shot and then the car lurched?
Tanner, disseste que ele dirigiu-se para o carro, de arma na mão, inclinou-se, houve um tiro e depois o carro guinou? Foi o que disseste?
Oh, he didn't say that?
Não disse isso?
That's true... and since Bruno loves her a lot, if she asked him not to say anything he didn't
É verdade... e como Bruno a ama, se ela pedisse q / ele não contasse a ninguém ele não contaria.
Why didn't it say on his form that he's a gorilla?
Porque não dizia na ficha dele que era um gorila?
You mean he didn't say that today?
Quer dizer que ele não disse isso hoje?
He didn't say in a straight line? Who said that? I didn't hear that.
Ele não disse sempre em frente?
No, he didn't say that.
- Quem? - Não, ele não disse isso.
Nobody'd say that if he didn't.
Ninguém diria que o tem se não o tiver.
People say that Tiberius didn't mind being banished because he was glad to get away from me.
As pessoas dizem que Tibério não se importou de ser banido porque ficou feliz por se afastar de mim.
There was a guy we talked to last week. Didn't he say that there was a Bart Porter... who at one time was a member of the Committee to Re-Elect?
Um tipo, a semana passada... não falou num Bart Porter... que foi da Comissão de Reeleição?
Now he's gonna ask me who you are, and he's gonna say he didn't know... we knew each other so well that you would come say good-bye to me here.
Agora vai perguntar-me quem é e vai-me dizer que não sabia que nos conhecíamos tão bem para vir aqui dizer-me adeus.
I didn't say that. - He did, Your Honor.
- Não disse isso.
And I didn't say he did it, just that it wouldn't surprise me.
A propriedade em que está é famosa pelos convidados que recebe.
Didn't he say that they napped before dinner?
Ele não disse que dormiam a sesta antes do jantar?
Uh — Beth, didn't you say that several of Charles's friends... were contacted by the military after he was supposedly arrested?
Beth, você não disse que o Exército contactou vários amigos de Charles depois dele ter supostamente sido preso?
In all fairness, Devon, he didn't say that.
Na verdade, Devon, ele não disse bem isso.
He didn't say that, did he?
Ele disse isso?
No, he didn't say that.
Ele não disse isso.
And he didn't exactly say, "Yes", but that was the idea.
Não disse exactamente "Sim", mas foi essa a ideia.
He didn't say that exactly.
Ele não disse isso exactamente.
He didn't say "breasts" and I considered apologizing... for implying that his show wasn't wholesome family entertainment.
Ele não disse "mamas" e eu considerei pedir desculpa... por insinuar que o programa dele não era entretenimento saudável para a família.
Oh. He didn't say that under certain circumstances it was all right, did he?
Ele não disse que dentro de certas circunstancias estava bem, disse?
He say in plain English that he didn't want to embarrass... your ugly behind up here in front of these girls.
Ele disse claramente que não queria te envergonhar... em frente destas garotas
Didn't he say that no local boy could beat him?
Vou guardar cada tostão e até peço esmola se tiver que ser.
Cardeano thought he was mad and didn't say a thing. He thought that maybe Ema needed another husband, this one was too soft, and had corrupted her with his consent.
O sogro achou-o meio doido, não disse nada e pensou que talvez Ema precisasse de outro marido, aquele era brando demais, corrompera-a pelo consentimento.
- Didn't I just say that to him? Yeah, but if he hasn't jumped with you, he won't talk to you.
Se ele não saltou contigo, não te fala.
Instead, he had the police say Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more.
Em vez disso, mandou a Polícia dizer que a Jenny não ficava mais naquela casa.
He said for me to say he ain't gonna forget his friends... that helped him when he was in trouble, and he ain't gonna forget who didn't.
Ele mandou-me dizer que não esquece os amigos que o ajudam quando está em sarilhos, e também não esquece quem não ajuda.
He didn't say that!
Ele não disse isso!
- He didn't say that to you, did he?
- Pois não? - Não, não disse.
I remember Mel Gibson accurately and he didn't say that.
Lembro-me muito bem do Mel Gibson e ele não disse isso.
Because I remember what Curzon used to say about reassociation that it didn't matter whether he agreed with the taboo or not because the price for violating it was too high- - exile.
Porque me lembro do que o Curzon dizia sobre a reassociação. Que não importava se concordava com o tabu ou não, porque o preço por violá-lo era demasiado alto. O exílio.

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