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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He didn't tell me anything

He didn't tell me anything tradutor Português

56 parallel translation
Besides, he didn't tell Thornton anything.
Não me chames isso. Fui eu que encontrei o Braddock.
He didn't tell me anything.
Ele não me disse nada.
Well, didn't he tell you to pay me any compliments or anything?
E não disse para me fazer um elogio ou qualquer coisa parecida?
He didn't tell me anything!
Mas ele não me deu nada!
He didn't tell me anything... and I'm his friend.
Para mim, ele não disse nada... e eu sou seu amigo! Pelo menos espero!
- No, no, he didn't tell me anything. No.
Não, o Doutor não me disse absolutamente nada.
Don't tell me you didn't hear anything,'cause he heard it!
Não me venha dizer que não ouviu nada, porque ele ouviu!
And you, don't tell me you didn't see anything'cause he saw it.
E você, não me venha dizer que não viu nada, porque ele viu.
He didn't have to tell me anything, Dad.
Ele nao teve de me dizer nada, pai.
He didn't have to tell me anything.
Ele não tinha de me dizer nada.
I had words with Crais and, um, he told me that you and the other me... Actually, he didn't... tell me anything.
Eu falei com Crais... e ele me disse que você e o outro eu... na verdade... ele não disse nada.
Tell them that I didn't know anything about what was goin'on and that Dan threatened me, he had a gun.
Diz-lhes que eu não sabia de nada do que se estava a passar e que o Dan me ameaçou, ele tinha uma arma.
He didn't tell me anything.
He didn't tell me anything. Stop. ( agonized grunt )
Quando ela levantar, convença-a a dizer-me tudo que sabe se quiser viver... ou começarei novamente.
He didn't tell me anything.
Ele não me contou nada.
No, he didn't tell me anything.
Ele não me disse nada.
- He didn't tell me anything!
Ele não me disse nada.
Hans didn't tell him anything, cause he has wife and three children here, you have to tell me the damn truth, I am asking you.
Não, Hans não disse nada porque tem mulher e três filhos. Tem que me dizer a verdade.
- No, he didn't tell me anything!
- Não me disse nada!
I don't know, but he didn't tell me anything about this!
Não sei, mas não me disse nada!
OK! Please, please tell me he didn't say anything!
Por favor, diz-me que ele não disse nada!
He didn't tell me anything except it wasn't his fault.
Ele não me disse nada, a não ser que não era culpa sua.
I gotta be honest, sometimes I wish he didn't tell me anything.
Vou ser franca. Às vezes, preferia que não me dissesse nada.
I'm sure Bumpy didn't tell you, but he made me promise if anything happened to him... I should make sure that you're want for nothing.
De certeza que o Bumpy não te disse nada, mas ele fez-me prometer que se alguma coisa lhe acontecesse, eu deveria garantir que não te faltasse nada.
The truth is, he didn't tell me anything.
A verdade é que, ele não me disse nada.
He didn't tell me anything... and he doesn't say a word.
Disse-me para não perguntar nada... Então eu não perguntei nada a ele.
He didn't tell me anything.
Não me disse nada.
I didn't tell him anything. He's the one who told me.
Ele é que me contou.
I asked him if he was on anything, But he didn't tell me.
Perguntei-lhe se se passava alguma coisa, mas ele não me disse.
I swear to God, man, he didn't tell me anything else.
Juro por Deus, meu, ele não me contou mais nada.
I just figured he was a busy guy and he didn't have anything else he could tell me.
Pensei que era um homem muito ocupado e que não tinha mais nada para me dizer.
He didn't tell me anything, Except that he lost his job last month.
- Não disse nada. Só que perdeu o emprego no mês passado.
I swear, he didn't tell me anything.
Ele não me disse nada.
He didn't tell me anything.
Não me conta nada.
- He didn't tell me anything about that.
- Não me disse nada sobre isso.
He told me about the job, but he didn't tell me anything funny.
Ele falou-me do trabalho, mas nada de engraçado.
He didn't tell me anything else.
Ele não me disse mais nada.
He didn't- - he didn't tell me anything.
Ele não dis... ele não me disse nada.
Oh. So Zach is making a mistake, and I would tell him that if the law didn't prohibit me from speaking to him, and Sheldon's not gonna tell him that he's doing anything wrong.
O Zach está a cometer um erro, e eu dizia-lhe isso, se a lei não me proibisse de fazer isso.
Why didn't he just tell me everything? Well, I think, because he didn't want anything to happen to you.
Bem, eu acho porque não queria que nada acontecesse consigo.
No, he didn't tell me anything.
Não, ele não me disse nada.
I mean, he didn't tell me about what you guys do or anything but he liked you.
Ele não me disse o que fazem, mas... ele gostava de ti.
He's in a safe place, far from any man's reach, ready to tell the world that he didn't kill your father if I give the word or if anything happens to me.
Está num refúgio longe do alcance de qualquer homem, pronto para contar ao mundo que não foi ele que matou o vosso pai, se eu assim lho disser, ou se algo me acontecer.
Well, that's funny, he didn't tell me anything about it when I talked to him yesterday. - Log shows the evidence was admitted into storage after the trial. - Huh.
Engraçado, ele não me disse nada sobre isso ontem.
He didn't tell me anything. I...
Ele não me disse nada, eu...
He didn't tell me anything like that or he didn't see Teresa's body or anything like that.
Ele não me disse nada disso, ele não viu o corpo da Teresa nem nada disso.
He didn't tell me anything.
Não sei. Não me disse nada.
- He didn't tell me anything about this.
- Sim. Ele não me disse nada sobre isso.
Whenever I did anything he didn't like, he'd always tell me that,
Quando o contrariava, ele dizia :

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